5 research outputs found

    Dense subgraphs in the H-free process

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    The H-free process starts with the empty graph on n vertices and adds edges chosen uniformly at random, one at a time, subject to the condition that no copy of H is created, where H is some fixed graph. When H is strictly 2-balanced, we show that for some c,d>0, with high probability as nn \to \infty, the final graph of the H-free process contains no subgraphs F on vFndv_F \leq n^{d} vertices with maximum density maxJF{eJ/vJ}c\max_{J \subseteq F}\{e_J/v_J\} \geq c. This extends and generalizes results of Gerke and Makai for the C_3-free process.Comment: 7 pages, revised versio

    When does the K_4-free process stop?

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    The K_4-free process starts with the empty graph on n vertices and at each step adds a new edge chosen uniformly at random from all remaining edges that do not complete a copy of K_4. Let G be the random maximal K_4-free graph obtained at the end of the process. We show that for some positive constant C, with high probability as nn \to \infty, the maximum degree in G is at most Cn3/5logn5C n^{3/5}\sqrt[5]{\log n}. This resolves a conjecture of Bohman and Keevash for the K_4-free process and improves on previous bounds obtained by Bollob\'as and Riordan and by Osthus and Taraz. Combined with results of Bohman and Keevash this shows that with high probability G has Θ(n8/5logn5)\Theta(n^{8/5}\sqrt[5]{\log n}) edges and is `nearly regular', i.e., every vertex has degree Θ(n3/5logn5)\Theta(n^{3/5}\sqrt[5]{\log n}). This answers a question of Erd\H{o}s, Suen and Winkler for the K_4-free process. We furthermore deduce an additional structural property: we show that whp the independence number of G is at least Ω(n2/5(logn)4/5/loglogn)\Omega(n^{2/5}(\log n)^{4/5}/\log \log n), which matches an upper bound obtained by Bohman up to a factor of Θ(loglogn)\Theta(\log \log n). Our analysis of the K_4-free process also yields a new result in Ramsey theory: for a special case of a well-studied function introduced by Erd\H{o}s and Rogers we slightly improve the best known upper bound.Comment: 39 pages, 3 figures. Minor edits. To appear in Random Structures and Algorithm

    4-cycles at the triangle-free process

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