10 research outputs found

    High-voltage integrated active quenching circuit for single photon count rate up to 80 Mcounts/s

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    Single photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) have been subject to a fast improvement in recent years. In particular, custom technologies specifically developed to fabricate SPAD devices give the designer the freedom to pursue the best detector performance required by applications. A significant breakthrough in this field is represented by the recent introduction of a red enhanced SPAD (RE-SPAD) technology, capable of attaining a good photon detection efficiency in the near infrared range (e.g. 40% at a wavelength of 800 nm) while maintaining a remarkable timing resolution of about 100ps full width at half maximum. Being planar, the RE-SPAD custom technology opened the way to the development of SPAD arrays particularly suited for demanding applications in the field of life sciences. However, to achieve such excellent performance custom SPAD detectors must be operated with an external active quenching circuit (AQC) designed on purpose. Next steps toward the development of compact and practical multichannel systems will require a new generation of monolithically integrated AQC arrays. In this paper we present a new, fully integrated AQC fabricated in a high-voltage 0.18 µm CMOS technology able to provide quenching pulses up to 50 Volts with fast leading and trailing edges. Although specifically designed for optimal operation of RE-SPAD devices, the new AQC is quite versatile: it can be used with any SPAD detector, regardless its fabrication technology, reaching remarkable count rates up to 80 Mcounts/s and generating a photon detection pulse with a timing jitter as low as 119 ps full width at half maximum. The compact design of our circuit has been specifically laid out to make this IC a suitable building block for monolithically integrated AQC arrays

    Design of a 1.9 GHz low-power LFSR circuit using the Reed-Solomon algorithm for Pseudo-Random Test Pattern Generation

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    A linear feedback shift register (LFSR) has been frequently used in the Built-in Self-Test (BIST) designs for the pseudo-random test pattern generation. The volume of the test patterns and test power dissipation are the key features in the large complex designs. The objective of this paper is to propose a new LFSR circuit based on the proposed Reed-Solomon (RS) algorithm. The RS algorithm is created by considering the factors of the maximum length test pattern with a minimum distance over the time. Also, it has achieved an effective generation of test patterns over a stage of complexity order O (m log2 m), where m denotes the total number of message bits. We analyzed our RS LFSR mathematically using the feedback polynomial function for an area-sensitive design. However, the bit-wise stages of the proposed RS LFSR are simulated using the TSMC 130 nm IC design tool in the Mentor Graphics platform. Experimental results showed that the proposed LFSR achieved the effective pseudo-random test patterns with a low-test power dissipation (25.13 µW). Ultimately, the circuit has operated in the highest operating frequency (1.9 GHz) environment.   &nbsp

    Smart-aggregation imaging for single molecule localisation with SPAD cameras

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    Single molecule localisation microscopy (SMLM) has become an essential part of the super-resolution toolbox for probing cellular structure and function. The rapid evolution of these techniques has outstripped detector development and faster, more sensitive cameras are required to further improve localisation certainty. Single-photon avalanche photodiode (SPAD) array cameras offer single-photon sensitivity, very high frame rates and zero readout noise, making them a potentially ideal detector for ultra-fast imaging and SMLM experiments. However, performance traditionally falls behind that of emCCD and sCMOS devices due to lower photon detection efficiency. Here we demonstrate, both experimentally and through simulations, that the sensitivity of a binary SPAD camera in SMLM experiments can be improved significantly by aggregating only frames containing signal, and that this leads to smaller datasets and competitive performance with that of existing detectors. The simulations also indicate that with predicted future advances in SPAD camera technology, SPAD devices will outperform existing scientific cameras when capturing fast temporal dynamics

