29 research outputs found

    A tentative theory of large distance physics

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    A theoretical mechanism is devised to determine the large distance physics of spacetime. It is a two dimensional nonlinear model, the lambda model, set to govern the string worldsurface to remedy the failure of string theory. The lambda model is formulated to cancel the infrared divergent effects of handles at short distance on the worldsurface. The target manifold is the manifold of background spacetimes. The coupling strength is the spacetime coupling constant. The lambda model operates at 2d distance Λ1\Lambda^{-1}, very much shorter than the 2d distance μ1\mu^{-1} where the worldsurface is seen. A large characteristic spacetime distance LL is given by L2=ln(Λ/μ)L^2=\ln(\Lambda/\mu). Spacetime fields of wave number up to 1/L are the local coordinates for the manifold of spacetimes. The distribution of fluctuations at 2d distances shorter than Λ1\Lambda^{-1} gives the {\it a priori} measure on the target manifold, the manifold of spacetimes. If this measure concentrates at a macroscopic spacetime, then, nearby, it is a measure on the spacetime fields. The lambda model thereby constructs a spacetime quantum field theory, cutoff at ultraviolet distance LL, describing physics at distances larger than LL. The lambda model also constructs an effective string theory with infrared cutoff LL, describing physics at distances smaller than LL. The lambda model evolves outward from zero 2d distance, Λ1=0\Lambda^{-1} = 0, building spacetime physics starting from L=L=\infty and proceeding downward in LL. LL can be taken smaller than any distance practical for experiments, so the lambda model, if right, gives all actually observable physics. The harmonic surfaces in the manifold of spacetimes are expected to have novel nonperturbative effects at large distances.Comment: Latex, 107 page

    Some Consequences of Noncommutative Worldsheet of Superstring

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    In this paper some properties of the superstring with noncommutative worldsheet are studied. We study the noncommutativity of the spacetime, generalization of the Poincar\'e symmetry of the superstring, the changes of the metric, antisymmetric tensor and dilaton.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, no figure, a new action and some references have been adde

    g-function in perturbation theory

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    We present some explicit computations checking a particular form of gradient formula for a boundary beta function in two-dimensional quantum field theory on a disc. The form of the potential function and metric that we consider were introduced in hep-th/9210065, hep-th/9311177 in the context of background independent open string field theory. We check the gradient formula to the third order in perturbation theory around a fixed point. Special consideration is given to situations when resonant terms are present exhibiting logarithmic divergences and universal nonlinearities in beta functions. The gradient formula is found to work to the given order.Comment: 1+14 pages, Latex; v.2: typos corrected; v.3: minor corrections, to appear in IJM

    Elliptic Genera and 3d Gravity

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    We describe general constraints on the elliptic genus of a 2d supersymmetric conformal field theory which has a gravity dual with large radius in Planck units. We give examples of theories which do and do not satisfy the bounds we derive, by describing the elliptic genera of symmetric product orbifolds of K3K3, product manifolds, certain simple families of Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces, and symmetric products of the "Monster CFT." We discuss the distinction between theories with supergravity duals and those whose duals have strings at the scale set by the AdS curvature. Under natural assumptions we attempt to quantify the fraction of (2,2) supersymmetric conformal theories which admit a weakly curved gravity description, at large central charge.Comment: 50 pages, 9 figures, v2: minor corrections to section

    The Computability-Theoretic Content of Emergence

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    In dealing with emergent phenomena, a common task is to identify useful descriptions of them in terms of the underlying atomic processes, and to extract enough computational content from these descriptions to enable predictions to be made. Generally, the underlying atomic processes are quite well understood, and (with important exceptions) captured by mathematics from which it is relatively easy to extract algorithmic con- tent. A widespread view is that the difficulty in describing transitions from algorithmic activity to the emergence associated with chaotic situations is a simple case of complexity outstripping computational resources and human ingenuity. Or, on the other hand, that phenomena transcending the standard Turing model of computation, if they exist, must necessarily lie outside the domain of classical computability theory. In this article we suggest that much of the current confusion arises from conceptual gaps and the lack of a suitably fundamental model within which to situate emergence. We examine the potential for placing emer- gent relations in a familiar context based on Turing's 1939 model for interactive computation over structures described in terms of reals. The explanatory power of this model is explored, formalising informal descrip- tions in terms of mathematical definability and invariance, and relating a range of basic scientific puzzles to results and intractable problems in computability theory