4 research outputs found

    Design techniques for low-power wide-band direct digital frequency synthesizers of spread spectrum communication applications

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    For frequency agile communication systems, fast frequency switching in fine frequency steps with good spectral purity is crucial. Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer (DDFS) is best suitable for these applications, but is not widely employed in wireless communication systems due to its high power consumption. In general, low power and high integration design are two challenges for mixed signal-circuits and communication systems designers. In this dissertation, new design techniques for DDFS at both architecture and circuit levels are proposed and investigated in order to minimize power consumption and optimize performance. A ROM-less low power wide band DDFS prototype using segmented sine wave Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) were designed, fabricated and tested to demonstrate the new design techniques.;First, to further reduce power consumption and save chip area, two new phase interpolation ROM less DDFS architectures are proposed. Segmentation technique is applied to the design of sine wave DAC for DDFS: (1) based upon trigonometric identities, a segmented sine wave DAC with fine nonlinear interpolation DAC\u27s is proposed; (2) based upon first order Taylor series and simple linear interpolation, a segmented sine wave DAC with a fine linear interpolation DAC is proposed. Second, a figure of merit (FM) is defined to find the optimal sine wave DAC segmentations for various resolutions of the segmented sine wave DAC\u27s. The device mismatch effects on the performance of segmented sine wave were also discussed. Third, For DDFS using current-steering segmented sine wave DAC with 12-b phase resolution and 11-b amplitude resolution, a behavioral model in Verilog was used to verify the functionality and validate the architecture. Finally, a DDFS prototype was designed and fabricated in a standard 0.25mum CMOS process. The measured SFDR is better than 50 dB with output frequencies up to 3/8 of the 300 MHz clock frequency. The prototype occupies an active area of 1.4 mm2 and consumes 240 mW for 300 MHz clock frequency. The new techniques reduce the power dissipation and die area substantially when compared to conventional ROM based DDFS designs with on-chip DAC

    Transmitter architectures with digital modulators, D/A converters and switching-mode power amplifiers

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    This thesis is composed of nine publications and an overview of the research topic, which also summarises the work. The research described in this thesis focuses on research into the digitalisation of wireless communication base station transmitters. In particular it has three foci: digital modulation, D/A conversion and switching-mode power amplification. The main interest in the implementation of these circuits is in CMOS. The work summarizes the designs of several circuit blocks of a wireless transmitter base station. In the baseband stage, a multicarrier digital modulator that combines multiple modulated signals at different carrier frequencies digitally at baseband, and a multimode digital modulator that can be operated for three different communications standards, are implemented as integrated circuits. The digital modulators include digital power ramping and power level control units for transmission bursts. The upconversion of the baseband signal is implemented using an integrated digital quadrature modulator. The work presented provides insight into the digital-to-analogue interface in the transmitters. This interface is studied both by implementing an intermediate frequency D/A converter in BiCMOS technology and bandpass Delta-Sigma modulator-based D/A conversion in CMOS technology. Finally, the last part of the work discusses switching-mode power amplifiers which are experimented with both as discrete and integrated implementations in conjunction with 1-bit Delta-Sigma modulation and pulse-width modulation as input signal generation methods.Tämä väitöskirja koostuu yhdeksästä julkaisusta ja tutkimusaiheen yhteenvedosta. Väitöskirjassa esitetty tutkimus keskittyy langattaman viestinnän tukiasemien lähettimien digitalisoinnin tutkimukseen. Yksityiskohtaisemmin tutkimusalueet ovat: digitaalinen modulaatio, D/A muunnos ja kytkinmuotoiset tehovahvistimet. Näiden elektronisten piirien toteutuksessa keskitytään CMOS teknologiaan. Työ vetää yhteen useiden langattoman viestinnän tukiasemien lähettimien piirilohkojen suunnittelun. Kantataajuusasteella toteutetaan integroituna piirinä monikantoaaltoinen digitaalinen modulaattori, joka yhdistää useita moduloituja signaaleja eri kantoaalloilla digitaalisesti ja monistandardi digitaalinen modulaatori, joka tukee kolmea eri viestintästandardia. Digitaaliset modulaattoripiirit sisältävät digitaalisen tehoramping ja tehotason säätöyksikön lähetyspurskeita varten. Kantataajuussignaalin ylössekoitus toteutetaan integroitua digitaalista kvadratuurimodulaattoria käyttäen. Esitetty työ antaa näkemystä lähettimien digitalia-analogia rajapintaan, jota tutkitaan toteuttamalla välitaajuinen D/A muunnin BiCMOS teknologialla ja päästökaistainen Delta-Sigma-modulaattoripohjainen D/A muunnin CMOS teknologialla. Lopuksi työn viimeinen osa käsittelee kytkinmuotoisia tehovahvistimia, joita tutkitaan kokeellisesti sekä erilliskompontein toteutettuina piirein että integroiduin piirein toteutettuina käyttäen sisääntulosignaalin muodostamismenetemänä yksibittistä Delta-Sigma-modulaatiota ja pulssin leveys modulaatiota.reviewe

