128 research outputs found

    Поиск аномалий в сенсорных данных цифровой индустрии с помощью параллельных вычислений

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    The article presents the results of case studies on the anomaly discovery in sensor data from various applications of the digital industry. The time series data obtained from the sensors installed on machine parts and metallurgical equipment, and from the temperature sensors in the smart building heating control system are considered. The anomalies discovered in such data indicate an abnormal situation or failures in the technological equipment. In this study, the anomaly is formalized as a range discord, namely a subsequence, the distance from which to its nearest neighbor is not less than the threshold prespecified by an analyst. The nearest neighbor of the given subsequence is a subsequence that does not overlap with this one and has a minimum distance to it. The discord discovery is performed through the parallel algorithm for GPU developed by the author. To visualize the anomalies found, a discord heatmap method and an algorithm for selection the most interesting discords regardless of their lengths are proposed.В статье представлены результаты исследований по поиску аномалий в сенсорных данных из различных приложений цифровой индустрии. Рассматриваются временные ряды, полученные при эксплуатации деталей машин, показания датчиков, установленных на металлургическом оборудовании, и показания температурных датчиков в системе умного управления отоплением зданий. Аномалии, найденные в таких данных, свидетельствуют о нештатной ситуации, отказах, сбоях и износе технологического оборудования. Аномалия формализуется как диапазонный диссонанс — подпоследовательность временного ряда, расстояние от которой до ее ближайшего соседа не менее наперед заданного аналитиком порога. Ближайшим соседом данной подпоследовательности является такая подпоследовательность ряда, которая не пересекается с данной и имеет минимальное расстояние до нее. Поиск диссонансов выполняется с помощью параллельного алгоритма для графического процессора, ранее разработанного автором данной статьи. Для визуализации найденных аномалий предложены метод построения тепловой карты диссонансов, имеющих различные длины, и алгоритм нахождения в построенной тепловой карте наиболее значимых диссонансов независимо от их длин

    Reducing UK-means to k-means

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    This paper proposes an optimisation to the UK-means algorithm, which generalises the k-means algorithm to handle objects whose locations are uncertain. The location of each object is described by a probability density function (pdf). The UK-means algorithm needs to compute expected distances (EDs) between each object and the cluster representatives. The evaluation of ED from first principles is very costly operation, because the pdf's are different and arbitrary. But UK-means needs to evaluate a lot of EDs. This is a major performance burden of the algorithm. In this paper, we derive a formula for evaluating EDs efficiently. This tremendously reduces the execution time of UK-means, as demonstrated by our preliminary experiments. We also illustrate that this optimised formula effectively reduces the UK-means problem to the traditional clustering algorithm addressed by the k-means algorithm. © 2007 IEEE.published_or_final_versionThe 7th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) Workshops 2007, Omaha, NE., 28-31 October 2007. In Proceedings of the 7th ICDM, 2007, p. 483-48

    Improvements on the k-center problem for uncertain data

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    In real applications, there are situations where we need to model some problems based on uncertain data. This leads us to define an uncertain model for some classical geometric optimization problems and propose algorithms to solve them. In this paper, we study the kk-center problem, for uncertain input. In our setting, each uncertain point PiP_i is located independently from other points in one of several possible locations {Pi,1,,Pi,zi}\{P_{i,1},\dots, P_{i,z_i}\} in a metric space with metric dd, with specified probabilities and the goal is to compute kk-centers {c1,,ck}\{c_1,\dots, c_k\} that minimize the following expected cost Ecost(c1,,ck)=RΩprob(R)maxi=1,,nminj=1,kd(P^i,cj)Ecost(c_1,\dots, c_k)=\sum_{R\in \Omega} prob(R)\max_{i=1,\dots, n}\min_{j=1,\dots k} d(\hat{P}_i,c_j) here Ω\Omega is the probability space of all realizations R={P^1,,P^n}R=\{\hat{P}_1,\dots, \hat{P}_n\} of given uncertain points and prob(R)=i=1nprob(P^i).prob(R)=\prod_{i=1}^n prob(\hat{P}_i). In restricted assigned version of this problem, an assignment A:{P1,,Pn}{c1,,ck}A:\{P_1,\dots, P_n\}\rightarrow \{c_1,\dots, c_k\} is given for any choice of centers and the goal is to minimize EcostA(c1,,ck)=RΩprob(R)maxi=1,,nd(P^i,A(Pi)).Ecost_A(c_1,\dots, c_k)=\sum_{R\in \Omega} prob(R)\max_{i=1,\dots, n} d(\hat{P}_i,A(P_i)). In unrestricted version, the assignment is not specified and the goal is to compute kk centers {c1,,ck}\{c_1,\dots, c_k\} and an assignment AA that minimize the above expected cost. We give several improved constant approximation factor algorithms for the assigned versions of this problem in a Euclidean space and in a general metric space. Our results significantly improve the results of \cite{guh} and generalize the results of \cite{wang} to any dimension. Our approach is to replace a certain center point for each uncertain point and study the properties of these certain points. The proposed algorithms are efficient and simple to implement

    Particle Swarm Optimization of Information-Content Weighting of Symbolic Aggregate Approximation

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    Bio-inspired optimization algorithms have been gaining more popularity recently. One of the most important of these algorithms is particle swarm optimization (PSO). PSO is based on the collective intelligence of a swam of particles. Each particle explores a part of the search space looking for the optimal position and adjusts its position according to two factors; the first is its own experience and the second is the collective experience of the whole swarm. PSO has been successfully used to solve many optimization problems. In this work we use PSO to improve the performance of a well-known representation method of time series data which is the symbolic aggregate approximation (SAX). As with other time series representation methods, SAX results in loss of information when applied to represent time series. In this paper we use PSO to propose a new minimum distance WMD for SAX to remedy this problem. Unlike the original minimum distance, the new distance sets different weights to different segments of the time series according to their information content. This weighted minimum distance enhances the performance of SAX as we show through experiments using different time series datasets.Comment: The 8th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA 2012

    Graph based Anomaly Detection and Description: A Survey

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    Detecting anomalies in data is a vital task, with numerous high-impact applications in areas such as security, finance, health care, and law enforcement. While numerous techniques have been developed in past years for spotting outliers and anomalies in unstructured collections of multi-dimensional points, with graph data becoming ubiquitous, techniques for structured graph data have been of focus recently. As objects in graphs have long-range correlations, a suite of novel technology has been developed for anomaly detection in graph data. This survey aims to provide a general, comprehensive, and structured overview of the state-of-the-art methods for anomaly detection in data represented as graphs. As a key contribution, we give a general framework for the algorithms categorized under various settings: unsupervised vs. (semi-)supervised approaches, for static vs. dynamic graphs, for attributed vs. plain graphs. We highlight the effectiveness, scalability, generality, and robustness aspects of the methods. What is more, we stress the importance of anomaly attribution and highlight the major techniques that facilitate digging out the root cause, or the ‘why’, of the detected anomalies for further analysis and sense-making. Finally, we present several real-world applications of graph-based anomaly detection in diverse domains, including financial, auction, computer traffic, and social networks. We conclude our survey with a discussion on open theoretical and practical challenges in the field