17 research outputs found

    Muteria: An Extensible and Flexible Multi-Criteria Software Testing Framework

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    Program based test adequacy criteria (TAC), such as statement, branch coverage and mutation give objectives for software testing. Many techniques and tools have been developed to improve each phase of the TAC-based software testing process. Nonetheless, The engineering effort required to integrate these tools and techniques into the software testing process limits their use and creates an overhead to the users. Especially for system testing with languages like C, where test cases are not always well structured in a framework. In response to these challenges, this paper presents Muteria, a TAC-based software testing framework. Muteria enables the integration of multiple software testing tools. Muteria abstracts each phase of the TAC-based software testing process to provide tool drivers interfaces for the implementation of tool drivers. Tool drivers enable Muteria to call the corresponding tools during the testing process. An initial set of drivers for KLEE, Shadow and SEMu test-generation tools, Gcov, and coverage.py code coverage tools, and Mart mutant generation tool for C and Python programming language were implemented with an average of 345 lines of Python code. Moreover, the user configuration file required to measure code coverage and mutation score on a sample C programs, using the Muteria framework, consists of less than 15 configuration variables. Users of the Muteria framework select, in a configuration file, the tools and TACs to measure. The Muteria framework uses the user configuration to run the testing process and report the outcome. Users interact with Muteria through its Application Programming Interface and Command Line Interface. Muteria can benefit to researchers as a laboratory to execute experiments, and to software practitioners


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    Fault-tolerant distributed algorithms play an important role in many critical/high-availability applications. These algorithms are notoriously difficult to implement correctly, due to asynchronous communication and the occurrence of faults, such as the network dropping messages or computers crashing. Nonetheless there is surprisingly little language and verification support to build distributed systems based on fault-tolerant algorithms. In this paper, we present some of the challenges that a designer has to overcome to implement a fault-tolerant distributed system. Then we review different models that have been proposed to reason about distributed algorithms and sketch how such a model can form the basis for a domain-specific programming language. Adopting a high-level programming model can simplify the programmer's life and make the code amenable to automated verification, while still compiling to efficiently executable code. We conclude by summarizing the current status of an ongoing language design and implementation project that is based on this idea

    Model Checking Boot Code from AWS Data Centers

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    This paper describes our experience with symbolic model checking in an industrial setting. We have proved that the initial boot code running in data centers at Amazon Web Services is memory safe, an essential step in establishing the security of any data center. Standard static analysis tools cannot be easily used on boot code without modification owing to issues not commonly found in higher-level code, including memory-mapped device interfaces, byte-level memory access, and linker scripts. This paper describes automated solutions to these issues and their implementation in the C Bounded Model Checker (CBMC). CBMC is now the first source-level static analysis tool to extract the memory layout described in a linker script for use in its analysis

    On Solving Word Equations Using SAT

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    We present Woorpje, a string solver for bounded word equations (i.e., equations where the length of each variable is upper bounded by a given integer). Our algorithm works by reformulating the satisfiability of bounded word equations as a reachability problem for nondeterministic finite automata, and then carefully encoding this as a propositional satisfiability problem, which we then solve using the well-known Glucose SAT-solver. This approach has the advantage of allowing for the natural inclusion of additional linear length constraints. Our solver obtains reliable and competitive results and, remarkably, discovered several cases where state-of-the-art solvers exhibit a faulty behaviour

    An Empirical Study on Mutation, Statement and Branch Coverage Fault Revelation that Avoids the Unreliable Clean Program Assumption

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    Many studies suggest using coverage concepts, such as branch coverage, as the starting point of testing, while others as the most prominent test quality indicator. Yet the relationship between coverage and fault-revelation remains unknown, yielding uncertainty and controversy. Most previous studies rely on the Clean Program Assumption, that a test suite will obtain similar coverage for both faulty and fixed (‘clean’) program versions. This assumption may appear intuitive, especially for bugs that denote small semantic deviations. However, we present evidence that the Clean Program Assumption does not always hold, thereby raising a critical threat to the validity of previous results. We then conducted a study using a robust experimental methodology that avoids this threat to validity, from which our primary finding is that strong mutation testing has the highest fault revelation of four widely-used criteria. Our findings also revealed that fault revelation starts to increase significantly only once relatively high levels of coverage are attained

    Capacity: Cryptographically-Enforced In-Process Capabilities for Modern ARM Architectures (Extended Version)

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    In-process compartmentalization and access control have been actively explored to provide in-place and efficient isolation of in-process security domains. Many works have proposed compartmentalization schemes that leverage hardware features, most notably using the new page-based memory isolation feature called Protection Keys for Userspace (PKU) on x86. Unfortunately, the modern ARM architecture does not have an equivalent feature. Instead, newer ARM architectures introduced Pointer Authentication (PA) and Memory Tagging Extension (MTE), adapting the reference validation model for memory safety and runtime exploit mitigation. We argue that those features have been underexplored in the context of compartmentalization and that they can be retrofitted to implement a capability-based in-process access control scheme. This paper presents Capacity, a novel hardware-assisted intra-process access control design that embraces capability-based security principles. Capacity coherently incorporates the new hardware security features on ARM that already exhibit inherent characteristics of capability. It supports the life-cycle protection of the domain's sensitive objects -- starting from their import from the file system to their place in memory. With intra-process domains authenticated with unique PA keys, Capacity transforms file descriptors and memory pointers into cryptographically-authenticated references and completely mediates reference usage with its program instrumentation framework and an efficient system call monitor. We evaluate our Capacity-enabled NGINX web server prototype and other common applications in which sensitive resources are isolated into different domains. Our evaluation shows that Capacity incurs a low-performance overhead of approximately 17% for the single-threaded and 13.54% for the multi-threaded webserver.Comment: Accepted at ACM CCS 202