31,890 research outputs found

    University spin-offs, entrepreneurial environment and start-up policy: the cases of Waterloo and Toronto (Ontario) and Columbus (Ohio)

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    The version of record [Bathelt, H., & Spigel, B. (2011). University spinoffs, entrepreneurial environment and start-up policy: The cases of Waterloo and Toronto (Ontario) and Columbus (Ohio). International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 2(2), 202-219.] is available online at: http://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/10.1504/IJKBD.2011.041248Universities can be central to a region’s economic growth and development, especially if they support start-up, spin-off and modernisation processes related to the regional core sectors. While many governments and associations have developed programmes to encourage the establishment of university spin-offs, the policies they craft are hampered by two major problems. The first is a narrow understanding of spin-offs that focuses on firms directly based on university research. This approach misses firms that use university-related knowledge and resources, unsponsored through the university. Second, spin-off promotion policies often ignore the role of a larger regional entrepreneurial culture and supporting institutions. This paper argues that a broader view of spin-offs is required; a view that accounts for a larger array of ventures and that looks beyond the firm or university to the broader set of regional structures and relations. The empirical evidence presented draws from start-up and spin-off experiences at universities in the USA and Canada

    The Spin Liquid State of the Tb2Ti2O7 Pyrochlore Antiferromagnet: A Puzzling State of Affairs

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    The pyrochlore antiferromagnet Tb2Ti2O7 has proven to be an enigma to experimentalists and theorists working on frustrated magnetic systems. The experimentally determined energy level structure suggests a local Ising antiferromagnet at low temperatures, T < 10 K. An appropriate model then predicts a long-range ordered Q = 0 state below approximately 2 K. However, muon spin resonance experiments reveal a paramagnetic structure down to tens of milli-Kelvin. The importance of fluctuations out of the ground state effective Ising doublet has been recently understood, for the measured paramagnetic correlations can not be described without including the higher crystal field states. However, these fluctuations treated within the random phase approximation (RPA) fail to account for the lack of ordering in this system below 2 K. In this work, we briefly review the experimental evidence for the collective paramagnetic state of Tb2Ti2O7. The basic theoretical picture for this system is discussed, where results from classical spin models are used to motivate the investigation of quantum effects to lowest order via the RPA. Avenues for future experimental and theoretical work on Tb2Ti2O7 are presented.Comment: Latex2e,6 pages, IOP format, introduction shortened and other minor corrections, replaced with published version in the Proceedings of the Highly Frustrated Magnetism 2003 Conference, Grenobl

    Heat Transport as a Probe of Electron Scattering by Spin Fluctuations: the Case of Antiferromagnetic CeRhIn5

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    Heat and charge conduction were measured in the heavy-fermion metal CeRhIn5, an antiferromagnet with T_N=3.8 K. The thermal resistivity is found to be proportional to the magnetic entropy, revealing that spin fluctuations are as effective in scattering electrons as they are in disordering local moments. The electrical resistivity, governed by a q^2 weighting of fluctuations, increases monotonically with temperature. In contrast, the difference between thermal and electrical resistivities, characterized by an omega^2 weighting, peaks sharply at T_N and eventually goes to zero at a temperature T^* ~ 8 K. T^* thus emerges as a measure of the characteristic energy of magnetic fluctuations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Neutron scattering search for static magnetism in oxygen ordered YBa2Cu3O6.5

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    We present elastic and inelastic neutron scattering results on highly oxygen ordered YBa2Cu3O6.5 ortho-II. We find no evidence for the presence of ordered magnetic moments to a sensitivity of 0.003 Bohr magnetons, an order of magnitude smaller than has been suggested in theories of orbital or d-density-wave (DDW) currents. The absence of sharp elastic peaks, shows that the d-density-wave phase is not present, at least for the superconductor with the doping of 6.5 and the ordered ortho-II structure. We cannot exclude the possibility that a broad peak may exist with extremely short-range DDW correlations. For less ordered or more doped crystals it is possible that disorder may lead to static magnetism. We have also searched for the large normal state spin gap that is predicted to exist in an ordered DDW phase. Instead of a gap we find that the Q-correlated spin susceptibility persists to the lowest energies studied, 6 meV. Our results are compatible with the coexistence of superconductivity with orbital currents, but only if they are dynamic, and exclude a sharp phase transition to an ordered d-density-wave phase.Comment: 6 pages 4 figures RevTex Submitted to Phys Rev B January 23, 200

    Exponentially Localized Magnetic Fields for Single-Spin Quantum Logic Gates

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    An infinite array of parallel current-carrying wires is known, from the field of neutral particle optics, to produce an exponentially localized magnetic field when the current direction is antiparallel in adjacent wires. We show that a finite array of several tens of superconducting Nb nanowires can produce a peak magnetic field of 10mT that decays by a factor of 10^4 over a length scale of 500nm. Such an array is readily manufacturable with current technology, and is compatible with both semiconductor and superconducting quantum computer architectures. A series of such arrays can be used to individually address single single-spin or flux qubits spaced as little as 100nm apart, and can lead to quantum logic gate times of 5ns.Comment: 5 pages, incl. 4 figure

    Central mode and spin confinement near the boundary of the superconducting phase in YBa2Cu3O6.353 (Tc=18 K)

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    We have mapped the neutron scattering spin spectrum at low-energies in YBa2Cu3O6.353 (Tc=18 K) where the doping ~0.06 is near the critical value (pc=0.055) for superconductivity. No coexistence with long range ordered antiferromagnetism is found. The spins fluctuate on two energy scales, one a damped spin response with a ~2 meV relaxation rate and the other a central mode with a relaxation rate that slows to less than 0.08 meV below Tc. The spectrum mirrors that of a soft mode driving a central mode. Extremely short correlation lengths, 42+-5 Angstrom in-plane and 8+-2 Angstrom along the c direction, and isotropic spin orientations for the central mode indicate that the correlations are subcritical with respect to any second order transition to Neel order. The dynamics follows a model where damped spin fluctuations are coupled to the slow fluctuations of regions with correlations shortened by the hole doping.Comment: 5 pages 4 figures. One figure revised and some text revision. Accepted PRB Rapids February 14, 200

    NMR evidence for Friedel-like oscillations in the CuO chains of ortho-II YBa2_2Cu3_3O6.5_{6.5}

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    Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements of CuO chains of detwinned Ortho-II YBa2_2Cu3_3O6.5_{6.5} (YBCO6.5) single crystals reveal unusual and remarkable properties. The chain Cu resonance broadens significantly, but gradually, on cooling from room temperature. The lineshape and its temperature dependence are substantially different from that of a conventional spin/charge density wave (S/CDW) phase transition. Instead, the line broadening is attributed to small amplitude static spin and charge density oscillations with spatially varying amplitudes connected with the ends of the finite length chains. The influence of this CuO chain phenomenon is also clearly manifested in the plane Cu NMR.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, refereed articl
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