8 research outputs found

    Statistical Reliability Estimation of Microprocessor-Based Systems

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    What is the probability that the execution state of a given microprocessor running a given application is correct, in a certain working environment with a given soft-error rate? Trying to answer this question using fault injection can be very expensive and time consuming. This paper proposes the baseline for a new methodology, based on microprocessor error probability profiling, that aims at estimating fault injection results without the need of a typical fault injection setup. The proposed methodology is based on two main ideas: a one-time fault-injection analysis of the microprocessor architecture to characterize the probability of successful execution of each of its instructions in presence of a soft-error, and a static and very fast analysis of the control and data flow of the target software application to compute its probability of success. The presented work goes beyond the dependability evaluation problem; it also has the potential to become the backbone for new tools able to help engineers to choose the best hardware and software architecture to structurally maximize the probability of a correct execution of the target softwar

    Cross-layer reliability evaluation, moving from the hardware architecture to the system level: A CLERECO EU project overview

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    Advanced computing systems realized in forthcoming technologies hold the promise of a significant increase of computational capabilities. However, the same path that is leading technologies toward these remarkable achievements is also making electronic devices increasingly unreliable. Developing new methods to evaluate the reliability of these systems in an early design stage has the potential to save costs, produce optimized designs and have a positive impact on the product time-to-market. CLERECO European FP7 research project addresses early reliability evaluation with a cross-layer approach across different computing disciplines, across computing system layers and across computing market segments. The fundamental objective of the project is to investigate in depth a methodology to assess system reliability early in the design cycle of the future systems of the emerging computing continuum. This paper presents a general overview of the CLERECO project focusing on the main tools and models that are being developed that could be of interest for the research community and engineering practice

    Understanding Soft Errors in Uncore Components

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    The effects of soft errors in processor cores have been widely studied. However, little has been published about soft errors in uncore components, such as memory subsystem and I/O controllers, of a System-on-a-Chip (SoC). In this work, we study how soft errors in uncore components affect system-level behaviors. We have created a new mixed-mode simulation platform that combines simulators at two different levels of abstraction, and achieves 20,000x speedup over RTL-only simulation. Using this platform, we present the first study of the system-level impact of soft errors inside various uncore components of a large-scale, multi-core SoC using the industrial-grade, open-source OpenSPARC T2 SoC design. Our results show that soft errors in uncore components can significantly impact system-level reliability. We also demonstrate that uncore soft errors can create major challenges for traditional system-level checkpoint recovery techniques. To overcome such recovery challenges, we present a new replay recovery technique for uncore components belonging to the memory subsystem. For the L2 cache controller and the DRAM controller components of OpenSPARC T2, our new technique reduces the probability that an application run fails to produce correct results due to soft errors by more than 100x with 3.32% and 6.09% chip-level area and power impact, respectively.Comment: to be published in Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Design Automation Conferenc


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    Hardware security is a serious emerging concern in chip designs and applications. Due to the globalization of the semiconductor design and fabrication process, integrated circuits (ICs, a.k.a. chips) are becoming increasingly vulnerable to passive and active hardware attacks. Passive attacks on chips result in secret information leaking while active attacks cause IC malfunction and catastrophic system failures. This thesis focuses on detection and prevention methods against active attacks, in particular, hardware Trojan (HT). Existing HT detection methods have limited capability to detect small-scale HTs and are further challenged by the increased process variation. We propose to use differential Cascade Voltage Switch Logic (DCVSL) method to detect small HTs and achieve a success rate of 66% to 98%. This work also presents different fault tolerant methods to handle the active attacks on symmetric-key cipher SIMON, which is a recent lightweight cipher. Simulation results show that our Even Parity Code SIMON consumes less area and power than double modular redundancy SIMON and Reversed-SIMON, but yields a higher fault -detection-failure rate as the number of concurrent faults increases. In addition, the emerging technology, memristor, is explored to protect SIMON from passive attacks. Simulation results indicate that the memristor-based SIMON has a unique power characteristic that adds new challenges on secrete key extraction

    Throughput-Centric Wave-Pipelined Interconnect Circuits for Gigascale Integration

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    The central thesis of this research is that VLSI interconnect design strategies should shift from using global wires that can support only a single binary transition during the latency of the line to global wires that can sustain multiple bits traveling simultaneously along the length of the line. It is shown in this thesis that such throughput-centric multibit transmission can be achieved by wave-pipelining the interconnects using repeaters. A holistic analysis of wave-pipelined interconnect circuits, along with the full-custom optimization of these circuits, is performed in this research. With the help of models and methodologies developed in this thesis, the design rules for repeater insertion are crafted to simultaneously optimize performance, power, and area of VLSI global interconnect networks through a simultaneous application of voltage scaling and wire sizing. A qualitative analysis of latency, throughput, signal integrity, power dissipation, and area is performed that compares the results of design optimizations in this work to those of conventional global interconnect circuits. The objective of this thesis is to study the circuit- and system-level opportunities of voltage scaling, wire sizing, and repeater insertion in wave-pipelined global interconnect networks that are implemented in deep submicron technologies.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Davis, Jeffrey; Committee Member: Kohl, Paul; Committee Member: Meindl, James; Committee Member: Swaminathan, Madhavan; Committee Member: Wills, D. Scot