5 research outputs found

    0.42 THz Transmitter with Dielectric Resonator Array Antenna

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    Off chip antennas do not occupy the expensive die area, as there is no limitation on their building material, and can be built in any size and shape to match the system requirements, which are all in contrast to on-chip antenna solutions. However, integration of off-chip antennas with Monolithic-Microwave-Integrated Chips (MMIC) and designing a low loss signal transmission from the signal source inside the MMIC to the antenna module is a major challenge and trade off. High resistivity silicon (HRS), is a low cost and extremely low loss material at sub-THz. It has become a prevailing material in fabrication of passive components for THz applications. This work makes use of HRS to build an off-chip Dielectric Resonator Antenna Array Module (DRAAM) to realize a highly efficient transmitter at 420 GHz. This work proposes novel techniques and solutions for design and integration of DRRAM with MMIC as the signal source. A proposed scalable 4×4 antenna structure aligns DRRAM on top of MMIC within 2 μm accuracy through an effortless assembly procedure. DRAAM shows 15.8 dB broadside gain and 0.85 efficiency. DRAs in the DRAAM are differentially excited through aperture coupling. Differential excitation not only inherently provides a mechanism to deliver more power to the antenna, it also removes the additional loss of extra balluns when outputs are differential inside MMIC. In addition, this work proposes a technique to double the radiation power from each DRA. Same radiating mode at 0.42 THz inside every DRA is excited through two separate differential sources. This approach provides an almost loss-less power combining mechanism inside DRA. Two 140_GHz oscillators followed by triplers drive each DRA in the demonstrated 4×4 antenna array. Each oscillator generates 7.2 dBm output power at 140 GHz with -83 dBc/Hz phase noise at 100 KHz and consumes 25 mW of power. An oscillator is followed by a tripler that generates -8 dBm output power at 420 GHz. Oscillator and tripler circuits use a smart layer stack up arrangement for their passive elements where the top metal layer of the die is grounded to comply with the planned integration arrangement. This work shows a novel circuit topology for exciting the antenna element which creates the feed element part of the tuned load for the tripler circuit, therefore eliminates the loss of the transition component, and maximizes the output power delivered to the antenna. The final structure is composed of 32 injection locked oscillators and drives a 4×4 DRAAM achieves 22.8 dBm EIRP

    A 144GHz 0.76cm-resolution sub-carrier SAR phase radar for 3D imaging in 65nm CMOS

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    A Sub-Centimeter Ranging Precision LIDAR Sensor Prototype Based on ILO-TDC

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    This thesis introduces a high-resolution light detection and ranging (LIDAR) sensor system-on-a-chip (SoC) that performs sub-centimeter ranging precision and maximally 124-meter ranging distance. With off-chip connected avalanche photodiodes (APDs), the time-of-flight (ToF) are resolved through 31×1 time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) channels. Embedded time-to-digital converters (TDCs) support 52-ps time resolution and 14-bit dynamic range. A novel injection-locked oscillator (ILO) based TDC are proposed to minimize the power of fine TDC clock distribution, and improve time precision. The global PVT variation among ILO clock distribution is calibrated by an on-chip phase-looked-loop (PLL) that assures a reliable counting performance over wide operating range. The proposed LIDAR sensor is designed, fabricated, and tested in the 65nm CMOS technology. Whole SoC consumes 37mW and each TDC channel consumes 788μW at nominal operation. The proposed TDC design achieved single-shot precision of 38.5 ps, channel uniformity of 14 ps, and DNL/INL of 0.56/1.56 LSB, respectively. The performance of proposed ILO-TDC makes it an excellent candidate for global counting TCSPC in automotive LIDAR

