817 research outputs found

    Semantic class learning from the web with hyponym pattern linkage graphs

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    Journal ArticleWe present a novel approach to weakly supervised semantic class learning from the web, using a single powerful hyponym pattern combined with graph structures, which capture two properties associated with pattern-based extractions: popularity and productivity. Intuitively, a candidate is popular if it was discovered many times by other instances in the hyponym pattern. A candidate is productive if it frequently leads to the discovery of other instances. Together, these two measures capture not only frequency of occurrence, but also cross-checking that the candidate occurs both near the class name and near other class members. We developed two algorithms that begin with just a class name and one seed instance and then automatically generate a ranked list of new class instances. We conducted experiments on four semantic classes and consistently achieved high accuracies

    Learning subjective nouns using extraction pattern bootstrapping

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    Journal ArticleWe explore the idea of creating a subjectivity classifier that uses lists of subjective nouns learned by bootstrapping algorithms. The goal of our research is to develop a system that can distinguish subjective sentences from objective sentences. First, we use two bootstrapping algorithms that exploit extraction patterns to learn sets of subjective nouns. Then we train a Naive Bayes classifier using the subjective nouns, discourse features, and subjectivity clues identified in prior research. The bootstrapping algorithms learned over 1000 subjective nouns, and the subjectivity classifier performed well, achieving 77% recall with 81% precision

    Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science

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    dissertationOver the last decade, social media has emerged as a revolutionary platform for informal communication and social interactions among people. Publicly expressing thoughts, opinions, and feelings is one of the key characteristics of social media. In this dissertation, I present research on automatically acquiring knowledge from social media that can be used to recognize people's affective state (i.e., what someone feels at a given time) in text. This research addresses two types of affective knowledge: 1) hashtag indicators of emotion consisting of emotion hashtags and emotion hashtag patterns, and 2) affective understanding of similes (a form of figurative comparison). My research introduces a bootstrapped learning algorithm for learning hashtag in- dicators of emotions from tweets with respect to five emotion categories: Affection, Anger/Rage, Fear/Anxiety, Joy, and Sadness/Disappointment. With a few seed emotion hashtags per emotion category, the bootstrapping algorithm iteratively learns new hashtags and more generalized hashtag patterns by analyzing emotion in tweets that contain these indicators. Emotion phrases are also harvested from the learned indicators to train additional classifiers that use the surrounding word context of the phrases as features. This is the first work to learn hashtag indicators of emotions. My research also presents a supervised classification method for classifying affective polarity of similes in Twitter. Using lexical, semantic, and sentiment properties of different simile components as features, supervised classifiers are trained to classify a simile into a positive or negative affective polarity class. The property of comparison is also fundamental to the affective understanding of similes. My research introduces a novel framework for inferring implicit properties that 1) uses syntactic constructions, statistical association, dictionary definitions and word embedding vector similarity to generate and rank candidate properties, 2) re-ranks the top properties using influence from multiple simile components, and 3) aggregates the ranks of each property from different methods to create a final ranked list of properties. The inferred properties are used to derive additional features for the supervised classifiers to further improve affective polarity recognition. Experimental results show substantial improvements in affective understanding of similes over the use of existing sentiment resources

    A Semi-Supervised Approach to the Construction of Semantic Lexicons

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    A growing number of applications require dictionaries of words belonging to semantic classes present in specialized domains. Manually constructed knowledge bases often do not provide sufficient coverage of specialized vocabulary and require substantial effort to build and keep up-to-date. In this thesis, we propose a semi-supervised approach to the construction of domain-specific semantic lexicons based on the distributional similarity hypothesis. Our method starts with a small set of seed words representing the target class and an unannotated text corpus. It locates instances of seed words in the text and generates lexical patterns from their contexts; these patterns in turn extract more words/phrases that belong to the semantic category in an iterative manner. This bootstrapping process can be continued until the output lexicon reaches the desired size. We explore employing techniques such as learning lexicons for multiple semantic classes at the same time and using feedback from competing lexicons to increase the learning precision. Evaluated for extraction of dish names and subjective adjectives from a corpus of restaurant reviews, our approach demonstrates great flexibility in learning various word classes, and also performance improvements over state of the art bootstrapping and distributional similarity techniques for the extraction of semantically similar words. Its shallow lexical patterns also prove to perform superior to syntactic patterns in capturing the semantic class of words

    Combining Contexts in Lexicon Learning for Semantic Parsing

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    Proceedings of the 16th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics NODALIDA-2007. Editors: Joakim Nivre, Heiki-Jaan Kaalep, Kadri Muischnek and Mare Koit. University of Tartu, Tartu, 2007. ISBN 978-9985-4-0513-0 (online) ISBN 978-9985-4-0514-7 (CD-ROM) pp. 175-182

    Towards a relation extraction framework for cyber-security concepts

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    In order to assist security analysts in obtaining information pertaining to their network, such as novel vulnerabilities, exploits, or patches, information retrieval methods tailored to the security domain are needed. As labeled text data is scarce and expensive, we follow developments in semi-supervised Natural Language Processing and implement a bootstrapping algorithm for extracting security entities and their relationships from text. The algorithm requires little input data, specifically, a few relations or patterns (heuristics for identifying relations), and incorporates an active learning component which queries the user on the most important decisions to prevent drifting from the desired relations. Preliminary testing on a small corpus shows promising results, obtaining precision of .82.Comment: 4 pages in Cyber & Information Security Research Conference 2015, AC

    A Survey of Biological Entity Recognition Approaches

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    There has been growing interest in the task of Named Entity Recognition (NER) and a lot of research has been done in this direction in last two decades. Particularly, a lot of progress has been made in the biomedical domain with emphasis on identifying domain-specific entities and often the task being known as Biological Named Entity Recognition (BER). The task of biological entity recognition (BER) has been proved to be a challenging task due to several reasons as identified by many researchers. The recognition of biological entities in text and the extraction of relationships between them have paved the way for doing more complex text-mining tasks and building further applications. This paper looks at the challenges perceived by the researchers in BER task and investigates the works done in the domain of BER by using the multiple approaches available for the task