62 research outputs found

    Survey on individual components for a 5 GHz receiver system using 130 nm CMOS technology

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    La intención de esta tesis es recopilar información desde un punto de vista general sobre los diferentes tipos de componentes utilizados en un receptor de señales a 5 GHz utilizando tecnología CMOS. Se ha realizado una descripción y análisis de cada uno de los componentes que forman el sistema, destacando diferentes tipos de configuraciones, figuras de mérito y otros parámetros. Se muestra una tabla resumen al final de cada sección, comparando algunos diseños que se han ido presentando a lo largo de los años en conferencias internacionales de la IEEE.The intention of this thesis is to gather information from an overview point about the different types of components used in a 5 GHz receiver using CMOS technology. A review of each of the components that form the system has been made, highlighting different types of configurations, figure of merits and parameters. A summary table is shown at the end of each section, comparing many designs that have been presented over the years at international conferences of the IEEE.Departamento de Ingeniería Energética y FluidomecánicaGrado en Ingeniería en Electrónica Industrial y Automátic

    Timed array antenna system : application to wideband and ultra-wideband beamforming receivers

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    Antenna array systems have a broad range of applications in radio frequency (RF) and ultra-wideband (UWB) communications to receive/transmit electromagnetic waves from/to the sky. They can enhance the amplitude of the input signals, steer beams electronically, and reject interferences thanks to beamforming technique. In an antenna array beamforming system, delay cells with the tunable capability of delay amount compensate the relative delay of signals received by antennas. In fact, each antenna almost acts individually depending upon time delaying effects on the input signals. As a result, the delay cells are the basic elements of the beamforming systems. For this purpose, novel active true time delay (TTD) cells suitable for RF antenna arrays have been presented in this thesis. These active delay cells are based on 1st- and 2nd-order all-pass filters (APFs) and achieve quite a flat gain and delay within up to 10-GHz frequency range. Various techniques such as phase linearity and delay tunability have been accomplished to improve the design and performance. The 1st-order APF has been designed for a frequency range of 5 GHz, showing desirable frequency responses and linearity which is comparable with the state-of-the-art. This 1st-order APF is able to convert into a 2nd-order APF via adding a grounded capacitor. A compact 2nd-order APF using an active inductor has been also designed and simulated for frequencies up to 10 GHz. The active inductor has been utilized to tune the amount of delay and to reduce the on-chip size of the filter. In order to validate the performance of the delay cells, two UWB four-channel timed array beamforming receivers realized by the active TTD cells have been proposed. Each antenna channel exploits digitally controllable gain and delay on the input signal and demonstrates desirable gain and delay resolutions. The beamforming receivers have been designed for different UWB applications depending on their operating frequency ranges (that is, 3-5 and 3.1-10.6 GHz), and thus they have different system requirements and specifications. All the circuits and topologies presented in this dissertation have been designed in standard 180-nm CMOS technologies, featuring a unity gain frequency ( ft) up to 60 GHz.Els sistemes matricials d’antenes tenen una àmplia gamma d’aplicacions en radiofreqüència (RF) i comunicacions de banda ultraampla (UWB) per rebre i transmetre ones electromagnètics. Poden millorar l’amplitud dels senyals d’entrada rebuts, dirigir els feixos electrònicament i rebutjar les interferències gràcies a la tècnica de formació de feixos (beamforming). En un sistema beamforming de matriu d’antenes, les cèl·lules de retard amb capacitat ajustable del retard, compensen aquest retard relatiu dels senyals rebuts per les diferents antenes. De fet, cada antena gairebé actua individualment depenent dels efectes de retard de temps sobre el senyals d’entrada. Com a resultat, les cel·les de retard són els elements bàsics en el disseny dels actuals sistemes beamforming. Amb aquest propòsit, en aquesta tesi es presenten noves cèl·lules actives de retard en temps real (TTD, true time delay) adequades per a matrius d’antenes de RF. Aquestes cèl·lules de retard actives es basen en cèl·lules de primer i segon ordre passa-tot (APF), i aconsegueixen un guany i un retard força plans, en el rang de freqüència de fins a 10 GHz. Diverses tècniques com ara la linealitat de fase i la sintonització del retard s’han aconseguit per millorar el disseny i el rendiment. La cèl·lula APF de primer ordre s’ha dissenyat per a un rang de freqüències de fins a 5 GHz, mostrant unes respostes freqüencials i linealitat que són comparables amb l’estat de l’art actual. Aquestes cèl·lules APF de primer ordre es poden convertir en un APF de segon ordre afegint un condensador més connectat a massa. També s’ha dissenyat un APF compacte de segon ordre que utilitza una emulació d’inductor actiu per a freqüències de treball de fins a 10 GHz. S’ha utilitzat l'inductor actiu per ajustar la quantitat de retard introduït i reduir les dimensions del filtre al xip. Per validar les prestacions de les cel·les de retard propostes, s’han proposat dos receptors beamforming basats en matrius d’antenes de 4 canals, realitzats por cèl·lules TTD actives. Cada canal d’antena aprofita el guany i el retard controlables digitalment aplicats al senyal d’entrada, i demostra resolucions de guany i retard desitjables. Els receptors beamforming s’han dissenyat per a diferents aplicacions UWB segons els seus rangs de freqüències de funcionament (en aquest cas, 3-5 i 3,1-10,6 GHz) i, per tant, tenen diferents requisits i especificacions de disseny del sistema. Tots els circuits i topologies presentats en aquesta tesi s’han dissenyat en tecnologies CMOS estàndards de 180 nm, amb una freqüència de guany unitari (ft) de fins a 60 GHz.Postprint (published version