    A High Performance Micromachined Sub-Millimeter-Wave Radar Technology

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    Motivated by the recent interest in high millimeter-wave (MMW) and sub-MMW radar sensors for applications ranging from navigation and mapping in autonomous systems to public safety and standoff detection of concealed weapons, this work presents the technology in support of a novel sub-MMW radar with minimal Size, Weight, and Power consumption (SWaP). This includes development of novel design, microfabrication, and measurement methods and techniques to develop the passive RF front-end of the radar system operating at 240 GHz. The sub-MMW radar system is designed for navigation and mapping applications in autonomous systems. The salient features of the proposed radar are its ultra-lightweight (less than 5 grams), compact form factor (2 cm3), low power consumption (6.7 mW for 1 fps), and ease of scalability to higher frequencies (up to 1 THz). This work introduces novel components and sub-systems for the RF front-end of the radar system. This includes developing high performance radar antenna systems as well as the chip packaging and integration technology with the associated transitions for realization of the radar system. In order to satisfy the requirements for high resolution and wide field of view for this imaging and navigation radar sensor, frequency scanning beam-steering antennas are developed to achieve ±25˚ of beam steering with a very narrow beam of 2.5˚ in the direction of scan. The designed array antenna has over 600 radiating elements and exhibits a radiation efficiency of over 55% and a gain of over 30 dBi over the entire operation frequency range. Additionally, for polarimetry applications, two versions of the antenna with both co- and cross-polarizations are developed to allow full-polarimetry imaging at sub-MMW frequencies. Another contribution of this work is development of a novel chip packaging methodology with the associated biasing network for sub-MMW integration of active and passive MMICs in the RF front-end. The packaging method offers a compact, low-loss, and wideband integration solution in the sub-MMW to terahertz (THz) frequency band which can be standardized for reliable and repeatable integrations at such frequencies. Due to the small wavelength at MMW to THz frequency band, fabrication of sub-MMW components requires high fabrication tolerances and accuracies, which is costly and hard to achieve with the standard machining techniques. To overcome this problem, in this work novel silicon micromachining methods are developed to enable reliable fabrication of complex structures, such as the radar RF front end, with low mass and low cost. The fabrication method allows seamless realization of the entire radar RF front-end on a single silicon block with a compact form factor and high level of integration. Repeatable and reliable characterization of sub-MMW components and sub-systems is a very challenging task and one major contribution of this dissertation pertains to development of novel measurement techniques to enable reliable on-wafer characterization of such devices in the MMW to THz band. This includes development of a novel waveguide probe measurement technique along with specially designed probes and the associated transitions for on-wafer S-parameter measurements at sub-MMW frequencies. Additionally, a novel on-wafer near-field measurement method is developed to allow pattern and power characterization of the antennas at sub-MMW frequencies. These methods are employed to perform full on-wafer characterization of the micromachined RF front-end components, including the antennas as well as the chip packaging, where excellent agreement of designed and measured results are shown.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/140879/1/arminjam_1.pd

    Analysis and Design of Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits for Breast Cancer Radar Imaging in CMOS Technology

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    Breast cancer is by far the most incident tumor among female population. Early stage prevention is a key factor in delivering long term survival of breast cancer patients. X-ray mammography is the most commonly used diagnostic technique to detect non-palpable tumors. However, 10-30% of tumors are missed by mammography and ionizing radiations together with breast compression do not lead to comfort in patient treatment. In this context, ultrawideband microwave radar technology is an attractive alternative. It relies on the dielectric contrast of normal and malignant tissues at microwave frequencies to detect and locate tumors inside the breast. This work presents the analysis and design of radio frequency integrated circuits for breast cancer imaging in CMOS technology. The first part of the thesis concerns the system analysis. A behavioral model of two different transceiver architectures for UWB breast cancer imaging employing a SFCW radar system are presented. A mathematical model of the direct conversion and super heterodyne architectures together with a numerical breast phantom are developed. FDTD simulations data are used to on the behavioral model to investigate the limits of both architectures from a circuit-level point of view. Insight is given into I/Q phase inaccuracies and their impact on the quality of the final reconstructed images. The result is that the simplicity of the direct conversion architecture makes the receiver more robust toward the critical impairments for this application. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to the circuit design. The main achievement is a 65nm CMOS 2-16GHz stepped frequency radar transceiver for medical imaging. The RX features 36dB conversion gain, >29dBm compression point, 7dB noise figure, and 30Hz 1/f noise corner. The TX outputs 14dBm with >40dBc harmonic rejection and <109dBc/Hz phase noise at 1MHz offset. Overall power dissipation is 204mW from 1.2V supply. The radar achieves 3mm resolution within the body, and 107dB dynamic range, a performance enabling the use for breast cancer diagnostic imaging. To further assess the capabilities of the proposed radar, a physical breast phantom was synthesized and two targets mimicking two tumors were buried inside the breast. The targets are clearly identified and correctly located, effectively proving the performance of the designed radar as a possible tool for breast cancer detection