6 research outputs found

    A Biogeography-Based Optimization Algorithm Hybridized With Tabu Search For The Quadratic Assignment Problem

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    The quadratic assignment problem (QAP) is an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem with a wide variety of applications. Biogeography-based optimization (BBO), a relatively new optimization technique based on the biogeography concept, uses the idea of migration strategy of species to derive algorithm for solving optimization problems. It has been shown that BBO provides performance on a par with other optimization methods. A classical BBO algorithm employs the mutation operator as its diversification strategy. However, this process will often ruin the quality of solutions in QAP. In this paper, we propose a hybrid technique to overcome the weakness of classical BBO algorithm to solve QAP, by replacing the mutation operator with a tabu search procedure. Our experiments using the benchmark instances from QAPLIB show that the proposed hybrid method is able to find good solutions for them within reasonable computational times. Out of 61 benchmark instances tested, the proposed method is able to obtain the best known solutions for 57 of them

    Quadratic Assignment Problem (Model, Applications, Solutions): Review Paper

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    n operations research, Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) is a significant combinatorial optimization problem. When the size of the QAP problem increases, it becomes impossible to solve the problem in polynomial time. Several practical problems such as hospital and campus layout, allocation of gates to airplanes in airports and electrical backboard wiring problems can bemodeled as QAP. The QAP model seeks to identify the optimal distribution of N facilities to N locations in a way that minimizes the total traveling cost based on the distance between every pair of a location and the amount of traffic between every pair of facilities of organizational units within a building. Against this background, there are two main approaches have been suggested to deal with QAP, and they are, the Exact and Approximate (Heuristic and Metaheuristic) approaches. The exact approach provides a global optimal solution for the small size of QAP, while the approximate approaches can find the optimal or a near-optimal solution at a reasonable time for large-sized QAP. The objectives of this study are as follows: (i) To analysis the QAP model, (ii) To conduct a comprehensive survey of the methods that have been used to solve the QAP model, (iii) To identify the issues and limitations of the methods in (ii), and (iv) to explore the best approach that can be used in enhancing the solutions of QAPmodel within a reasonable time based on the accuracy of algorithm. The results show that the hybrid metaheuristic approach has the capability of finding the best results within a reasonable time for the large sized problem

    Hybridization of modified sine cosine algorithm with tabu search for solving quadratic assignment problem

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    Sine Cosine Algorithm (SCA) is a population-based metaheuristic method that widely used to solve various optimization problem due to its ability in stabilizing between exploration and exploitation. However, SCA is rarely used to solve discrete optimization problem such as Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) due to the nature of its solution which produce continuous values and makes it challenging in solving discrete optimization problem. The SCA is also found to be trapped in local optima since its lacking in memorizing the moves. Besides, local search strategy is required in attaining superior results and it is usually designed based on the problem under study. Hence, this study aims to develop a hybrid modified SCA with Tabu Search (MSCA-TS) model to solve QAP. In QAP, a set of facilities is assigned to a set of locations to form a one-to-one assignment with minimum assignment cost. Firstly, the modified SCA (MSCA) model with cost-based local search strategy is developed. Then, the MSCA is hybridized with TS to prohibit revisiting the previous solutions. Finally, both designated models (MSCA and MSCA-TS) were tested on 60 QAP instances from QAPLIB. A sensitivity analysis is also performed to identify suitable parameter settings for both models. Comparison of results shows that MSCA-TS performs better than MSCA. The percentage of error and standard deviation for MSCA-TS are lower than the MSCA which are 2.4574 and 0.2968 respectively. The computational results also shows that the MSCA-TS is an effective and superior method in solving QAP when compared to the best-known solutions presented in the literature. The developed models may assist decision makers in searching the most suitable assignment for facilities and locations while minimizing cost

    A New Hybrid Approach Based On Discrete Differential Evolution Algorithm To Enhancement Solutions Of Quadratic Assignment Problem

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    The Combinatorial Optimization Problem (COPs) is one of the branches of applied mathematics and computer sciences, which is accompanied by many problems such as Facility Layout Problem (FLP), Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), etc. Even though the use of several mathematical formulations is employed for FLP, Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) is one of the most commonly used. One of the major problems of Combinatorial NP-hard Optimization Problem is QAP mathematical model. Consequently, many approaches have been introduced to solve this problem, and these approaches are classified as Approximate and Exact methods. With QAP, each facility is allocated to just one location, thereby reducing cost in terms of aggregate distances weighted by flow values. The primary aim of this study is to propose a hybrid approach which combines Discrete Differential Evolution (DDE) algorithm and Tabu Search (TS) algorithm to enhance solutions of QAP model, to reduce the distances between the locations by finding the best distribution of N facilities to N locations, and to implement hybrid approach based on discrete differential evolution (HDDETS) on many instances of QAP from the benchmark. The performance of the proposed approach has been tested on several sets of instances from the data set of QAP and the results obtained have shown the effective performance of the proposed algorithm in improving several solutions of QAP in reasonable time. Afterwards, the proposed approach is compared with other recent methods in the literature review. Based on the computation results, the proposed hybrid approach outperforms the other method

    Multi-objective facility layout problems using BBO, NSBBO and NSGA-II metaheuristic algorithms

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    Quantitative and qualitative objectives are both significant to solve any facility layout problem (FLP), which is called as multi-objective FLP. Generally, quantitative factors are considered as material handling cost, time, etc., and qualitative factors are considered as closeness rating, hazardous movement between the facilities, etc. For solving and optimizing two or more objectives, two methods are available. First is weight approach method and second is non-dominated sorting method. In the former method, suitable weights are given to each objective and combined in a single objective function; while in later method, the objectives are defined separately and by making comparison of the solutions on the non-dominance criteria, best Pareto-optimal solutions are obtained. In this paper, equal area multi-objective FLPs which are formulated as quadratic assignment problem (QAP) are considered and optimized using biogeography based optimization (BBO) algorithm and non-dominated sorting BBO (NSBBO) algorithm. BBO is one of the efficient metaheuristic techniques, developed to solve complex optimization problems. Computational results of BBO algorithm using weight approach illustrate its better performance compared to other methods while solving multi-objective FLPs. Furthermore to obtain Pareto optimal solutions, NSBBO algorithm is implemented

    A biogeography-based optimization algorithm hybridized with tabu search for the quadratic assignment problem

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    The quadratic assignment problem (QAP) is an NP hard combinatorial optimization problem with a wide variety of applications.Biogeography-based optimization (BBO), a relatively new optimization technique based on the biogeography concept, uses the idea of migration strategy of species to derive algorithm for solving optimization problems.It has been shown that BBO provides performance on a par with other optimization methods.A classical BBO algorithm employs the mutation operator as its diversification strategy. However, this process will often ruin the quality of solutions in QAP.In this paper, we propose a hybrid technique to overcome the weakness of classical BBO algorithm to solve QAP, by replacing the mutation operator with a tabu search procedure.Our experiments using the benchmark instances from QAPLIB show that the proposed hybrid method is able to find good solutions for them within reasonable computational times.Out of 61 benchmark instances tested, the proposed method is able to obtain the best known solutions for 57 of them