243 research outputs found

    Narrowband PLC channel modeling using USRP and PSK modulations

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    The indoor narrowband power line communication (NB-PLC) suffers from noise impairments, which emanate from several end-user electrical devices connected across the PLC channel. These noise impairments result into burst errors, which consequently lead to data corruption. Therefore, in order to implement robust communication techniques that will thrive on the noisy PLC channel, a full knowledge and modeling of the noise that exists on the NB-PLC channel is inevitable. This paper thus reports a First-order Markov modeling of NB-PLC channel noise, based on experimental measurements. For the modeling, BPSK, DBPSK, QPSK and DQPSK modulation schemes were implemented using Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP). The resulting channel models are useful for improving the robustness of the above modulation schemes as well as designing forward error correction techniques for mitigating the effect of noise impairments. The results are also useful in optimizing NB-PLC system design, thereby, enhancing the accuracy and improving the overall PLC system performance

    Fifty Years of Noise Modeling and Mitigation in Power-Line Communications.

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    Building on the ubiquity of electric power infrastructure, power line communications (PLC) has been successfully used in diverse application scenarios, including the smart grid and in-home broadband communications systems as well as industrial and home automation. However, the power line channel exhibits deleterious properties, one of which is its hostile noise environment. This article aims for providing a review of noise modeling and mitigation techniques in PLC. Specifically, a comprehensive review of representative noise models developed over the past fifty years is presented, including both the empirical models based on measurement campaigns and simplified mathematical models. Following this, we provide an extensive survey of the suite of noise mitigation schemes, categorizing them into mitigation at the transmitter as well as parametric and non-parametric techniques employed at the receiver. Furthermore, since the accuracy of channel estimation in PLC is affected by noise, we review the literature of joint noise mitigation and channel estimation solutions. Finally, a number of directions are outlined for future research on both noise modeling and mitigation in PLC

    Classification and modeling of power line noise using machine learning techniques

