3,718 research outputs found

    A case of using formal concept analysis in combination with emergent self organizing maps for detecting domestic violence.

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    In this paper, we propose a framework for iterative knowledge discovery from unstructured text using Formal Concept Analysis and Emergent Self Organizing Maps. We apply the framework to a real life case study using data from the Amsterdam-Amstelland police. The case zooms in on the problem of distilling concepts for domestic violence from the unstructured text in police reports. Our human-centered framework facilitates the exploration of the data and allows for an efficient incorporation of prior expert knowledge to steer the discovery process. This exploration resulted in the discovery of faulty case labellings, common classification errors made by police officers, confusing situations, missing values in police reports, etc. The framework was also used for iteratively expanding a domain-specific thesaurus. Furthermore, we showed how the presented method was used to develop a highly accurate and comprehensible classification model that automatically assigns a domestic or non-domestic violence label to police reports.Formal concept analysis; Emergent self organizing map; Text mining; Actionable knowledge discovery; Domestic violence;

    Concept discovery innovations in law enforcement: a perspective.

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    In the past decades, the amount of information available to law enforcement agencies has increased significantly. Most of this information is in textual form, however analyses have mainly focused on the structured data. In this paper, we give an overview of the concept discovery projects at the Amsterdam-Amstelland police where Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is being used as text mining instrument. FCA is combined with statistical techniques such as Hidden Markov Models (HMM) and Emergent Self Organizing Maps (ESOM). The combination of this concept discovery and refinement technique with statistical techniques for analyzing high-dimensional data not only resulted in new insights but often in actual improvements of the investigation procedures.Formal concept analysis; Intelligence led policing; Knowledge discovery;

    Detecting domestic violence.

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    Over 90% of the case data from police inquiries is stored as unstructured text in police databases. We use the combination of Formal Concept Analysis and Emergent Self Organizing Maps for exploring a dataset of unstructured police reports out of the Amsterdam-Amstelland police region in the Netherlands. In this paper, we specifically aim at making the reader familiar with how we used these two tools for browsing the dataset and how we discovered useful patterns for labelling cases as domestic or as non-domestic violence.Formal concept analysis (FCA); Emergent SOM; Domestic violence; Knowledge discovery in databases; Text mining; Exploratory data analysis;

    Curbing domestic violence: instantiating C-K theory with formal concept analysis and emergent self organizing maps.

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    In this paper we propose a human-centered process for knowledge discovery from unstructured text that makes use of Formal Concept Analysis and Emergent Self Organizing Maps. The knowledge discovery process is conceptualized and interpreted as successive iterations through the Concept-Knowledge (C-K) theory design square. To illustrate its effectiveness, we report on a real-life case study of using the process at the Amsterdam-Amstelland police in the Netherlands aimed at distilling concepts to identify domestic violence from the unstructured text in actual police reports. The case study allows us to show how the process was not only able to uncover the nature of a phenomenon such as domestic violence, but also enabled analysts to identify many types of anomalies in the practice of policing. We will illustrate how the insights obtained from this exercise resulted in major improvements in the management of domestic violence cases.Formal concept analysis; Emergent self organizing map; C-K theory; Text mining; Actionable knowledge discovery; Domestic violence;

    Concept Relation Discovery and Innovation Enabling Technology (CORDIET)

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    Concept Relation Discovery and Innovation Enabling Technology (CORDIET), is a toolbox for gaining new knowledge from unstructured text data. At the core of CORDIET is the C-K theory which captures the essential elements of innovation. The tool uses Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), Emergent Self Organizing Maps (ESOM) and Hidden Markov Models (HMM) as main artifacts in the analysis process. The user can define temporal, text mining and compound attributes. The text mining attributes are used to analyze the unstructured text in documents, the temporal attributes use these document's timestamps for analysis. The compound attributes are XML rules based on text mining and temporal attributes. The user can cluster objects with object-cluster rules and can chop the data in pieces with segmentation rules. The artifacts are optimized for efficient data analysis; object labels in the FCA lattice and ESOM map contain an URL on which the user can click to open the selected document

    A Systematic Literature Review of the Use of Computational Text Analysis Methods in Intimate Partner Violence Research

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    Purpose: Computational text mining methods are proposed as a useful methodological innovation in Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) research. Text mining can offer researchers access to existing or new datasets, sourced from social media or from IPV-related organisations, that would be too large to analyse manually. This article aims to give an overview of current work applying text mining methodologies in the study of IPV, as a starting point for researchers wanting to use such methods in their own work. Methods This article reports the results of a systematic review of academic research using computational text mining to research IPV. A review protocol was developed according to PRISMA guidelines, and a literature search of 8 databases was conducted, identifying 22 unique studies that were included in the review. Results: The included studies cover a wide range of methodologies and outcomes. Supervised and unsupervised approaches are represented, including rule-based classification (n = 3), traditional Machine Learning (n = 8), Deep Learning (n = 6) and topic modelling (n = 4) methods. Datasets are mostly sourced from social media (n = 15), with other data being sourced from police forces (n = 3), health or social care providers (n = 3), or litigation texts (n = 1). Evaluation methods mostly used a held-out, labelled test set, or k-fold Cross Validation, with Accuracy and F1 metrics reported. Only a few studies commented on the ethics of computational IPV research. Conclusions: Text mining methodologies offer promising data collection and analysis techniques for IPV research. Future work in this space must consider ethical implications of computational approaches

    Formally analysing the concepts of domestic violence.

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    The types of police inquiries performed these days are incredibly diverse. Often data processing architectures are not suited to cope with this diversity since most of the case data is still stored as unstructured text. In this paper Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is showcased for its exploratory data analysis capabilities in discovering domestic violence intelligence from a dataset of unstructured police reports filed with the regional police Amsterdam-Amstelland in the Netherlands. From this data analysis it is shown that FCA can be a powerful instrument to operationally improve policing practice. For one, it is shown that the definition of domestic violence employed by the police is not always as clear as it should be, making it hard to use it effectively for classification purposes. In addition, this paper presents newly discovered knowledge for automatically classifying certain cases as either domestic or non-domestic violence is. Moreover, it provides practical advice for detecting incorrect classifications performed by police officers. A final aspect to be discussed is the problems encountered because of the sometimes unstructured way of working of police officers. The added value of this paper resides in both using FCA for exploratory data analysis, as well as with the application of FCA for the detection of domestic violence.Formal concept analysis (FCA); Domestic violence; Knowledge discovery in databases; Text mining; Exploratory data analysis; Knowledge enrichment; Concept discovery;

    Novel Methods for Forensic Multimedia Data Analysis: Part I

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    The increased usage of digital media in daily life has resulted in the demand for novel multimedia data analysis techniques that can help to use these data for forensic purposes. Processing of such data for police investigation and as evidence in a court of law, such that data interpretation is reliable, trustworthy, and efficient in terms of human time and other resources required, will help greatly to speed up investigation and make investigation more effective. If such data are to be used as evidence in a court of law, techniques that can confirm origin and integrity are necessary. In this chapter, we are proposing a new concept for new multimedia processing techniques for varied multimedia sources. We describe the background and motivation for our work. The overall system architecture is explained. We present the data to be used. After a review of the state of the art of related work of the multimedia data we consider in this work, we describe the method and techniques we are developing that go beyond the state of the art. The work will be continued in a Chapter Part II of this topic
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