5 research outputs found

    Design methods for 60GHz beamformers in CMOS

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    The 60GHz band is promising for applications such as high-speed short-range wireless personal-area network (WPAN), real-time video streaming at rates of several-Gbps, automotive radar, and mm-Wave imaging, since it provides a large amount of bandwidth that can freely (i.e. without a license) be used worldwide. However, transceivers at 60GHz pose several additional challenges over microwave transceivers. In addition to the circuit design challenges of implementing high performance 60GHz RF circuits in mainstream CMOS technology, the path loss at 60GHz is significantly higher than at microwave frequencies because of the smaller size of isotropic antennas. This can be overcome by using phased array technology. This thesis studies the new concepts and design techniques that can be used for 60GHz phased array systems. It starts with an overview of various applications at mm-wave frequencies, such as multi-Gbps radio at 60GHz, automotive radar and millimeter-wave imaging. System considerations of mm-wave receivers and transmitters are discussed, followed by the selection of a CMOS technology to implement millimeter-wave (60GHz) systems. The link budget of a 60GHz WPAN is analyzed, which leads to the introduction of phased array techniques to improve system performance. Different phased array architectures are studied and compared. The system requirements of phase shifters are discussed. Several types of conventional RF phase shifters are reviewed. A 60GHz 4-bit passive phase shifter is designed and implemented in a 65nm CMOS technology. Measurement results are presented and compared to published prior art. A 60GHz 4-bit active phase shifter is designed and integrated with low noise amplifier and combiner for a phased array receiver. This is implemented in a 65nm CMOS technology, and the measurement results are presented. The design of a 60GHz 4-bit active phase shifter and its integration with power amplifier is also presented for a phased array transmitter. This is implemented in a 65nm CMOS technology. The measurement results are also presented and compared to reported prior art. The integration of a 60GHz CMOS amplifier and an antenna in a printed circuit-board (PCB) package is investigated. Experimental results are presented and discussed

    Dynamically Controllable Integrated Radiation and Self-Correcting Power Generation in mm-Wave Circuits and Systems

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    This thesis presents novel design methodologies for integrated radiators and power generation at mm-wave frequencies that are enabled by the continued integration of various electronic and electromagnetic (EM) structures onto the same substrate. Beginning with the observation that transistors and their connections to EM radiating structures on an integrated substrate are essentially free, the concept of multi-port driven (MPD) radiators is introduced, which opens a vast design space that has been generally ignored due to the cost structure associated with discrete components that favors fewer transistors connected to antennas through a single port. From Maxwell's equations, a new antenna architecture, the radial MPD antennas based on the concept of MPD radiators, is analyzed to gain intuition as to the important design parameters that explain the wide-band nature of the antenna itself. The radiator is then designed and implemented at 160 GHz in a 0.13 um SiGe BiCMOS process, and the single element design has a measured effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) of +4.6 dBm with a total radiated power of 0.63 mW. Next, the radial MPD radiator is adapted to enable dynamic polarization control (DPC). A DPC antenna is capable of controlling its radiated polarization dynamically, and entirely electronically, with no mechanical reconfiguration required. This can be done by having multiple antennas with different polarizations, or within a single antenna that has multiple drive points, as in the case of the MPD radiator with DPC. This radiator changes its polarization by adjusting the relative phase and amplitude of its multiple ports to produce polarizations with any polarization angle, and a wide range of axial ratios. A 2x1 MPD radiator array with DPC at 105 GHz is presented whose measurements show control of the polarization angle throughout the entire 0 degree through 180 degree range while in the linear polarization mode and maintaining axial ratios above 10 dB in all cases. Control of the axial ratio is also demonstrated with a measured range from 2.4 dB through 14 dB, while maintaining a fixed polarization angle. The radiator itself has a measured maximum EIRP of +7.8 dBm, with a total radiated power of 0.9 mW, and is capable of beam steering. MPD radiators were also applied in the domain of integrated silicon photonics. For these designs, the driver transistor circuitry was replaced with silicon optical waveguides and photodiodes to produce a 350 GHz signal. Three of these optical MPD radiator designs have been implemented as 2x2 arrays at 350 GHz. The first is a beam forming array that has a simulated gain of 12.1 dBi with a simulated EIRP of -2 dBm. The second has the same simulated performance, but includes optical phase modulators that enable two-dimensional beam steering. Finally, a third design incorporates multi-antenna DPC by combining the outputs of both left and right handed circularly polarized MPD antennas to produce a linear polarization with controllable polarization angle, and has a simulated gain of 11.9 dBi and EIRP of -3 dBm. In simulation, it can tune the polarization from 0 degrees through 180 degrees while maintaining a radiated power that has a 0.35 dB maximum deviation from the mean. The reliability of mm-wave radiators and power amplifiers was also investigated, and two self-healing systems have been proposed. Self-healing is a global feedback method where integrated sensors detect the performance of the circuit after fabrication and report that data to a digital control algorithm. The algorithm then is capable of setting actuators that can control the performance of the mm-wave circuit and counteract any performance degradation that is observed by the sensors. The first system is for a MPD radiator array with a partially integrated self-healing system. The self-healing MPD radiator senses substrate modes through substrate mode pickup sensors and infers the far-field radiated pattern from those sensors. DC current sensors are also included to determine the DC power consumption of the system. Actuators are implemented in the form of phase and amplitude control of the multiple drive points. The second self-healing system is a fully integrated self-healing power amplifier (PA) at 28 GHz. This system measures the output power, gain and efficiency of the PA using radio frequency (RF) power sensors, DC current sensors and junction temperature sensors. The digital block is synthesized from VHDL code on-chip and it can actuate the output power combining matching network using tunable transmission line stubs, as well as the DC operating point of the amplifying transistors through bias control. Measurements of 20 chips confirm self-healing for two different algorithms for process variation and transistor mismatch, while measurements from 10 chips show healing for load impedance mismatch, and linearity healing. Laser induced partial and total transistor failure show the benefit of self-healing in the case of catastrophic failure, with improvements of up to 3.9 dB over the default case. An exemplary yield specification shows self-healing improving the yield from 0% up through 80%.</p

