29,908 research outputs found

    A Bayesian Approach to Sparse plus Low rank Network Identification

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    We consider the problem of modeling multivariate time series with parsimonious dynamical models which can be represented as sparse dynamic Bayesian networks with few latent nodes. This structure translates into a sparse plus low rank model. In this paper, we propose a Gaussian regression approach to identify such a model

    Bayesian topology identification of linear dynamic networks

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    In networks of dynamic systems, one challenge is to identify the interconnection structure on the basis of measured signals. Inspired by a Bayesian approach in [1], in this paper, we explore a Bayesian model selection method for identifying the connectivity of networks of transfer functions, without the need to estimate the dynamics. The algorithm employs a Bayesian measure and a forward-backward search algorithm. To obtain the Bayesian measure, the impulse responses of network modules are modeled as Gaussian processes and the hyperparameters are estimated by marginal likelihood maximization using the expectation-maximization algorithm. Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of this method

    Stochastic dynamic modeling of short gene expression time-series data

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    Copyright [2008] IEEE. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of Brunel University's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to [email protected]. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.In this paper, the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm is applied for modeling the gene regulatory network from gene time-series data. The gene regulatory network is viewed as a stochastic dynamic model, which consists of the noisy gene measurement from microarray and the gene regulation first-order autoregressive (AR) stochastic dynamic process. By using the EM algorithm, both the model parameters and the actual values of the gene expression levels can be identified simultaneously. Moreover, the algorithm can deal with the sparse parameter identification and the noisy data in an efficient way. It is also shown that the EM algorithm can handle the microarray gene expression data with large number of variables but a small number of observations. The gene expression stochastic dynamic models for four real-world gene expression data sets are constructed to demonstrate the advantages of the introduced algorithm. Several indices are proposed to evaluate the models of inferred gene regulatory networks, and the relevant biological properties are discussed

    Dynamics and sparsity in latent threshold factor models: A study in multivariate EEG signal processing

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    We discuss Bayesian analysis of multivariate time series with dynamic factor models that exploit time-adaptive sparsity in model parametrizations via the latent threshold approach. One central focus is on the transfer responses of multiple interrelated series to underlying, dynamic latent factor processes. Structured priors on model hyper-parameters are key to the efficacy of dynamic latent thresholding, and MCMC-based computation enables model fitting and analysis. A detailed case study of electroencephalographic (EEG) data from experimental psychiatry highlights the use of latent threshold extensions of time-varying vector autoregressive and factor models. This study explores a class of dynamic transfer response factor models, extending prior Bayesian modeling of multiple EEG series and highlighting the practical utility of the latent thresholding concept in multivariate, non-stationary time series analysis.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figures, link to external web site for supplementary animated figure

    Machine Learning for Fluid Mechanics

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    The field of fluid mechanics is rapidly advancing, driven by unprecedented volumes of data from field measurements, experiments and large-scale simulations at multiple spatiotemporal scales. Machine learning offers a wealth of techniques to extract information from data that could be translated into knowledge about the underlying fluid mechanics. Moreover, machine learning algorithms can augment domain knowledge and automate tasks related to flow control and optimization. This article presents an overview of past history, current developments, and emerging opportunities of machine learning for fluid mechanics. It outlines fundamental machine learning methodologies and discusses their uses for understanding, modeling, optimizing, and controlling fluid flows. The strengths and limitations of these methods are addressed from the perspective of scientific inquiry that considers data as an inherent part of modeling, experimentation, and simulation. Machine learning provides a powerful information processing framework that can enrich, and possibly even transform, current lines of fluid mechanics research and industrial applications.Comment: To appear in the Annual Reviews of Fluid Mechanics, 202

    Bayesian nonparametric sparse VAR models

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    High dimensional vector autoregressive (VAR) models require a large number of parameters to be estimated and may suffer of inferential problems. We propose a new Bayesian nonparametric (BNP) Lasso prior (BNP-Lasso) for high-dimensional VAR models that can improve estimation efficiency and prediction accuracy. Our hierarchical prior overcomes overparametrization and overfitting issues by clustering the VAR coefficients into groups and by shrinking the coefficients of each group toward a common location. Clustering and shrinking effects induced by the BNP-Lasso prior are well suited for the extraction of causal networks from time series, since they account for some stylized facts in real-world networks, which are sparsity, communities structures and heterogeneity in the edges intensity. In order to fully capture the richness of the data and to achieve a better understanding of financial and macroeconomic risk, it is therefore crucial that the model used to extract network accounts for these stylized facts.Comment: Forthcoming in "Journal of Econometrics" ---- Revised Version of the paper "Bayesian nonparametric Seemingly Unrelated Regression Models" ---- Supplementary Material available on reques