    Quanta Burst Photography

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    Single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) are an emerging sensor technology capable of detecting individual incident photons, and capturing their time-of-arrival with high timing precision. While these sensors were limited to single-pixel or low-resolution devices in the past, recently, large (up to 1 MPixel) SPAD arrays have been developed. These single-photon cameras (SPCs) are capable of capturing high-speed sequences of binary single-photon images with no read noise. We present quanta burst photography, a computational photography technique that leverages SPCs as passive imaging devices for photography in challenging conditions, including ultra low-light and fast motion. Inspired by recent success of conventional burst photography, we design algorithms that align and merge binary sequences captured by SPCs into intensity images with minimal motion blur and artifacts, high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and high dynamic range. We theoretically analyze the SNR and dynamic range of quanta burst photography, and identify the imaging regimes where it provides significant benefits. We demonstrate, via a recently developed SPAD array, that the proposed method is able to generate high-quality images for scenes with challenging lighting, complex geometries, high dynamic range and moving objects. With the ongoing development of SPAD arrays, we envision quanta burst photography finding applications in both consumer and scientific photography.Comment: A version with better-quality images can be found on the project webpage: http://wisionlab.cs.wisc.edu/project/quanta-burst-photography

    Miniaturized Optical Probes for Near Infrared Spectroscopy

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    RÉSUMÉ L’étude de la propagation de la lumière dans des milieux hautement diffus tels que les tissus biologiques (imagerie optique diffuse) est très attrayante, car elle offre la possibilité d’explorer de manière non invasive le milieu se trouvant profondément sous la surface, et de retrouver des informations sur l’absorption (liée à la composition chimique) et sur la diffusion (liée à la microstructure). Dans la gamme spectrale 600-1000 nm, également appelée gamme proche infrarouge (NIR en anglais), l'atténuation de la lumière par le tissu biologique (eau, lipides et hémoglobine) est relativement faible, ce qui permet une pénétration de plusieurs centimètres dans le tissu. En spectroscopie proche infrarouge (NIRS en anglais), de photons sont injectés dans les tissus et le signal émis portant des informations sur les constituants tissulaires est mesuré. La mesure de très faibles signaux dans la plage de longueurs d'ondes visibles et proche infrarouge avec une résolution temporelle de l'ordre de la picoseconde s'est révélée une technique efficace pour étudier des tissus biologiques en imagerie cérébrale fonctionnelle, en mammographie optique et en imagerie moléculaire, sans parler de l'imagerie de la durée de vie de fluorescence, la spectroscopie de corrélation de fluorescence, informations quantiques et bien d’autres. NIRS dans le domaine temporel (TD en anglais) utilise une source de lumière pulsée, généralement un laser fournissant des impulsions lumineuses d'une durée de quelques dizaines de picosecondes, ainsi qu'un appareil de détection avec une résolution temporelle inférieure à la nanoseconde. Le point essentiel de ces mesures est la nécessité d’augmenter la sensibilité pour de plus grandes profondeurs d’investigation, en particulier pour l’imagerie cérébrale fonctionnelle, où la peau, le crâne et le liquide céphalo-rachidien (LCR) masquent fortement le signal cérébral. À ce jour, l'adoption plus large de ces techniques optique non invasives de surveillance est surtout entravée par les composants traditionnels volumineux, coûteux, complexes et fragiles qui ont un impact significatif sur le coût et la dimension de l’ensemble du système. Notre objectif est de développer une sonde NIRS compacte et miniaturisée, qui peut être directement mise en contact avec l'échantillon testé pour obtenir une haute efficacité de détection des photons diffusés, sans avoir recours à des fibres et des lentilles encombrantes pour l'injection et la collection de la lumière. Le système proposé est composé de deux parties: i) une unité d’émission de lumière pulsée et ii) un module de détection à photon unique qui peut être activé et désactivé rapidement. L'unité d'émission de lumière utilisera une source laser pulsée à plus de 80 MHz avec une largeur d'impulsion de picoseconde.----------ABSTRACT The study of light propagation into highly diffusive media like biological tissues (Diffuse Optical Imaging) is highly appealing due to the possibility to explore the medium non-invasively, deep beneath the surface and to recover information both on absorption (related to chemical composition) and on scattering (related to microstructure). In the 600–1000 nm spectral range also known as near-infrared (NIR) range, light attenuation by the biological tissue constituents (i.e. water, lipid, and hemoglobin) is relatively low and allows for penetration through several centimeters of tissue. In near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), a light signal is injected into the tissues and the emitted signal carrying information on tissue constituents is measured. The measurement of very faint light signals in the visible and near-infrared wavelength range with picosecond timing resolution has proven to be an effective technique to study biological tissues in functional brain imaging, optical mammography and molecular imaging, not to mention fluorescence lifetime imaging, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, quantum information and many others. Time Domain (TD) NIRS employs a pulsed light source, typically a laser providing light pulses with duration of a few tens of picoseconds, and a detection circuit with temporal resolution in the sub-nanosecond scale. The key point of these measurements is the need to increase the sensitivity to higher penetration depths of investigation, in particular for functional brain imaging, where skin, skull, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) heavily mask the brain signal. To date, the widespread adoption of the non-invasive optical monitoring techniques is mainly hampered by the traditional bulky, expensive, complex and fragile components which significantly impact the overall cost and dimension of the system. Our goal is the development of a miniaturized compact NIRS probe, that can be directly put in contact with the sample under test to obtain high diffused photon harvesting efficiency without the need for cumbersome optical fibers and lenses for light injection and collection. The proposed system is composed of two parts namely; i) pulsed light emission unit and ii) gated single-photon detection module. The light emission unit will employ a laser source pulsed at over 80MHz with picosecond pulse width generator embedded into the probe along with the light detection unit which comprises single-photon detectors integrated with other peripheral control circuitry. Short distance source and detector pairing, most preferably on a single chip has the potential to greatly expedites the traditional method of portable brain imaging