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    A thesis submitted in ful lment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the School of Electrical and Information Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment June 2017The realization of robust, reliable and e cient data transmission have been the theme of recent research, most importantly in real channel such as the noisy, fading prone power line communication (PLC) channel. The focus is to exploit old techniques or create new techniques capable of improving the transmission reliability and also increasing the transmission capacity of the real communication channels. Multi-carrier modulation scheme such as Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) utilizing conventional single-carrier modulation is developed to facilitate a robust data transmission, increasing transmission capacity (e cient bandwidth usage) and further reducing design complexity in PLC systems. On the contrary, the reliability of data transmission is subjected to several inhibiting factors as a result of the varying nature of the PLC channel. These inhibiting factors include noise, perturbation and disturbances. Contrary to the Additive White Gaussian noise (AWGN) model often assumed in several communication systems, this noise model fails to capture the attributes of noise encountered on the PLC channel. This is because periodic noise or random noise pulses injected by power electronic appliances on the network is a deviation from the AWGN. The nature of the noise is categorized as non-white non-Gaussian and unstable due to its impulsive attributes, thus, it is labeled as Non-additive White Gaussian Noise (NAWGN). These noise and disturbances results into long burst errors that corrupts signals being transmitted, thus, the PLC is labeled as a horrible or burst error channel. The e cient and optimal performance of a conventional linear receiver in the white Gaussian noise environment can therefore be made to drastically degrade in this NAWGN environment. Therefore, transmission reliability in such environment can be greatly enhanced if we know and exploit the knowledge of the channel's statistical attributes, thus, the need for developing statistical channel model based on empirical data. In this thesis, attention is focused on developing a recon gurable software de ned un-coded single-carrier and multicarrier PLC transceiver as a tool for realizing an optimized channel model for the narrowband PLC (NB-PLC) channel. First, a novel recon gurable software de ned un-coded single-carrier and multi-carrier PLC transceiver is developed for real-time NB-PLC transmission. The transceivers can be adapted to implement di erent waveforms for several real-time scenarios and performance evaluation. Due to the varying noise parameters obtained from country to country as a result of the dependence of noise impairment on mains voltages, topology of power line, place and time, the developed transceivers is capable of facilitating constant measurement campaigns to capture these varying noise parameters before statistical and mathematically inclined channel models are derived. Furthermore, the single-carrier (Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK), Di erential BPSK (DBPSK), Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) and Di erential QPSK (DQPSK)) PLC transceiver system developed is used to facilitate a First-Order semi-hidden Fritchman Markov modeling (SHFMM) of the NB-PLC channel utilizing the e cient iterative Baum- Welch algorithm (BWA) for parameter estimation. The performance of each modulation scheme is evaluated in a mildly and heavily disturbed scenarios for both residential and laboratory site considered. The First-Order estimated error statistics of the realized First- Order SHFMM have been analytically validated in terms of performance metrics such as: log-likelihood ratio (LLR), error-free run distribution (EFRD), error probabilities, mean square error (MSE) and Chi-square ( 2) test. The reliability of the model results is also con rmed by an excellent match between the empirically obtained error sequence and the SHFMM regenerated error sequence as shown by the error-free run distribution plot. This thesis also reports a novel development of a low cost, low complexity Frequency-shift keying (FSK) - On-o keying (OOK) in-house hybrid PLC and VLC system. The functionality of this hybrid PLC-VLC transceiver system was ascertained at both residential and laboratory site at three di erent times of the day: morning, afternoon and evening. A First and Second-Order SHFMM of the hybrid system is realized. The error statistics of the realized First and Second-Order SHFMMs have been analytically validated in terms of LLR, EFRD, error probabilities, MSE and Chi-square ( 2). The Second-Order SHFMMs have also been analytically validated to be superior to the First-Order SHFMMs although at the expense of added computational complexity. The reliability of both First and Second-Order SHFMM results is con rmed by an excellent match between the empirical error sequences and SHFMM re-generated error sequences as shown by the EFRD plot. In addition, the multi-carrier (QPSK-OFDM, Di erential QPSK (DQPSK)-OFDM) and Di erential 8-PSK (D8PSK)-OFDM) PLC transceiver system developed is used to facilitate a First and Second-Order modeling of the NB-PLC system using the SHFMM and BWA for parameter estimation. The performance of each OFDM modulation scheme in evaluated and compared taking into consideration the mildly and heavily disturbed noise scenarios for the two measurement sites considered. The estimated error statistics of the realized SHFMMs have been analytically validated in terms of LLR, EFRD, error probabilities, MSE and Chi-square ( 2) test. The estimated Second-Order SHFMMs have been analytically validated to be outperform the First-Order SHFMMs although with added computational complexity. The reliability of the models is con rmed by an excellent match between the empirical data and SHFMM generated data as shown by the EFRD plot. The statistical models obtained using Baum-Welch to adjust the parameters of the adopted SHFMM are often locally maximized. To solve this problem, a novel Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, a Bayesian inference approach based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is developed to optimize the parameters of the adopted SHFMM. The algorithm is used to optimize the model results obtained from the single-carrier and multi-carrier PLC systems as well as that of the hybrid PLC-VLC system. Consequently, as deduced from the results, the models obtained utilizing the novel Metropolis-Hastings algorithm are more precise, near optimal model with parameter sets that are closer to the global maxima. Generally, the model results obtained in this thesis are relevant in enhancing transmission reliability on the PLC channel through the use of the models to improve the adopted modulation schemes, create adaptive modulation techniques, develop and evaluate forward error correction (FEC) codes such as a concatenation of Reed-Solomon and Permutation codes and other robust codes suitable for exploiting and mitigating noise impairments encountered on the low voltage NB-PLC channel. Furthermore, the recon gurable software de ned NB-PLC transceiver test-bed developed can be utilized for future measurement campaign as well as adapted for multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) PLC applications.MT201

    Classification and modeling of power line noise using machine learning techniques

