38 research outputs found

    International Calendar

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    International Calendar

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    Wielowymiarowa analiza mediów społecznościowych

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    Social media has gained prominent attention in the last years. Hundreds of millions of people spending countless hours on social media to communicate, interact, share pictures and create groups of interests. Social media has become rich source of data for analysis to scientists and practitioners. Concept of multidimensional analysis of social media is presented in the article. Dimensions of analysis includes text analysis, user analysis, user networks analysis, geospatial analysis and picture analysis

    The International Calendar

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    Early Phase Challenges and Solutions in Enterprise Architecture of Public Sector

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    Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena oli selvittää, mitkä ovat keskeisimmät haasteet julkisen hallinnon kokonaisarkkitehtuurityön aloitusvaiheessa ja löytää niihin soveltuvat ratkaisut. Aineisto koostui artikkelikatsaukseen valituista konferenssiartikkeleista, muusta kansainvälisestä kirjallisuudesta, suomalaistutkimuksista ja tieteellisistä julkaisuista. Teoreettinen viitekehys muodostettiin kirjallisuustutkimuksen ja empiirinen viitekehys puolistrukturoitujen teemahaastattelujen avulla. Viitekehykset koottiin tulkinnallisen tutkimuksen menetelmällä. Keskeisimmät haasteet olivat kirjallisuustutkimuksen perusteella muutoksen hallinta ja johtaminen, sidosryhmien hallinta, arkkitehtuurin hallinta ja koordinointi. Kirjallisuustutkimuksen perusteella keskeisten haasteiden ratkaisuiksi saatiin hankkeiden hallinnointi ja ohjeistusten yhtenäistäminen, sidosryhmien huomiointi ja tarpeiden täyttäminen, arkkitehtuurityön systemaattinen jakaminen, suunnitelmallisuus ja tavoitteiden selkeä määrittely sekä yhtenäiset ohjeistukset ja kognitiivinen koordinointi. Puolestaan haastattelututkimuksessa keskeisimmiksi haasteiksi havaittiin sanasto, kokonaiskuva, arkkitehtuurityön kohdentaminen ja käsitteet. Haastattelututkimuksen perusteella keskeisten haasteiden ratkaisuiksi havaittiin terminologian selkeyttäminen, kokonaiskuvan hahmottaminen ja monimutkaisuuden välttäminen, arkkitehtuurityön myyminen, toimintojen eriyttäminen ja yhteismitalliset arkkitehtuurimenetelmät sekä käsitemallien tekeminen. Haastattelujen perusteella Suomen julkisen hallinnon tulee keskittyä kokonaisarkkitehtuurityön aloitusvaiheessa ensisijaisesti tietoarkkitehtuuriin kuuluvaan sanasto- ja käsitetyöhön. Samalla kokonaisarkkitehtuurityön kohdentamiseen ja kokonaiskuvan hahmottamiseen on kiinnitettävä erityistä huomiota. Kirjallisuudessa korostettiin enemmän muutoksen, sidosryhmien ja arkkitehtuurin hallintaa, sekä koordinointia ja johtamista

    Personalized First Issue Recommender for Newcomers in Open Source Projects

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    Many open source projects provide good first issues (GFIs) to attract and retain newcomers. Although several automated GFI recommenders have been proposed, existing recommenders are limited to recommending generic GFIs without considering differences between individual newcomers. However, we observe mismatches between generic GFIs and the diverse background of newcomers, resulting in failed attempts, discouraged onboarding, and delayed issue resolution. To address this problem, we assume that personalized first issues (PFIs) for newcomers could help reduce the mismatches. To justify the assumption, we empirically analyze 37 newcomers and their first issues resolved across multiple projects. We find that the first issues resolved by the same newcomer share similarities in task type, programming language, and project domain. These findings underscore the need for a PFI recommender to improve over state-of-the-art approaches. For that purpose, we identify features that influence newcomers' personalized selection of first issues by analyzing the relationship between possible features of the newcomers and the characteristics of the newcomers' chosen first issues. We find that the expertise preference, OSS experience, activeness, and sentiment of newcomers drive their personalized choice of the first issues. Based on these findings, we propose a Personalized First Issue Recommender (PFIRec), which employs LamdaMART to rank candidate issues for a given newcomer by leveraging the identified influential features. We evaluate PFIRec using a dataset of 68,858 issues from 100 GitHub projects. The evaluation results show that PFIRec outperforms existing first issue recommenders, potentially doubling the probability that the top recommended issue is suitable for a specific newcomer and reducing one-third of a newcomer's unsuccessful attempts to identify suitable first issues, in the median.Comment: The 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2023

    Influence of Social Network Integration on the Online Review Helpfulness

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    Online consumer reviews are important for consumers when they make purchasing decisions. However, the large volume of online reviews makes it difficult for consumers to identify those helpful reviews. The influencing factors on online review helpfulness have drawn great attention from different research fields. In recent years, online review websites start to exhibit more features of social media. For example, some websites allow users to integrate with other social media accounts. The influences of such social factors, however, are rarely studied in the literature. Drawing on a dataset from Qunar.com, this paper explores how social network integration and reviewer network centrality influence online review helpfulness through a negative binomial regression model. Our results show that both factors have a positive effect on review helpfulness, and that network centrality positively moderates the effect of social network integration. Our research results provide important implications for reviewers, industry practitioners, and online review websites

    Obsolescence in IT Work: Causes, Consequences and Counter-Measures

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    Investigative Support for Information Confidentiality Part II: Applications in Cryptanalysis and Digital Forensics

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    AbstractThis is Part II in a two-part series discussing the development of investigative support for information confidentiality. In Part I, we proposed a technique based on relation algebra to detect confidential information leakage via protocol-based covert channels. In this paper, we continue developing investigative support for information confidentiality. We examine the application of the technique for detecting confidential information leakage proposed in Part I in cryptanalysis and digital forensics to highlight its usefulness beyond the scope of covert channel analysis. By way of a short case study, we show the automation of the cryptanalysis application of the technique for detecting confidential information leakage using a prototype tool and a known-plaintext attack

    Evaluating the impact of electronic health records on clinical reasoning performance

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    This paper adapts and extends the task-technology fit model of performance to the health care domain and the clinical reasoning task. Central to this effort was careful adaptation of the task and technology characteristics constructs to the clinical reasoning task and electronic health record technology. Overall the results indicate a good fit between model and data. The contributions of this study include successful adaptation of a corner-stone information systems theory to a new domain and technology, a validated user evaluation instrument able to assess the impact of EHR use on clinical reasoning performance, and new insight on the factors that impact task-technology fit and clinical reasoning performance