    Miniature high dynamic range time-resolved CMOS SPAD image sensors

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    Since their integration in complementary metal oxide (CMOS) semiconductor technology in 2003, single photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) have inspired a new era of low cost high integration quantum-level image sensors. Their unique feature of discerning single photon detections, their ability to retain temporal information on every collected photon and their amenability to high speed image sensor architectures makes them prime candidates for low light and time-resolved applications. From the biomedical field of fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) to extreme physical phenomena such as quantum entanglement, all the way to time of flight (ToF) consumer applications such as gesture recognition and more recently automotive light detection and ranging (LIDAR), huge steps in detector and sensor architectures have been made to address the design challenges of pixel sensitivity and functionality trade-off, scalability and handling of large data rates. The goal of this research is to explore the hypothesis that given the state of the art CMOS nodes and fabrication technologies, it is possible to design miniature SPAD image sensors for time-resolved applications with a small pixel pitch while maintaining both sensitivity and built -in functionality. Three key approaches are pursued to that purpose: leveraging the innate area reduction of logic gates and finer design rules of advanced CMOS nodes to balance the pixel’s fill factor and processing capability, smarter pixel designs with configurable functionality and novel system architectures that lift the processing burden off the pixel array and mediate data flow. Two pathfinder SPAD image sensors were designed and fabricated: a 96 × 40 planar front side illuminated (FSI) sensor with 66% fill factor at 8.25μm pixel pitch in an industrialised 40nm process and a 128 × 120 3D-stacked backside illuminated (BSI) sensor with 45% fill factor at 7.83μm pixel pitch. Both designs rely on a digital, configurable, 12-bit ripple counter pixel allowing for time-gated shot noise limited photon counting. The FSI sensor was operated as a quanta image sensor (QIS) achieving an extended dynamic range in excess of 100dB, utilising triple exposure windows and in-pixel data compression which reduces data rates by a factor of 3.75×. The stacked sensor is the first demonstration of a wafer scale SPAD imaging array with a 1-to-1 hybrid bond connection. Characterisation results of the detector and sensor performance are presented. Two other time-resolved 3D-stacked BSI SPAD image sensor architectures are proposed. The first is a fully integrated 5-wire interface system on chip (SoC), with built-in power management and off-focal plane data processing and storage for high dynamic range as well as autonomous video rate operation. Preliminary images and bring-up results of the fabricated 2mm² sensor are shown. The second is a highly configurable design capable of simultaneous multi-bit oversampled imaging and programmable region of interest (ROI) time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) with on-chip histogram generation. The 6.48μm pitch array has been submitted for fabrication. In-depth design details of both architectures are discussed