6 research outputs found

    A Bayesian approach for an efficient data reduction in IoT

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    International audienceNowadays, Internet of Things (IoT) coupled with cloud computing begins to take an important place in economic systems and in society daily life. It has got a large success in several application areas, ranging from smart city applications to smart grids. Despite the apparent success, one major challenge that should be addressed is the huge amount of data generated by the sensing devices. The transmission of these huge amount of data to the network may affect the energy consumption of sensing devices, and can also cause network congestion issues. To face this challenge, we present a Bayesian Inference Approach (BIA), which allows avoiding the transmission of high spatio-temporal correlated data. In this paper, BIA is based on a hierarchical architecture with smart nodes, smart gateways and data centers. Belief Propagation algorithm has been chosen for performing an approximate inference on our model in order to reconstruct the missing sensing data. BIA is evaluated based on the data collected from the M3 sensors deployed in the FIT IoT-LAB platform and according to different scenarios. The results show that our proposed approach reduces drastically the number of transmitted data and the energy consumption, while maintaining an acceptable level of data prediction accuracy

    Réduction de Données pour une agriculture intelligente

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    International audienceDe nos jours, le domaine de l'agriculture est confronté à de nombreux défis pour une meilleure utilisation de ses ressources naturelles. Pour cette raison, il est nécessaire de localement superviser les données météorologiques et les conditions du sol pour prendre des décisions mieux adaptées à chaque culture. Les réseaux de capteurs sans fil (RCSF) peuvent servir comme système de surveillance pour ces types de paramètres mais les noeuds capteurs ont des ressources matérielles et énergétiques limitées. Le processus d'envoi d'une grande quantité de données au puits entraîne une grande consommation d'énergie et une utilisation importante de la bande passante. Dans ce papier, nous proposons un algorithme de réduction de données utilisant le coefficient de corrélation de Pearson (PDCP) pour prédire les nouvelles valeurs au niveau du noeud capteur et du puits. Cette approche est validée par des simulations sur MATLAB tout en utilisant des ensembles de données ouvertes Weather Underground. Les résultats valident l'efficacité de notre approche montrant une réduction de données allant jusqu'à 69% tout en maintenant la précision des informations. La prédiction des valeurs d'humidité à partir de la température présente un écart par rapport à la valeur réelle inférieur à 7%

    Machine Learning Based Data Reduction in WSN for Smart Agriculture

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    International audienceNowadays, the agriculture domain faces a lot of challenges for a better usage of its natural resources. For this purpose, and for the increasing danger of climate change, there is a need to locally monitor meteorological data and soil conditions to help make quicker and more adapted decision for the culture. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) can serve as a monitoring system for those types of features. However, WSN suffer from the limited energy resources of the motes which shorten the lifetime of the overall network. Every mote periodically captures the monitored feature and sends the data to the sink for further analysis depending on a certain sampling rate. This process of sending big amount of data causes a high energy consumption of the sensor node and an important bandwidth usage on the network. In this paper, a Machine Learning based Data Reduction Algorithm (MLDR) is introduced. MLDR focuses on environmental data for the benefits of agriculture. MLDR is a data reduction approach which reduces the amount of transmitted data to the sink by adding some machine learning techniques at the sensor node level by keeping data availability and accuracy at the sink. This data reduction helps reduce the energy consumption and the bandwidth usage and it enhances the use of the medium while maintaining the accuracy of the information. This approach is validated through simulations on MATLAB using real temperature data-sets from Weather-Underground sensor network. Results show that the amount of sent data is reduced by more than 70% while maintaining a very good accuracy with a variance that did not surpass 2 degrees

    On-Node Correlation Based Data Reduction in WSN for Smart Agriculture

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    International audienceNowadays, climate change is one of the numerous factors affecting the agricultural sector. Optimizing the usage of natural resources is one of the challenges this sector faces. For this reason, it could be necessary to locally monitor weather data and soil conditions to make faster and better decisions locally adapted to the crop. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) can serve as a monitoring system for these types of parameters. However, in WSNs, sensor nodes suffer from limited energy resources. The process of sending a large amount of data from the nodes to the sink results in high energy consumption at the sensor node and significant use of network bandwidth, which reduces the lifetime of the overall network. In this paper, for data reduction, a data correlation and prediction technique is proposed both at the sensor node level and at the sink level. The aim of this approach is to reduce the amount of transmitted data to the sink, depending on the degree of correlation between different parameters. In this work we propose the Pearson Data Correlation and Prediction (PDCP) algorithm to detect this correlation. This data reduction maintains the accuracy of the information while reducing the amount of data sent from the nodes to the sink. This approach is validated through simulations on MATLAB using real meteorological data-sets from Weather-Underground sensor network. The results show the validity of our approach by reducing the amount of data by a percentage up to 69% while maintaining the accuracy of the information. The humidity values prediction based on the temperature parameter is accurate and the deviation from the real value does not surpass 7% of humidity

    K-Predictions Based Data Reduction Approach in WSN for Smart Agriculture

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    International audienceNowadays, climate change is one of the numerous factors affecting the agricultural sector. Optimising the usage of natural resources is one of the challenges this sector faces. For this reason, it could be necessary to locally monitor weather data and soil conditions to make faster and better decisions locally adapted to the crop. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) can serve as a monitoring system for these types of parameters. However, in WSNs, sensor nodes suffer from limited energy resources. The process of sending a large amount of data from the nodes to the sink results in high energy consumption at the sensor node and significant use of network bandwidth, which reduces the lifetime of the overall network and increases the number of costly interference. Data reduction is one of the solutions for this kind of challenges. In this paper, data correlation is investigated and combined with a data prediction technique in order to avoid sending data that could be retrieved mathematically in the objective to reduce the energy consumed by sensor nodes and the bandwidth occupation. This data reduction technique relies on the observation of the variation of every monitored parameter as well as the degree of correlation between different parameters. This approach is validated through simulations on MATLAB using real meteorological data-sets from Weather-Underground sensor network. The results show the validity of our approach which reduces the amount of data by a percentage up to 88% while maintaining the accuracy of the information having a standard deviation of 2 degrees for the temperature and 7% for the humidity

    Optimization and Communication in UAV Networks

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    UAVs are becoming a reality and attract increasing attention. They can be remotely controlled or completely autonomous and be used alone or as a fleet and in a large set of applications. They are constrained by hardware since they cannot be too heavy and rely on batteries. Their use still raises a large set of exciting new challenges in terms of trajectory optimization and positioning when they are used alone or in cooperation, and communication when they evolve in swarm, to name but a few examples. This book presents some new original contributions regarding UAV or UAV swarm optimization and communication aspects