448 research outputs found

    Understanding the complexity of #SAT using knowledge compilation

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    Two main techniques have been used so far to solve the #P-hard problem #SAT. The first one, used in practice, is based on an extension of DPLL for model counting called exhaustive DPLL. The second approach, more theoretical, exploits the structure of the input to compute the number of satisfying assignments by usually using a dynamic programming scheme on a decomposition of the formula. In this paper, we make a first step toward the separation of these two techniques by exhibiting a family of formulas that can be solved in polynomial time with the first technique but needs an exponential time with the second one. We show this by observing that both techniques implicitely construct a very specific boolean circuit equivalent to the input formula. We then show that every beta-acyclic formula can be represented by a polynomial size circuit corresponding to the first method and exhibit a family of beta-acyclic formulas which cannot be represented by polynomial size circuits corresponding to the second method. This result shed a new light on the complexity of #SAT and related problems on beta-acyclic formulas. As a byproduct, we give new handy tools to design algorithms on beta-acyclic hypergraphs

    A CDCL-style calculus for solving non-linear constraints

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    In this paper we propose a novel approach for checking satisfiability of non-linear constraints over the reals, called ksmt. The procedure is based on conflict resolution in CDCL style calculus, using a composition of symbolical and numerical methods. To deal with the non-linear components in case of conflicts we use numerically constructed restricted linearisations. This approach covers a large number of computable non-linear real functions such as polynomials, rational or trigonometrical functions and beyond. A prototypical implementation has been evaluated on several non-linear SMT-LIB examples and the results have been compared with state-of-the-art SMT solvers.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures; accepted at FroCoS 2019; software available at <http://informatik.uni-trier.de/~brausse/ksmt/

    Bit-Vector Model Counting using Statistical Estimation

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    Approximate model counting for bit-vector SMT formulas (generalizing \#SAT) has many applications such as probabilistic inference and quantitative information-flow security, but it is computationally difficult. Adding random parity constraints (XOR streamlining) and then checking satisfiability is an effective approximation technique, but it requires a prior hypothesis about the model count to produce useful results. We propose an approach inspired by statistical estimation to continually refine a probabilistic estimate of the model count for a formula, so that each XOR-streamlined query yields as much information as possible. We implement this approach, with an approximate probability model, as a wrapper around an off-the-shelf SMT solver or SAT solver. Experimental results show that the implementation is faster than the most similar previous approaches which used simpler refinement strategies. The technique also lets us model count formulas over floating-point constraints, which we demonstrate with an application to a vulnerability in differential privacy mechanisms

    Linear CNF formulas and satisfiability

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    In this paper, we study {em linear} CNF formulas generalizing linear hypergraphs under combinatorial and complexity theoretical aspects w.r.t. SAT. We establish NP-completeness of SAT for the unrestricted linear formula class, and we show the equivalence of NP-completeness of restricted uniform linear formula classes w.r.t. SAT and the existence of unsatisfiable uniform linear witness formulas. On that basis we prove the NP-completeness of SAT for the uniform linear classes in a proof-theoretic manner by constructing however large-sized formulas. Interested in small witness formulas, we exhibit some combinatorial features of linear hypergraphs closely related to latin squares and finite projective planes helping to construct somehow dense, and significantly smaller unsatisfiable k -uniform linear formulas, at least for the cases k=3,4

    XSAT and NAE-SAT of linear CNF classes

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    XSAT and NAE-SAT are important variants of the propositional satisfiability problem (SAT). Both are studied here regarding their computational complexity of linear CNF formulas. We prove that both variants remain NP-complete for (monotone) linear formulas yielding the conclusion that also bicolorability of linear hypergraphs is NP-complete. The reduction used gives rise to the complexity investigation of both variants for several monotone linear subclasses that are parameterized by the size of clauses or by the number of occurrences of variables. In particular cases of these parameter values we are able to verify the NP-completeness of XSAT respectively NAE-SAT; though we cannot provide a complete treatment. Finally we focus on exact linear formulas where clauses intersect pairwise, and for which SAT is known to be polynomial-time solvable. We verify the same assertion for NAE-SAT relying on some well-known result; whereas we obtain NP-completeness for XSAT of exact linear formulas. The case of uniform clause size k remains open for the latter problem. However, we can provide its polynomial-time behavior for k at most 6

    Linear CNF formulas and satisfiability

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    In this paper, we study {em linear} CNF formulas generalizing linear hypergraphs under combinatorial and complexity theoretical aspects w.r.t. SAT. We establish NP-completeness of SAT for the unrestricted linear formula class, and we show the equivalence of NP-completeness of restricted uniform linear formula classes w.r.t. SAT and the existence of unsatisfiable uniform linear witness formulas. On that basis we prove the NP-completeness of SAT for the uniform linear classes in a proof-theoretic manner by constructing however large-sized formulas. Interested in small witness formulas, we exhibit some combinatorial features of linear hypergraphs closely related to latin squares and finite projective planes helping to construct somehow dense, and significantly smaller unsatisfiable k -uniform linear formulas, at least for the cases k=3,4
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