4 research outputs found

    Noisy Label Learning for Large-scale Medical Image Classification

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    The classification accuracy of deep learning models depends not only on the size of their training sets, but also on the quality of their labels. In medical image classification, large-scale datasets are becoming abundant, but their labels will be noisy when they are automatically extracted from radiology reports using natural language processing tools. Given that deep learning models can easily overfit these noisy-label samples, it is important to study training approaches that can handle label noise. In this paper, we adapt a state-of-the-art (SOTA) noisy-label multi-class training approach to learn a multi-label classifier for the dataset Chest X-ray14, which is a large scale dataset known to contain label noise in the training set. Given that this dataset also has label noise in the testing set, we propose a new theoretically sound method to estimate the performance of the model on a hidden clean testing data, given the result on the noisy testing data. Using our clean data performance estimation, we notice that the majority of label noise on Chest X-ray14 is present in the class 'No Finding', which is intuitively correct because this is the most likely class to contain one or more of the 14 diseases due to labelling mistakes

    A Baseline for Multi-Label Image Classification Using An Ensemble of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Recent studies on multi-label image classification have focused on designing more complex architectures of deep neural networks such as the use of attention mechanisms and region proposal networks. Although performance gains have been reported, the backbone deep models of the proposed approaches and the evaluation metrics employed in different works vary, making it difficult to compare fairly. Moreover, due to the lack of properly investigated baselines, the advantage introduced by the proposed techniques are often ambiguous. To address these issues, we make a thorough investigation of the mainstream deep convolutional neural network architectures for multi-label image classification and present a strong baseline. With the use of proper data augmentation techniques and model ensembles, the basic deep architectures can achieve better performance than many existing more complex ones on three benchmark datasets, providing great insight for the future studies on multi-label image classification