    Optical and Microwave Beamforming for Phased Array Antennas

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    Phased array antenna has been used for a variety of military and civil applications, over the past five decades. Being structurally conformal and flexible, phased array antenna is highly suitable for mobile applications. Besides, it can form the agile or shaped beams required for interference cancellation or multifunction systems. Moreover, the spatial power combination property increases the effective radiated power of a transmitter phased array system. Similarly, in a receiver phased array, beamforming increases the signal to noise ratio by coherent integration of the desired signals. Despite its impressive potentials and properties, phased array antenna has not become a commercial product yet. Cost and complexity of phased array antenna are beyond the scales of consumer electronics devices. Furthermore, calibration is an essential requirement of such a complex system, which is a fairly time-consuming process and requires skilled man power. Moreover, the narrow bandwidth of microwave components degrades the broadband performance of phased array system. Finally, the majority of the beamforming algorithms developed so far have preconditions, which make them unsuitable for a low-cost system. The objective of this thesis is to provide a novel cost-effective solution to minimize the system complexity of the future intelligent antenna systems, without sacrificing the performance. This research demonstrates that a powerful, robust beamforming algorithm, integrated in an efficient single-receiver architecture, constitutes the essence of a low-cost phased array antenna. Thus, a novel beamforming technique, called Zero-knowledge algorithm is developed. It is investigated, both theoretically and experimentally, that the proposed algorithm can compensate for the hardware errors and imperfections of the low-cost components of the system. Zero-knowledge beamforming algorithm possesses significant properties. Neither a priori knowledge of the incoming signal direction, nor the exact characteristics of the phase control network are required in this method. Proper adjustment of the parameters, makes this algorithm appropriate for mobile systems, particularly those installed on vehicles. The algorithm alleviates the drawbacks of analog phase shifters, such as imbalanced insertion loss and fabrication tolerances. Furthermore, this algorithm can serve as the core of a direction-of-arrival estimation technique, which senses the minor deflections of the array heading. For broadband applications optical delay lines must be used in the phase control network of the phased array systems, which are costly. Nevertheless, employing miniaturized delay lines can significantly reduce the device area, and consequently, the fabrication cost. Thus, in this research four types of miniaturized optical delay lines, designed in slow-wave structures, are analyzed, which can provide a large delay per length. In addition, two novel optical beamforming techniques, based upon the properties of Zero-knowledge algorithm, are developed for transmitter and receiver phased arrays

    Integrated Circuit and Antenna Technology for Millimeter-wave Phased Array Radio Front-end

