2 research outputs found

    A Benchmarking Study to Evaluate Apache Spark on Large-Scale Supercomputers

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    As dataset sizes increase, data analysis tasks in high performance computing (HPC) are increasingly dependent on sophisticated dataflows and out-of-core methods for efficient system utilization. In addition, as HPC systems grow, memory access and data sharing are becoming performance bottlenecks. Cloud computing employs a data processing paradigm typically built on a loosely connected group of low-cost computing nodes without relying upon shared storage and/or memory. Apache Spark is a popular engine for large-scale data analysis in the cloud, which we have successfully deployed via job submission scripts on production clusters. In this paper, we describe common parallel analysis dataflows for both Message Passing Interface (MPI) and cloud based applications. We developed an effective benchmark to measure the performance characteristics of these tasks using both types of systems, specifically comparing MPI/C-based analyses with Spark. The benchmark is a data processing pipeline representative of a typical analytics framework implemented using map-reduce. In the case of Spark, we also consider whether language plays a role by writing tests using both Python and Scala, a language built on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). We include performance results from two large systems at Argonne National Laboratory including Theta, a Cray XC40 supercomputer on which our experiments run with 65,536 cores (1024 nodes with 64 cores each). The results of our experiments are discussed in the context of their applicability to future HPC architectures. Beyond understanding performance, our work demonstrates that technologies such as Spark, while typically aimed at multi-tenant cloud-based environments, show promise for data analysis needs in a traditional clustering/supercomputing environment

    Performance modelling, analysis and prediction of Spark jobs in Hadoop cluster : a thesis by publications presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science, School of Mathematical & Computational Sciences, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand

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    Big Data frameworks have received tremendous attention from the industry and from academic research over the past decade. The advent of distributed computing frameworks such as Hadoop MapReduce and Spark are powerful frameworks that offer an efficient solution for analysing large-scale datasets running under the Hadoop cluster. Spark has been established as one of the most popular large-scale data processing engines because of its speed, low latency in-memory computation, and advanced analytics. Spark computational performance heavily depends on the selection of suitable parameters, and the configuration of these parameters is a challenging task. Although Spark has default parameters and can deploy applications without much effort, a significant drawback of default parameter selection is that it is not always the best for cluster performance. A major limitation for Spark performance prediction using existing models is that it requires either large input data or system configuration that is time-consuming. Therefore, an analytical model could be a better solution for performance prediction and for establishing appropriate job configurations. This thesis proposes two distinct parallelisation models for performance prediction: the 2D-Plate model and the Fully-Connected Node model. Both models were constructed based on serial boundaries for a certain arrangement of executors and size of the data. In order to evaluate the cluster performance, various HiBench workloads were used, and workload’s empirical data were fitted with the models for performance prediction analysis. The developed models were benchmarked with the existing models such as Amdahl’s, Gustafson, ERNEST, and machine learning. Our experimental results show that the two proposed models can quickly and accurately predict performance in terms of runtime, and they can outperform the accuracy of machine learning models when extrapolating predictions