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    A thesis submitted in ful lment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the School of Electrical and Information Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment June 2017The realization of robust, reliable and e cient data transmission have been the theme of recent research, most importantly in real channel such as the noisy, fading prone power line communication (PLC) channel. The focus is to exploit old techniques or create new techniques capable of improving the transmission reliability and also increasing the transmission capacity of the real communication channels. Multi-carrier modulation scheme such as Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) utilizing conventional single-carrier modulation is developed to facilitate a robust data transmission, increasing transmission capacity (e cient bandwidth usage) and further reducing design complexity in PLC systems. On the contrary, the reliability of data transmission is subjected to several inhibiting factors as a result of the varying nature of the PLC channel. These inhibiting factors include noise, perturbation and disturbances. Contrary to the Additive White Gaussian noise (AWGN) model often assumed in several communication systems, this noise model fails to capture the attributes of noise encountered on the PLC channel. This is because periodic noise or random noise pulses injected by power electronic appliances on the network is a deviation from the AWGN. The nature of the noise is categorized as non-white non-Gaussian and unstable due to its impulsive attributes, thus, it is labeled as Non-additive White Gaussian Noise (NAWGN). These noise and disturbances results into long burst errors that corrupts signals being transmitted, thus, the PLC is labeled as a horrible or burst error channel. The e cient and optimal performance of a conventional linear receiver in the white Gaussian noise environment can therefore be made to drastically degrade in this NAWGN environment. Therefore, transmission reliability in such environment can be greatly enhanced if we know and exploit the knowledge of the channel's statistical attributes, thus, the need for developing statistical channel model based on empirical data. In this thesis, attention is focused on developing a recon gurable software de ned un-coded single-carrier and multicarrier PLC transceiver as a tool for realizing an optimized channel model for the narrowband PLC (NB-PLC) channel. First, a novel recon gurable software de ned un-coded single-carrier and multi-carrier PLC transceiver is developed for real-time NB-PLC transmission. The transceivers can be adapted to implement di erent waveforms for several real-time scenarios and performance evaluation. Due to the varying noise parameters obtained from country to country as a result of the dependence of noise impairment on mains voltages, topology of power line, place and time, the developed transceivers is capable of facilitating constant measurement campaigns to capture these varying noise parameters before statistical and mathematically inclined channel models are derived. Furthermore, the single-carrier (Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK), Di erential BPSK (DBPSK), Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) and Di erential QPSK (DQPSK)) PLC transceiver system developed is used to facilitate a First-Order semi-hidden Fritchman Markov modeling (SHFMM) of the NB-PLC channel utilizing the e cient iterative Baum- Welch algorithm (BWA) for parameter estimation. The performance of each modulation scheme is evaluated in a mildly and heavily disturbed scenarios for both residential and laboratory site considered. The First-Order estimated error statistics of the realized First- Order SHFMM have been analytically validated in terms of performance metrics such as: log-likelihood ratio (LLR), error-free run distribution (EFRD), error probabilities, mean square error (MSE) and Chi-square ( 2) test. The reliability of the model results is also con rmed by an excellent match between the empirically obtained error sequence and the SHFMM regenerated error sequence as shown by the error-free run distribution plot. This thesis also reports a novel development of a low cost, low complexity Frequency-shift keying (FSK) - On-o keying (OOK) in-house hybrid PLC and VLC system. The functionality of this hybrid PLC-VLC transceiver system was ascertained at both residential and laboratory site at three di erent times of the day: morning, afternoon and evening. A First and Second-Order SHFMM of the hybrid system is realized. The error statistics of the realized First and Second-Order SHFMMs have been analytically validated in terms of LLR, EFRD, error probabilities, MSE and Chi-square ( 2). The Second-Order SHFMMs have also been analytically validated to be superior to the First-Order SHFMMs although at the expense of added computational complexity. The reliability of both First and Second-Order SHFMM results is con rmed by an excellent match between the empirical error sequences and SHFMM re-generated error sequences as shown by the EFRD plot. In addition, the multi-carrier (QPSK-OFDM, Di erential QPSK (DQPSK)-OFDM) and Di erential 8-PSK (D8PSK)-OFDM) PLC transceiver system developed is used to facilitate a First and Second-Order modeling of the NB-PLC system using the SHFMM and BWA for parameter estimation. The performance of each OFDM modulation scheme in evaluated and compared taking into consideration the mildly and heavily disturbed noise scenarios for the two measurement sites considered. The estimated error statistics of the realized SHFMMs have been analytically validated in terms of LLR, EFRD, error probabilities, MSE and Chi-square ( 2) test. The estimated Second-Order SHFMMs have been analytically validated to be outperform the First-Order SHFMMs although with added computational complexity. The reliability of the models is con rmed by an excellent match between the empirical data and SHFMM generated data as shown by the EFRD plot. The statistical models obtained using Baum-Welch to adjust the parameters of the adopted SHFMM are often locally maximized. To solve this problem, a novel Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, a Bayesian inference approach based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is developed to optimize the parameters of the adopted SHFMM. The algorithm is used to optimize the model results obtained from the single-carrier and multi-carrier PLC systems as well as that of the hybrid PLC-VLC system. Consequently, as deduced from the results, the models obtained utilizing the novel Metropolis-Hastings algorithm are more precise, near optimal model with parameter sets that are closer to the global maxima. Generally, the model results obtained in this thesis are relevant in enhancing transmission reliability on the PLC channel through the use of the models to improve the adopted modulation schemes, create adaptive modulation techniques, develop and evaluate forward error correction (FEC) codes such as a concatenation of Reed-Solomon and Permutation codes and other robust codes suitable for exploiting and mitigating noise impairments encountered on the low voltage NB-PLC channel. Furthermore, the recon gurable software de ned NB-PLC transceiver test-bed developed can be utilized for future measurement campaign as well as adapted for multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) PLC applications.MT201

