2 research outputs found

    A model for Internet management at a higher education institution

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    The management of the Internet at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU), an Higher Education Institute (HEI) in the Eastern and Western Cape area in South Africa (SA) was the focus of this research. The investigation was conducted into the level of Internet usage by determining for what purpose the Internet is used by the people at NMMU. The empirical data was collected, analysed and interpreted. From these findings a proposed Internet Management Model was created that will assist NMMU with its Internet management obligations. It has become a standing practice at HEIs for its Internet management and relevant Information and Communication Technology (ICT) resources to be continuously investigated by HEI Management as well as by its users. The reason is that the Internet has become the foundation on which most ICT resources function and therefore is labelled as a distinctive competency for the HEI. HEIs have limited ICT Internet resources and are expected to utilise these resources optimally, to ensure efficient and effective Internet connectivity on all campuses and to all users and systems. This is a daunting task for various reasons, amongst which are: guidelines, best practices, governance influences, etc. are not readily available to assist with decision-making processes; the number of devices that require Internet connectivity is increasing almost on a daily basis; the content found on the Internet has become extremely resources-demanding; the Internet is no longer being utilised only during working hours but on a 24/7 basis; and lastly, the Internet is increasingly being abused by its use for non-work related activities which hinder the required connection and resources requirements for those who are using the Internet for work and research purposes. The purpose of this research study was to provide a proposed Internet Management Model to address all weaknesses and threats, currently being experienced at NMMU. This was created by firstly; determining what was considered best practices regarding Internet management at HEI; secondly, determining what the NMMU Internet users were utilising the Internet for and lastly; using the combined findings to draw conclusions and thereafter create an Internet Management Model for the HEI. This can assist the NMMU ICT Management team to re-align the Internet resources to match the current business and customer requirements. This will ensure that the NMMU Internet resources are effectively and efficiently utilised, which in turn will confirm that the availability of the Internet to its users and systems becomes a reliable and pleasant experience. The ICT Management team can then focus their undivided attention on other ICT-related matters. This treatise is an exploratory, mixed method study which comprises of literature studies, surveys and cross-sectional studies. The literature studies were conducted on secondary sources to identify the national and international governance structures that influence Internet management. The empirical study which consisted of two surveys (questionnaires) was compiled from existing questionnaires as well as from literature studies, and was completed by its respective respondent groups. The first survey was used to gain an insight into what was considered best practices regarding Internet management at HEIs in South Africa. The survey consisted of questions regarding demographic data and various ICT Internet resources. Respondents were asked to identify the practices relevant to their HEI. The second survey was used to gain an insight into what the Internet was being used for at NMMU by staff and students. The survey consisted of questions regarding demographic data and the various uses, frequency and periods of Internet usage. These respondents were then asked to identify the practices relevant to their Internet usage patterns. A cross-sectional study was then used to compare the two different population groups, which were NMMU staff and students, at a single point in time. Both Descriptive and Inferential Statistical methods were used for the analysis of the data. The HEI Internet management survey samples were of various sizes with each sample having its Internet resources specifically aligned with its environment. The common stereotypes regarding their Internet resources were mostly not present

    A model for Internet management at a higher education institution

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    The management of the Internet at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU), an Higher Education Institute (HEI) in the Eastern and Western Cape area in South Africa (SA) was the focus of this research. The investigation was conducted into the level of Internet usage by determining for what purpose the Internet is used by the people at NMMU. The empirical data was collected, analysed and interpreted. From these findings a proposed Internet Management Model was created that will assist NMMU with its Internet management obligations. It has become a standing practice at HEIs for its Internet management and relevant Information and Communication Technology (ICT) resources to be continuously investigated by HEI Management as well as by its users. The reason is that the Internet has become the foundation on which most ICT resources function and therefore is labelled as a distinctive competency for the HEI. HEIs have limited ICT Internet resources and are expected to utilise these resources optimally, to ensure efficient and effective Internet connectivity on all campuses and to all users and systems. This is a daunting task for various reasons, amongst which are: guidelines, best practices, governance influences, etc. are not readily available to assist with decision-making processes; the number of devices that require Internet connectivity is increasing almost on a daily basis; the content found on the Internet has become extremely resources-demanding; the Internet is no longer being utilised only during working hours but on a 24/7 basis; and lastly, the Internet is increasingly being abused by its use for non-work related activities which hinder the required connection and resources requirements for those who are using the Internet for work and research purposes. The purpose of this research study was to provide a proposed Internet Management Model to address all weaknesses and threats, currently being experienced at NMMU. This was created by firstly; determining what was considered best practices regarding Internet management at HEI; secondly, determining what the NMMU Internet users were utilising the Internet for and lastly; using the combined findings to draw conclusions and thereafter create an Internet Management Model for the HEI. This can assist the NMMU ICT Management team to re-align the Internet resources to match the current business and customer requirements. This will ensure that the NMMU Internet resources are effectively and efficiently utilised, which in turn will confirm that the availability of the Internet to its users and systems becomes a reliable and pleasant experience. The ICT Management team can then focus their undivided attention on other ICT-related matters. This treatise is an exploratory, mixed method study which comprises of literature studies, surveys and cross-sectional studies. The literature studies were conducted on secondary sources to identify the national and international governance structures that influence Internet management. The empirical study which consisted of two surveys (questionnaires) was compiled from existing questionnaires as well as from literature studies, and was completed by its respective respondent groups. The first survey was used to gain an insight into what was considered best practices regarding Internet management at HEIs in South Africa. The survey consisted of questions regarding demographic data and various ICT Internet resources. Respondents were asked to identify the practices relevant to their HEI. The second survey was used to gain an insight into what the Internet was being used for at NMMU by staff and students. The survey consisted of questions regarding demographic data and the various uses, frequency and periods of Internet usage. These respondents were then asked to identify the practices relevant to their Internet usage patterns. A cross-sectional study was then used to compare the two different population groups, which were NMMU staff and students, at a single point in time. Both Descriptive and Inferential Statistical methods were used for the analysis of the data. The HEI Internet management survey samples were of various sizes with each sample having its Internet resources specifically aligned with its environment. The common stereotypes regarding their Internet resources were mostly not present