394 research outputs found

    Channel Estimation for Ambient Backscatter Communication Systems with Massive-Antenna Reader

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    Ambient backscatter, an emerging green communication technology, has aroused great interest from both academia and industry. One open problem for ambient backscatter communication (AmBC) systems is channel estimation for a massive-antenna reader. In this paper, we focus on channel estimation problem in AmBC systems with uniform linear array (ULA) at the reader which consists of large number of antennas. We first design a two-step method to jointly estimate channel gains and direction of arrivals (DoAs), and then refine the estimates through angular rotation. Additionally, Cramer-Rao lower bounds (CRLBs) are derived for both the modulus of the channel gain and the DoA estimates. Simulations are then provided to validate the analysis, and to show the efficiency of the proposed approach.Comment: 5 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 29 March, 201

    Investigation on Evolving Single-Carrier NOMA into Multi-Carrier NOMA in 5G

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    © 2013 IEEE. Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is one promising technology, which provides high system capacity, low latency, and massive connectivity, to address several challenges in the fifth-generation wireless systems. In this paper, we first reveal that the NOMA techniques have evolved from single-carrier NOMA (SC-NOMA) into multi-carrier NOMA (MC-NOMA). Then, we comprehensively investigated on the basic principles, enabling schemes and evaluations of the two most promising MC-NOMA techniques, namely sparse code multiple access (SCMA) and pattern division multiple access (PDMA). Meanwhile, we consider that the research challenges of SCMA and PDMA might be addressed with the stimulation of the advanced and matured progress in SC-NOMA. Finally, yet importantly, we investigate the emerging applications, and point out the future research trends of the MC-NOMA techniques, which could be straightforwardly inspired by the various deployments of SC-NOMA


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    Nowadays Vivaldi antennas are used as directional emitters with matching and balancing device at the input. As a rule, these devices cause additional losses in case of broadband operation. Besides, the use of the device leads to radiator pattern distortions, especially when operating in a wide frequency range. Stringent operating requirements (wide operating temperature, high humidity, salt fog, vibration, etc.), make the choice of proper chip very complicated. The aim of the study is to develop a slot antenna with a 50-ohm port at the input, which would be easy to manufacture and operate, while maintaining high gain in a wide frequency range. As is known, the field structure in the coplanar line is close to the field structure in the slit field close to it. As is known, the field structure in the coplanar line is similar to the field structure in the slot line. Using mathematics for such fields, means of electrodynamic modeling and numerical calculation, a system is developed that consists of two Vivaldi antennas fed by one coplanar line. Thus, the emitter has a close to a circular pattern and low losses in the structure of feeding, matching and balancing, the functions of which are performed by the coplanar line. The results are given for the frequency range of 1-6 GHz. The device as a whole is a dielectric substrate with radiating structure made as double-sided metallization. Finline-based emitters are acceptable to use for operation in higher frequencies. Antenna has low manufacturing cost and it is easy to repeat. Currently the authors are continuing work on the study of the use of such elements as part of antenna arrays.В настоящее время антенны Вивальди используются как направленные излучатели, которые требуют согласования и симметрирования возбуждающего СВЧ-радиосигнала на входе. Чаще всего установка в раскрыв антенны согласующе-симметрирующего устройства приводит к дополнительным потерям и искажениям диаграммы направленности излучателя, особенно в случае работы в широком диапазоне частот. Кроме того, в случаях жестких требований по условиям эксплуатации (большой диапазон рабочих температур, высокая влажность, соляной туман, вибрация и пр.) сложен подбор подходящей микросхемы. Целью исследования является разработка щелевой антенны с 50-омным портом на входе, которая была бы проста в производстве и эксплуатации, при сохранении высокого коэффициента усиления в широком диапазоне частот. Как известно, структура поля в копланарной линии близка к структуре поля в близкой к ней щелевой. С использованием математического аппарата для таких полей, средств электродинамического моделирования и численного расчета разработана система, представляющая собой две антенны Вивальди, запитываемые одной копланарной линией. Таким образом, излучатель обладает близкой к круговой диаграммой направленности и низкими потерями в структуре питания, согласования и симметрирования, функции которой выполняет копланарная линия. Представлены результаты для диапазона частот 1…6 ГГц. Устройство в целом представляет собой диэлектрическую подложку, на которой двусторонней металлизацией выполнена излучающая структура. Для работы в более высоких диапазонах допустимо использовать излучатели на основе Finline. Кроме очевидных конструктивных плюсов антенна обладает низкой стоимостью в производстве и легко повторяема. В настоящее время авторами продолжается работа по исследованию использования таких элементов в составе антенных решеток