    A General Framework for Analyzing, Characterizing, and Implementing Spectrally Modulated, Spectrally Encoded Signals

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    Fourth generation (4G) communications will support many capabilities while providing universal, high speed access. One potential enabler for these capabilities is software defined radio (SDR). When controlled by cognitive radio (CR) principles, the required waveform diversity is achieved via a synergistic union called CR-based SDR. Research is rapidly progressing in SDR hardware and software venues, but current CR-based SDR research lacks the theoretical foundation and analytic framework to permit efficient implementation. This limitation is addressed here by introducing a general framework for analyzing, characterizing, and implementing spectrally modulated, spectrally encoded (SMSE) signals within CR-based SDR architectures. Given orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a 4G candidate signal, OFDM-based signals are collectively classified as SMSE since modulation and encoding are spectrally applied. The proposed framework provides analytic commonality and unification of SMSE signals. Applicability is first shown for candidate 4G signals, and resultant analytic expressions agree with published results. Implementability is then demonstrated in multiple coexistence scenarios via modeling and simulation to reinforce practical utility

    Efficient Ambient LoRa Backscatter with On-Off Keying Modulation

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    Backscatter communication holds potential for ubiquitous and low-cost connectivity among low-power IoT devices. To avoid interference between the carrier signal and the backscatter signal, recent works propose a frequency-shifting technique to separate these two signals in the frequency domain. Such proposals, however, have to occupy the precious wireless spectrum that is already overcrowded, and increase the power, cost, and complexity of the backscatter tag. In this paper, we revisit the classic ON-OFF Keying (OOK) modulation and propose Aloba, a backscatter system that takes the ambient LoRa transmissions as the excitation and piggybacks the in-band OOK modulated signals over the LoRa transmissions. Our design enables the backsactter signal to work in the same frequency band of the carrier signal, meanwhile achieving flexible data rate at different transmission range. The key contributions of Aloba include: (1) the design of a low-power backscatter tag that can pick up the ambient LoRa signals from other signals. (2) a novel decoding algorithm to demodulate both the carrier signal and the backscatter signal from their superposition. We further adopt link coding mechanism and interleave operation to enhance the reliability of backscatter signal decoding. We implement Aloba and conduct head-to-head comparison with the state-of-the-art LoRa backscatter system PLoRa in various settings. The experiment results show Aloba can achieve 199.4 Kbps data rate at various distances, 52.4 times higher than PLoRa