    An Ultra-Wideband Low Noise Amplifier and Spectrum Sensing Technique for Cognitive Radio

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    A low power ultra-wideband, inductorless low noise amplifier (LNA) employing a noise cancellation architecture and designed in a commercially available 40nm 1.2V digital CMOS process is presented. The amplifier targets cognitive radio communication applications which cover the frequency range of 1-10 GHz and achieves an S11 \u3c -9.5 dB from 1.4 - 9.5 GHz. Within this bandwidth the maximum power gain is 13.4 dB, the maximum noise figure is 4.3 dB, and the miminum IIP3 is 0 dBm. The total power consumption of the LNA (neglecting the buffer required to drive the 50 Ω test equipment) is 8 mW. The total area consumed is 0.031mm2 excluding the pads. A spectrum sensing technique using translational loop technique is also proposed to realize simultaneous spectrum sensing and data reception of cognitive radio. This technique also eliminates the need for tunable sharp band-select filter at the front-end

    System-level design and RF front-end implementation for a 3-10ghz multiband-ofdm ultrawideband receiver and built-in testing techniques for analog and rf integrated circuits

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    This work consists of two main parts: a) Design of a 3-10GHz UltraWideBand (UWB) Receiver and b) Built-In Testing Techniques (BIT) for Analog and RF circuits. The MultiBand OFDM (MB-OFDM) proposal for UWB communications has received significant attention for the implementation of very high data rate (up to 480Mb/s) wireless devices. A wideband LNA with a tunable notch filter, a downconversion quadrature mixer, and the overall radio system-level design are proposed for an 11-band 3.4-10.3GHz direct conversion receiver for MB-OFDM UWB implemented in a 0.25mm BiCMOS process. The packaged IC includes an RF front-end with interference rejection at 5.25GHz, a frequency synthesizer generating 11 carrier tones in quadrature with fast hopping, and a linear phase baseband section with 42dB of gain programmability. The receiver IC mounted on a FR-4 substrate provides a maximum gain of 67-78dB and NF of 5-10dB across all bands while consuming 114mA from a 2.5V supply. Two BIT techniques for analog and RF circuits are developed. The goal is to reduce the test cost by reducing the use of analog instrumentation. An integrated frequency response characterization system with a digital interface is proposed to test the magnitude and phase responses at different nodes of an analog circuit. A complete prototype in CMOS 0.35mm technology employs only 0.3mm2 of area. Its operation is demonstrated by performing frequency response measurements in a range of 1 to 130MHz on 2 analog filters integrated on the same chip. A very compact CMOS RF RMS Detector and a methodology for its use in the built-in measurement of the gain and 1dB compression point of RF circuits are proposed to address the problem of on-chip testing at RF frequencies. The proposed device generates a DC voltage proportional to the RMS voltage amplitude of an RF signal. A design in CMOS 0.35mm technology presents and input capacitance <15fF and occupies and area of 0.03mm2. The application of these two techniques in combination with a loop-back test architecture significantly enhances the testability of a wireless transceiver system