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    Ever growing demands for higher data rate and bandwidth are pushing extremely high data rate wireless applications to millimeter-wave band (30-300GHz), where sufficient bandwidth is available and high data rate wireless can be achieved without using complex modulation schemes. In addition to the communication applications, millimeter-wave band has enabled novel short range and long range radar sensors for automotive as well as high resolution imaging systems for medical and security. Small size, high gain antennas, unlicensed and worldwide availability of released bands for communication and a number of other applications are other advantages of the millimeter-wave band. The major obstacle for the wide deployment of commercial wireless and radar systems in this frequency range is the high cost and bulky nature of existing GaAs- and InP-based solutions. In recent years, with the rapid scaling and development of the silicon-based integrated circuit technologies such as CMOS and SiGe, low cost technologies have shown acceptable millimeter-wave performance, which can enable highly integrated millimeter-wave radio devices and reduce the cost significantly. Furthermore, at this range of frequencies, on-chip antenna becomes feasible and can be considered as an attractive solution that can further reduce the cost and complexity of the radio package. The propagation channel challenges for the realization of low cost and reliable silicon-based communication devices at millimeter-wave band are severe path loss as well as shadowing loss of human body. Silicon technology challenges are low-Q passive components, low breakdown voltage of active devices, and low efficiency of on-chip antennas. The main objective of this thesis is to investigate and to develop antenna and front-end for cost-effective silicon based millimeter-wave phased array radio architectures that can address above challenges for short range, high data rate wireless communication as well as radar applications. Although the proposed concepts and the results obtained in this research are general, as an important example, the application focus in this research is placed on the radio aspects of emerging 60 GHz communication system. For this particular but extremely important case, various aspects of the technology including standard, architecture, antenna options and indoor propagation channel at presence of a human body are studied. On-chip dielectric resonator antenna as a radiation efficiency improvement technique for an on-chip antenna on low resistivity silicon is presented, developed and proved by measurement. Radiation efficiency of about 50% was measured which is a significant improvement in the radiation efficiency of on-chip antennas. Also as a further step, integration of the proposed high efficiency antenna with an amplifier in transmit and receive configurations at 30 GHz is successfully demonstrated. For the implementation of a low cost millimeter-wave array antenna, miniaturized, and efficient antenna structures in a new integrated passive device technology using high resistivity silicon are designed and developed. Front-end circuit blocks such as variable gain LNA, continuous passive and active phase shifters are investigated, designed and developed for a 60GHz phased array radio in CMOS technology. Finally, two-element CMOS phased array front-ends based on passive and active phase shifting architectures are proposed, developed and compared

    Integrated Antennas and Active Beamformers Technology for mm-Wave Phased-Array Systems

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    In this thesis, based on the indoor channel measurements and ray-tracing modeling for the indoor mm-wave wireless communications, the challenges of the design of the radio in this band is studied. Considering the recently developed standards such as IEEE 802.15.3c, ECMA and WiGig at 60 GHz, the link budget of the system design for different classes of operation is done and the requirement for the antenna and other RF sections are extracted. Based on radiation characteristics of mm-wave and the fundamental limits of low-cost Silicon technology, it is shown that phased-array is the ultimate solution for the radio and physical layer of the mobile millimeter wave multi-Gb/s wireless networks. Different phased-array configurations are studied and a low-cost single-receiver array architecture with RF phase-shifting is proposed. A systematic approach to the analysis of the overall noise-figure of the proposed architecture is presented and the component technical requirements are derived for the system level specifications. The proposed on-chip antennas and antenna-in-packages for various applications are designed and verified by the measurement results. The design of patch antennas on the low-cost RT/Duroid substrate and the slot antennas on the IPD technologies as well as the compact on-chip slot DRA antenna are explained in the antenna design section. The design of reflective-type phase shifters in CMOS and MEMS technologies is explained. Finally, the design details of two developed 60 GHz integrated phased-arrays in CMOS technology are discussed. Front-end circuit blocks such as LNA, continuous passive reflective-type phase shifters, power combiner and variable gain amplifiers are investigated, designed and developed for a 60 GHz phased-array radio in CMOS technology. In the first design, the two-element CMOS phased-array front-ends based on passive phase shifting architecture is proposed and developed. In the second phased-array, the recently developed on-chip dielectric resonator antenna in our group in lower frequency is scaled and integrated with the front-end