    Performance enhancement for LTE and beyond systems

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyWireless communication systems have undergone fast development in recent years. Based on GSM/EDGE and UMTS/HSPA, the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) specified the Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard to cope with rapidly increasing demands, including capacity, coverage, and data rate. To achieve this goal, several key techniques have been adopted by LTE, such as Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output (MIMO), Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM), and heterogeneous network (HetNet). However, there are some inherent drawbacks regarding these techniques. Direct conversion architecture is adopted to provide a simple, low cost transmitter solution. The problem of I/Q imbalance arises due to the imperfection of circuit components; the orthogonality of OFDM is vulnerable to carrier frequency offset (CFO) and sampling frequency offset (SFO). The doubly selective channel can also severely deteriorate the receiver performance. In addition, the deployment of Heterogeneous Network (HetNet), which permits the co-existence of macro and pico cells, incurs inter-cell interference for cell edge users. The impact of these factors then results in significant degradation in relation to system performance. This dissertation aims to investigate the key techniques which can be used to mitigate the above problems. First, I/Q imbalance for the wideband transmitter is studied and a self-IQ-demodulation based compensation scheme for frequencydependent (FD) I/Q imbalance is proposed. This combats the FD I/Q imbalance by using the internal diode of the transmitter and a specially designed test signal without any external calibration instruments or internal low-IF feedback path. The instrument test results show that the proposed scheme can enhance signal quality by 10 dB in terms of image rejection ratio (IRR). In addition to the I/Q imbalance, the system suffers from CFO, SFO and frequency-time selective channel. To mitigate this, a hybrid optimum OFDM receiver with decision feedback equalizer (DFE) to cope with the CFO, SFO and doubly selective channel. The algorithm firstly estimates the CFO and channel frequency response (CFR) in the coarse estimation, with the help of hybrid classical timing and frequency synchronization algorithms. Afterwards, a pilot-aided polynomial interpolation channel estimation, combined with a low complexity DFE scheme, based on minimum mean squared error (MMSE) criteria, is developed to alleviate the impact of the residual SFO, CFO, and Doppler effect. A subspace-based signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) estimation algorithm is proposed to estimate the SNR in the doubly selective channel. This provides prior knowledge for MMSE-DFE and automatic modulation and coding (AMC). Simulation results show that this proposed estimation algorithm significantly improves the system performance. In order to speed up algorithm verification process, an FPGA based co-simulation is developed. Inter-cell interference caused by the co-existence of macro and pico cells has a big impact on system performance. Although an almost blank subframe (ABS) is proposed to mitigate this problem, the residual control signal in the ABS still inevitably causes interference. Hence, a cell-specific reference signal (CRS) interference cancellation algorithm, utilizing the information in the ABS, is proposed. First, the timing and carrier frequency offset of the interference signal is compensated by utilizing the cross-correlation properties of the synchronization signal. Afterwards, the reference signal is generated locally and channel response is estimated by making use of channel statistics. Then, the interference signal is reconstructed based on the previous estimate of the channel, timing and carrier frequency offset. The interference is mitigated by subtracting the estimation of the interference signal and LLR puncturing. The block error rate (BLER) performance of the signal is notably improved by this algorithm, according to the simulation results of different channel scenarios. The proposed techniques provide low cost, low complexity solutions for LTE and beyond systems. The simulation and measurements show good overall system performance can be achieved

    Secure mobile radio communication over narrowband RF channel.