    Design Techniques for High Speed Low Voltage and Low Power Non-Calibrated Pipeline Analog to Digital Converters

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    The profound digitization of modern microelectronic modules made Analog-to- Digital converters (ADC) key components in many systems. With resolutions up to 14bits and sampling rates in the 100s of MHz, the pipeline ADC is a prime candidate for a wide range of applications such as instrumentation, communications and consumer electronics. However, while past work focused on enhancing the performance of the pipeline ADC from an architectural standpoint, little has been done to individually address its fundamental building blocks. This work aims to achieve the latter by proposing design techniques to improve the performance of these blocks with minimal power consumption in low voltage environments, such that collectively high performance is achieved in the pipeline ADC. Towards this goal, a Recycling Folded Cascode (RFC) amplifier is proposed as an enhancement to the general performance of the conventional folded cascode. Tested in Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) 0.18?m Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology, the RFC provides twice the bandwidth, 8-10dB additional gain, more than twice the slew rate and improved noise performance over the conventional folded cascode-all at no additional power or silicon area. The direct auto-zeroing offset cancellation scheme is optimized for low voltage environments using a dual level common mode feedback (CMFB) circuit, and amplifier differential offsets up to 50mV are effectively cancelled. Together with the RFC, the dual level CMFB was used to implement a sample and hold amplifier driving a singleended load of 1.4pF and using only 2.6mA; at 200MS/s better than 9bit linearity is achieved. Finally a power conscious technique is proposed to reduce the kickback noise of dynamic comparators without resorting to the use of pre-amplifiers. When all techniques are collectively used to implement a 1Vpp 10bit 160MS/s pipeline ADC in Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC) 0.18[mu]m CMOS, 9.2 effective number of bits (ENOB) is achieved with a near Nyquist-rate full scale signal. The ADC uses an area of 1.1mm2 and consumes 42mW in its analog core. Compared to recent state-of-the-art implementations in the 100-200MS/s range, the presented pipeline ADC uses the least power per conversion rated at 0.45pJ/conversion-step

    Design Techniques for High Speed Low Voltage and Low Power Non-Calibrated Pipeline Analog to Digital Converters

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    The profound digitization of modern microelectronic modules made Analog-to- Digital converters (ADC) key components in many systems. With resolutions up to 14bits and sampling rates in the 100s of MHz, the pipeline ADC is a prime candidate for a wide range of applications such as instrumentation, communications and consumer electronics. However, while past work focused on enhancing the performance of the pipeline ADC from an architectural standpoint, little has been done to individually address its fundamental building blocks. This work aims to achieve the latter by proposing design techniques to improve the performance of these blocks with minimal power consumption in low voltage environments, such that collectively high performance is achieved in the pipeline ADC. Towards this goal, a Recycling Folded Cascode (RFC) amplifier is proposed as an enhancement to the general performance of the conventional folded cascode. Tested in Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) 0.18?m Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology, the RFC provides twice the bandwidth, 8-10dB additional gain, more than twice the slew rate and improved noise performance over the conventional folded cascode-all at no additional power or silicon area. The direct auto-zeroing offset cancellation scheme is optimized for low voltage environments using a dual level common mode feedback (CMFB) circuit, and amplifier differential offsets up to 50mV are effectively cancelled. Together with the RFC, the dual level CMFB was used to implement a sample and hold amplifier driving a singleended load of 1.4pF and using only 2.6mA; at 200MS/s better than 9bit linearity is achieved. Finally a power conscious technique is proposed to reduce the kickback noise of dynamic comparators without resorting to the use of pre-amplifiers. When all techniques are collectively used to implement a 1Vpp 10bit 160MS/s pipeline ADC in Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC) 0.18[mu]m CMOS, 9.2 effective number of bits (ENOB) is achieved with a near Nyquist-rate full scale signal. The ADC uses an area of 1.1mm2 and consumes 42mW in its analog core. Compared to recent state-of-the-art implementations in the 100-200MS/s range, the presented pipeline ADC uses the least power per conversion rated at 0.45pJ/conversion-step