2 research outputs found

    Self-Calibrated, Low-Jitter and Low-Reference-Spur Injection-Locked Clock Multipliers

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    Department of Electrical EngineeringThis dissertation focuses primarily on the design of calibrators for the injection-locked clock multiplier (ILCM). ILCMs have advantage to achieve an excellent jitter performance at low cost, in terms of area and power consumption. The wide loop bandwidth (BW) of the injection technique could reject the noise of voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), making it thus suitable for the rejection of poor noise of a ring-VCO and a high frequency LC-VCO. However, it is difficult to use without calibrators because of its sensitiveness in process-voltage-temperature (PVT) variations. In Chapter 2, conventional frequency calibrators are introduced and discussed. This dissertation introduces two types of calibrators for low-power high-frequency LC-VCO-based ILFMs in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 and high-performance ring-VCO-based ILCM in Chapter 5. First, Chapter 3 presents a low power and compact area LC-tank-based frequency multiplier. In the proposed architecture, the input signals have a pulsed waveform that involves many high-order harmonics. Using an LC-tank that amplifies only the target harmonic component, while suppressing others, the output signal at the target frequency can be obtained. Since the core current flows for a very short duration, due to the pulsed input signals, the average power consumption can be dramatically reduced. Effective removal of spurious tones due to the damping of the signal is achieved using a limiting amplifier. In this work, a prototype frequency tripler using the proposed architecture was designed in a 65 nm CMOS process. The power consumption was 950 ??W, and the active area was 0.08 mm2. At a 3.12 GHz frequency, the phase noise degradation with respect to the theoretical bound was less than 0.5 dB. Second, Chapter 4 presents an ultra-low-phase-noise ILFM for millimeter wave (mm-wave) fifth-generation (5G) transceivers. Using an ultra-low-power frequency-tracking loop (FTL), the proposed ILFM is able to correct the frequency drifts of the quadrature voltage-controlled oscillator of the ILFM in a real-time fashion. Since the FTL is monitoring the averages of phase deviations rather than detecting or sampling the instantaneous values, it requires only 600??W to continue to calibrate the ILFM that generates an mm-wave signal with an output frequency from 27 to 30 GHz. The proposed ILFM was fabricated in a 65-nm CMOS process. The 10-MHz phase noise of the 29.25-GHz output signal was ???129.7 dBc/Hz, and its variations across temperatures and supply voltages were less than 2 dB. The integrated phase noise from 1 kHz to 100 MHz and the rms jitter were???39.1 dBc and 86 fs, respectively. Third, Chapter 5 presents a low-jitter, low-reference-spur ring voltage-controlled oscillator (ring VCO)-based ILCM. Since the proposed triple-point frequency/phase/slope calibrator (TP-FPSC) can accurately remove the three root causes of the frequency errors of ILCMs (i.e., frequency drift, phase offset, and slope modulation), the ILCM of this work is able to achieve a low-level reference spur. In addition, the calibrating loop for the frequency drift of the TP-FPSC offers an additional suppression to the in-band phase noise of the output signal. This capability of the TP-FPSC and the naturally wide bandwidth of the injection-locking mechanism allows the ILCM to achieve a very low RMS jitter. The ILCM was fabricated in a 65-nm CMOS technology. The measured reference spur and RMS jitter were ???72 dBc and 140 fs, respectively, both of which are the best among the state-of-the-art ILCMs. The active silicon area was 0.055 mm2, and the power consumption was 11.0 mW.clos