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    by Wong Chun Kau, Jolly.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1992.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 84-88).ABSTRACT --- p.1ACKNOWLEDGEMENT --- p.3Chapter 1. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.7Chapter 1.1 --- Land Mobile Radio (LMR) CommunicationsChapter 1.2 --- Paramilitary Communications SecurityChapter 1.3 --- Voice Scrambling MethodsChapter 1.4 --- Digital Voice EncryptionChapter 1.5 --- Digital Secure LMRChapter 2. --- DESIGN GOALS --- p.20Chapter 2.1 --- System Concept and ConfigurationChapter 2.2 --- Operational RequirementsChapter 2.2.1 --- Operating conditionsChapter 2.2.2 --- Intelligibility and speech qualityChapter 2.2.3 --- Field coverage and transmission delayChapter 2.2.4 --- Reliability and maintenanceChapter 2.3 --- Functional RequirementsChapter 2.3.1 --- Major system featuresChapter 2.3.2 --- Cryptographic featuresChapter 2.3.3 --- Phone patch facilityChapter 2.3.4 --- Mobile data capabilityChapter 2.4 --- Bandwidth RequirementsChapter 2.5 --- Bit Error Rate RequirementsChapter 3. --- VOICE CODERS --- p.38Chapter 3.1 --- Digital Speech Coding MethodsChapter 3.1.1 --- Waveform codingChapter 3.1.2 --- Linear predictive codingChapter 3.1.3 --- Sub-band codingChapter 3.1.4 --- VocodersChapter 3.2 --- Performance EvaluationChapter 4. --- CRYPTOGRAPHIC CONCERNS --- p.52Chapter 4.1 --- Basic Concepts and CryptoanalysisChapter 4.2 --- Digital Encryption TechniquesChapter 4.3 --- Crypto SynchronizationChapter 4.3.1 --- Auto synchronizationChapter 4.3.2 --- Initial synchronizationChapter 4.3.3 --- Continuous synchronizationChapter 4.3.4 --- Hybrid synchronizationChapter 5. --- DIGITAL MODULATION --- p.63Chapter 5.1 --- Narrowband Channel RequirementsChapter 5.2 --- Narrowband Digital FMChapter 5.3 --- Performance EvaluationChapter 6. --- SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION --- p.71Chapter 6.1 --- Potential EMC ProblemsChapter 6.2 --- Frequency PlanningChapter 6.3 --- Key ManagementChapter 6.4 --- Potential Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) ProblemsChapter 7. --- CONCLUSION --- p.80LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS --- p.81REFERENCES --- p.82APPENDICES --- p.89Chapter I. --- Path Propagation Loss(L) Vs Distance (d)Chapter II. --- Speech Quality Assessment Tests performedby Special Duties Unit (SDU

    A multicast overlay scheme for wavelength division multiplexed passive optical networks.

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    Zhang, Yin.Thesis submitted in: December 2008.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 56-60).Abstracts in English and Chinese.Chapter Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 1.1 --- Telecommunications network hierarchy --- p.2Chapter 1.2 --- PON architectures for access networks --- p.4Chapter 1.2.1 --- TDM-PON --- p.5Chapter 1.2.2 --- WDM-PON --- p.7Chapter 1.3 --- Data delivery mode in WDM-PON --- p.8Chapter 1.3.1 --- Point-to-point --- p.8Chapter 1.3.2 --- Broadcast --- p.9Chapter 1.3.3 --- Multicast --- p.10Chapter 1.4 --- Motivation of this thesis --- p.10Chapter 1.5 --- Outline of this thesis --- p.13Chapter Chapter 2 --- Previous Multicast Architectures in WDM-PON --- p.14Chapter 2.1 --- Introduction --- p.15Chapter 2.2 --- Previous WDM-PON architectures with multicast capability --- p.15Chapter 2.2.1 --- Subcarrier multiplexing --- p.16Chapter 2.2.2 --- All-optical based multicast enabled architecture --- p.18Chapter 2.3 --- Summary --- p.21Chapter Chapter 3 --- A Multicast enabled WDM-PON Architecture Using ASK-DPSK Orthogonal Modulation --- p.23Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.24Chapter 3.2 --- System architecture --- p.25Chapter 3.3 --- Experimental Demonstration --- p.27Chapter 3.4 --- Discussion --- p.31Chapter 3.5 --- Summary --- p.36Chapter Chapter 4 --- A WG filtering and its suppression in quaternary ASK-DPSK based multicast enabled WDM-PON --- p.37Chapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.38Chapter 4.2 --- Principle of narrowband filtering --- p.38Chapter 4.3 --- Simulation model --- p.40Chapter 4.4 --- Simulation results and discussion --- p.42Chapter 4.4.1 --- Different extinction ratios --- p.43Chapter 4.4.2 --- Different AWG filter shape and bandwidth --- p.47Chapter 4.5 --- Summary --- p.50Chapter Chapter 5 --- Summary and Future Works --- p.51Chapter 5.1 --- Summary of the thesis --- p.52Chapter 5.2 --- Future works --- p.53List of Publications --- p.55BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.5
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