    Ultra-Wideband RF Transceive

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    Analysis of Impact of Transformer Coupled Input Matching on Concurrent Dual-Band Low Noise Amplifier

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    Emerging advancements in telecommunication system need robust radio devices which can capable of working multiple frequency bands seamlessly. In any Radio Frequency (RF) receiver architecture, Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) is the mandatory front-end part in which takes place in between antenna and mixer. To support multiple frequency bands with single hardware, concurrent LNA is the more preferred topologies among others. As LNA is the very front end level of receiver, Input matching, Noise Figure (NF) and gain are the major performance parameters to be concerned. In this work, the impact of transformer coupled input matching on concurrent dual-band LNA is analyzed and verified. A concurrent LNA with concurrent matching without transformer coupling is used for comparison. A transformer coupled input matching is proposed for tunable concurrent dual-band LNA. All the circuits are implemented in UMC 180nm CMOS technology, and simulated using Cadence SpectreRF simulation tool

    Direct Conversion RF Front-End Implementation for Ultra-Wideband (UWB) and GSM/WCDMA Dual-Band Applications in Silicon-Based Technologies

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    This dissertation focuses on wideband circuit design and implementation issues up to 10GHz based on the direct conversion architecture in the CMOS and SiGe BiCMOS technologies. The dissertation consists of two parts: One, implementation of a RF front-end receiver for an ultra-wideband system and, two, implementation of a local oscillation (LO) signal for a GSM/WCDMA multiband application. For emerging ultra-wideband (UWB) applications, the key active components in the RF front-end receiver were designed and implemented in 0.18um SiGe BiCMOS process. The design of LNA, which is the critical circuit block for both systems, was analyzed in terms of noise, linearity and group delay variation over an extemely wide bandwidth. Measurements are demonstrated for an energy-thrifty UWB receiver based on an MB-OFDM system covering the full FCC-allowed UWB frequency range. For multiband applications such as a GSM/WCDMA dual-band application, the design of wideband VCO and various frequency generation blocks are investigated as alternatives for implementation of direct conversion architecture. In order to reduce DC-offset and LO pulling phenomena that degrade performance in a typical direct conversion scheme, an innovative fractional LO signal generator was implemented in a standard CMOS process. A simple analysis is provided for the loop dynamics and operating range of the design as well as for the measured results of the factional LO signal generator.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Dr. Laskar, Joy; Committee Member: Dr. Cressler, John; Committee Member: Dr. Kohl, Paul; Committee Member: Dr. Papapolymerou, John; Committee Member: Dr. Scott, Waymon

    A Review of CMOS Low Noise Amplifier for UWB System

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    A number of CMOS low noise amplifier (LNA) design for ultra-wideband (UWB) application had been produced with a various topology and techniques from year 2004 to 2016. The performance of LNA such as frequency bandwidth, noise figure, input and output matching and gain depend with the choice of the topology and technique used. Among the techniques introduced are current reuse, common source, resistive feedback, common gate, Chebyshev filter, distributed amplifier, folded cascade and negative feedback. This paper presents the collection of review about design of low noise amplifier used for UWB application in term of topology circuit. Thus, the problem and limitation of the CMOS LNA for UWB application are reviewed. Furthermore, recent developments of CMOS LNAs are examined and a comparison of the performance criteria of various topologies is presented

    Dual-band FSK receiver and building block design for UWB impulse radio

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    Complementary High-Speed SiGe and CMOS Buffers

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