61 research outputs found

    Semantic Variation in Online Communities of Practice

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    We introduce a framework for quantifying semantic variation of common words in Communities of Practice and in sets of topic-related communities. We show that while some meaning shifts are shared across related communities, others are community-specific, and therefore independent from the discussed topic. We propose such findings as evidence in favour of sociolinguistic theories of socially-driven semantic variation. Results are evaluated using an independent language modelling task. Furthermore, we investigate extralinguistic features and show that factors such as prominence and dissemination of words are related to semantic variation.Comment: 13 pages, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2017

    Analysing Lexical Semantic Change with Contextualised Word Representations

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    This paper presents the first unsupervised approach to lexical semantic change that makes use of contextualised word representations. We propose a novel method that exploits the BERT neural language model to obtain representations of word usages, clusters these representations into usage types, and measures change along time with three proposed metrics. We create a new evaluation dataset and show that the model representations and the detected semantic shifts are positively correlated with human judgements. Our extensive qualitative analysis demonstrates that our method captures a variety of synchronic and diachronic linguistic phenomena. We expect our work to inspire further research in this direction.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-2020

    Measuring, Predicting and Visualizing Short-Term Change in Word Representation and Usage in VKontakte Social Network

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    Language in social media is extremely dynamic: new words emerge, trend and disappear, while the meaning of existing words can fluctuate over time. Such dynamics are especially notable during a period of crisis. This work addresses several important tasks of measuring, visualizing and predicting short term text representation shift, i.e. the change in a word's contextual semantics, and contrasting such shift with surface level word dynamics, or concept drift, observed in social media streams. Unlike previous approaches on learning word representations from text, we study the relationship between short-term concept drift and representation shift on a large social media corpus - VKontakte posts in Russian collected during the Russia-Ukraine crisis in 2014-2015. Our novel contributions include quantitative and qualitative approaches to (1) measure short-term representation shift and contrast it with surface level concept drift; (2) build predictive models to forecast short-term shifts in meaning from previous meaning as well as from concept drift; and (3) visualize short-term representation shift for example keywords to demonstrate the practical use of our approach to discover and track meaning of newly emerging terms in social media. We show that short-term representation shift can be accurately predicted up to several weeks in advance. Our unique approach to modeling and visualizing word representation shifts in social media can be used to explore and characterize specific aspects of the streaming corpus during crisis events and potentially improve other downstream classification tasks including real-time event detection
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