4 research outputs found

    Error Model of Misalignment Error in a Radial 3D Scanner

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    A radial 3D, structured light scanner, was developed from a laser projector and a wide field of view machine vision camera to inspect two - four inch diameter pipers, primarily in the nuclear industry. For identifying the nature and the spatial extent of defective regions, the system constructs a surface point cloud. A dominant source of error in the system is caused by manufacturing tolerances which leads to misalignment between the laser projector and the camera. This causes a triangulation error, reducing the accuracy of the result. In this paper, the error model of the misalignment of the laser and image plane. For a given target distance, we derive an almost linear relationship between angular error in degrees and the error in reported radius (distance from the probe to the surface) in mm and found that for the target 0.1 mm accuracy on a 4 inch pipe, the misalignment needs to be controlled to less than 0.05 degrees. Future work will consider a post manufacturing calibration routine to compensate for this misalignment

    Positioning system for 3D scans inside objects

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    En este trabajo presentamos un sistema de posicionamiento de visión activa para el escaneo 3D del interior de piezas. El diseño del sistema propuesto consta de dos módulos: un sistema de dimensionamiento 2D de visión activa, y un sistema que posiciona el módulo de visión activa. El sistema de posicionamiento es capaz de determinar la profundidad del sistema de dimensionamiento 2D de visión activa en el interior del objeto a escanear usando varios sensores. Las principales contribuciones de este trabajo son la caracterización del sistema de dimensionamiento 2D, y el desarrollo de algoritmos de posicionamiento de la luz activa con énfasis en el modelado y fusión de sensores. El sistema puede utilizarse como un sistema de dimensionamiento en aplicaciones industriales como la industria metal mecánica, la aeronáutica, la medicina, en el control de calidad y en áreas de visión por computadora.In this work we present an active positioning system for 3D scan of interior parts. The design of the proposed system consists of two modules: an active 2D dimensional system and positional system based on active vision. The active 2D dimensional system is able to determine the depth of the 2D dimensional system inside the object to be scanned using several sensors. The main contributions of this work are the characterization of the 2D dimensional system and the development of active light positioning algorithms with emphasis on the modeling and fusion of the sensors. The system can be used as a dimensional system in industrial applications such as the metal mechanical industry, aeronautics industry, medicine, quality control and computer vision.Peer Reviewe

    4-DOF pose estimation of a pipe crawling robot using a Collimated Laser, a conic mirror, and a fish-eye camera

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    A Robot to Measure Water Parameters in Water Distribution Systems

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    Water distribution systems (WDS) are critical infrastructures that transfer drinking water to consumers. In the U.S., around 42 billion gallons of water are being delivered per day via one million miles of pipes to be used in different sectors. Incidents to pipelines cause leak or let contaminants enter purified water in pipe that is harmful to public health. Hence, periodic condition assessments of pipelines and water inside it are required. However, due to the long and complicated configurations of these networks, access to all parts of the pipelines is a cumbersome task. To this aim, in-pipe robots are promising solution that facilitate access to different locations inside pipelines and perform different in-pipe missions. In this project, we design and fabricate an in-pipe robotic system is that is used for water quality monitoring. The robot is equipped with a wireless sensor module and the sensor module is synchronized with the motion unit of the robot. The wireless sensor module facilitates bi-directional data transmission between the robot and base station aboveground. The integrated robotic system navigates in different configurations of the pipeline with smart motion. To this aim, the mechanical design of the self-powered robot based on three adjustable arm modules and three actuator modules is designed. The components of the robot are characterized based on real operation conditions in pipes. A multi-phase motion control algorithm is developed for the robot to move in straight path and non-straight configurations like bends and T-junctions. A bi-directional wireless sensor module is designed to send data packets through underground environment. Finally, the multi-phase motion controller is synchronized with the wireless sensor module and we propose an operation procedure for the robot. In the operation procedure, some radio transceivers are located at non-straight configurations of pipelines and receive the sensor measurements from the robot and guide the robot in the desired direction. The proposed operation procedure provides smart navigation and data transmission during operation for the robot