8 research outputs found

    Cryptanalysis of a 32-bit RC4-like Stream Cipher

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    Nawaz, Gupta and Gong recently proposed a 32-bit RC4-like stream cipher. In this paper, we show that the keystream generated from their stream cipher is not random. The keystream can be distinguished from random with only about 100 outputs (3200 bits) in 2 milliseconds on Intel Centrino 1.6GHz processor

    Analysis of a Modified RC4 Algorithm

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    In this paper, analysis of a simply modified RC4 algorithm is presented. RC4 is the most widely used stream cipher and it is not considered as a cipher that is strong in security. Many alternatives have been proposed to improve RC4 key generation and pseudo random number generation but the thoughts behind this work is to try out a simple modification of RC4’s PRGA, where we can mention like this: Output = M XOR GeneratedKey XOR j After having done the modification the modified algorithm is tested for its secrecy and performance and analyzed over the variable key length with respect to those of the original RC4. The results show that the modified algorithm is better than the original RC4 in the aspects of secrecy and performance

    ElsieFour: A Low-Tech Authenticated Encryption Algorithm For Human-to-Human Communication

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    ElsieFour (LC4) is a low-tech cipher that can be computed by hand; but unlike many historical ciphers, LC4 is designed to be hard to break. LC4 is intended for encrypted communication between humans only, and therefore it encrypts and decrypts plaintexts and ciphertexts consisting only of the English letters A through Z plus a few other characters. LC4 uses a nonce in addition to the secret key, and requires that different messages use unique nonces. LC4 performs authenticated encryption, and optional header data can be included in the authentication. This paper defines the LC4 encryption and decryption algorithms, analyzes LC4\u27s security, and describes a simple appliance for computing LC4 by hand

    Attacks on the RC4 stream cipher

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    SAFE-NET: Secure and Fast Encryption using Network of Pseudo-Random Number Generators

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    We propose a general framework to design a general class of random number generators suit- able for both computer simulation and computer security applications. It can include newly pro- posed generators SAFE (Secure And Fast Encryption) and ChaCha, a variant of Salsa, one of the four finalists of the eSTREAM ciphers. Two requirements for ciphers to be considered se- cure is that they must be unpredictable with a nice distributional property. Proposed SAFE-NET is a network of n nodes with external pseudo-random number generators as inputs nodes, several inner layers of nodes with a sequence of random variates through ARX (Addition, Rotation, XOR) transformations to diffuse the components of the initial state vector. After several rounds of transformations (with complex inner connections) are done, the output layer with n nodes are outputted via additional transformations. By utilizing random number generators with desirable empirical properties, SAFE-NET injects randomness into the keystream generation process and constantly updates the cipher’s state with external pseudo-random numbers during each iteration. Through the integration of shuffle tables and advanced output functions, extra layers of security are provided, making it harder for attackers to exploit weaknesses in the cipher. Empirical results demonstrate that SAFE-NET requires fewer operations than ChaCha while still producing a sequence of uniformly distributed random numbers

    A 32-bit RC4-like Keystream Generator

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    In this paper we propose a new 32-bit RC4 like keystream generator. The proposed generator produces 32 bits in each iteration and can be implemented in software with reasonable memory requirements

    A 32-bit RC4-like Keystream Generator

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    Abstract. In this paper we propose a new 32-bit RC4 like keystream generator. The proposed generator produces 32 bits in each iteration and can be implemented in software with reasonable memory requirements. Our experiments show that this generator is 3.2 times faster than original 8-bit RC4. It has a huge internal state and offers higher resistance against state recovery attacks than the original 8-bit RC4. We analyze the randomness properties of the generator using a probabilistic approach. The generator is suitable for high speed software encryption

    Cryptanalysis of symmetric key primitives

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    Block ciphers and stream ciphers are essential building blocks that are used to construct computing systems which have to satisfy several security objectives. Since the security of these systems depends on the security of its parts, the analysis of these symmetric key primitives has been a goal of critical importance. In this thesis we provide cryptanalytic results for some recently proposed block and stream ciphers. First, we consider two light-weight block ciphers, TREYFER and PIFEA-M. While TREYFER was designed to be very compact in order to fit into constrained environments such as smart cards and RFIDs, PIFEA-M was designed to be very fast in order to be used for the encryption of multimedia data. We provide a related-key attack on TREYFER which recovers the secret key given around 2 11 encryptions and negligible computational effort. As for PIFEA-M, we provide evidence that it does not fulfill its design goal, which was to defend from certain implementation dependant differential attacks possible on previous versions of the cipher. Next. we consider the NGG stream cipher, whose design is based on RC4 and aims to increase throughput by operating with 32-bit or 64-bit values instead of with 8-bit values. We provide a distinguishing attack on NGG which requires just one keystream word. We also show that the first few kilobytes of the keystream may leak information about the secret key which allows the cryptanalyst to recover the secret key in an efficient way. Finally, we consider GGHN, another RC4-like cipher that operates with 32-bit words. We assess different variants of GGHN-Iike algorithms with respect to weak states, in which all internal state words and output elements are even. Once GGHN is absorbed in such a weak state, the least significant bit of the plaintext words will be revealed only by looking at the ciphertext. By modelling the algorithm by a Markov chain and calculating the chain absorption time, we show that the average number of steps required by these algorithms to enter this weak state can be lower than expected at first glance and hence caution should be exercised when estimating this numbe