6 research outputs found

    Efficient enhanced keyword search for encrypted document in cloud

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    A sensitive public-key searchable encryption system in the prime-order groups, which lets keyword search policies to be uttered in conjunctive, disjunctive or any monotonic Boolean formulas and realizes momentous act enhancement over existing schemes. We legally express its sanctuary, and verify that it is selectively sheltered in the standard model. Correspondingly, we instrument the wished-for outline using a hasty prototyping tool so-called Charm and conduct more than a few experiments to estimate it show. The results determine that our scheme is plentiful more proficient than the ones assembled over the composite-order groups. Keyword research is one of the most imperative, valuable, and high return activities in the search marketing field. Position for the right keywords can make or interruption your website

    Group Signature with Deniability: How to Disavow a Signature

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    Group signatures are a class of digital signatures with enhanced privacy. By using this type of signature, a user can sign a message on behalf of a specific group without revealing his identity, but in the case of a dispute, an authority can expose the identity of the signer. However, in some situations it is only required to know whether a specific user is the signer of a given signature. In this case, the use of a standard group signature may be problematic since the specified user might not be the signer of the given signature, and hence, the identity of the actual signer will be exposed. Inspired by this problem, we propose the notion of a deniable group signature, where, with respect to a signature and a user, the authority can issue a proof showing that the specified user is NOT the signer of the signature, without revealing the actual signer. We also describe a fairly practical construction by extending the Groth group signature scheme (ASIACRYPT 2007). In particular, a denial proof in our scheme consists of 96 group elements, which is about twice the size of a signature in the Groth scheme. The proposed scheme is provably secure under the same assumptions as those of the Groth scheme

    Efficient and expressive keyword search over encrypted data in the cloud

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    National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapor

    Arbitrary Univariate Function Evaluation and Re-Encryption Protocols over Lifted-ElGamal Type Ciphertexts

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    Homomorphic encryption (HE) is one of the main tools in secure multiparty computation (MPC), and the (elliptic-curve) lifted-ElGamal cryptosystem is certainly the most efficient among the existing HE schemes. However, the combination of MPC with this most efficient HE has rarely appeared in the literature. This is mainly because the major known techniques for (additively) HE-based MPC are not available for this scheme due to its typical restriction that only a plaintext in a small range can be efficiently decrypted. In this paper, we resolve this problem. By our technique, a Server having a lifted-ElGamal ciphertext [[m]][[m]] with unknown small plaintext mm can obtain a ciphertext [[φ(m)]][[ \varphi(m) ]] for an arbitrary function φ\varphi by just one-round communication with a semi-honest Client (and also two-rounds with a malicious Client) having a decryption key, where mm is kept secret for both parties. This property enlarges much the variations of MPC based on the most efficient lifted-ElGamal cryptosystem. As an application, we implemented MPC for exact edit distance between two encrypted strings; our experiment for strings of length 10241024 shows that the protocol takes only 4545 seconds in LAN environments and about 33 minutes even in WAN environments. Moreover, our technique is also available with other lifted-ElGamal type HE schemes and admits different keys/schemes for the original and the resulting ciphertexts. For example, we can securely convert a level-2 (i.e., after multiplication) ciphertext for some two-level HE schemes into a level-1 (i.e., before multiplication) ciphertext, and securely apply arbitrary functions φ(m)\varphi(m) to encrypted plaintexts for some attribute-based HE schemes. This is the first result (even by using communication) on realizing these two functionalities

    Optimizing Secure Computation Programs with Private Conditionals

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    Secure multiparty computation platforms are often provided with a programming language that allows to write privacy-preserving applications without thinking of the underlying cryptography. The control flow of these programs is expensive to hide, hence they typically disallow branching on private values. The application programmers have to specify their programs in terms of allowed constructions, either using ad-hoc methods to avoid such branchings, or the general methodology of executing all branches and obliviously selecting the effects of one at the end. There may be compiler support for the latter. The execution of all branches introduces significant computational overhead. If the branches perform similar private operations, then it may make sense to compute repeating patterns only once, even though the necessary bookkeeping also has overheads. In this paper, we propose a program optimization doing exactly that, allowing the overhead of private conditionals to be reduced. The optimization is quite general, and can be applied to various privacy-preserving platforms