276 research outputs found

    Fiatal orvosnők testi-lelki egészsége

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    Bevezetés: Az orvosnők testi-lelki egészségére vonatkozó magyarországi vizsgálatok kiemelik a fokozott orvosnői morbiditás problémáját. Célkitűzés: A szerzők két orvosnői csoport, a 24–43 évesek és a 44–76 évesek testi-lelki egészséggel, munkavégzéssel kapcsolatos mutatóit hasonlították össze, és keresték azokat a potenciális kockázati tényezőket, amelyek a fiatal orvosnőket veszélyeztetve a későbbi megbetegedések szempontjából kulcsszerepűek. Módszerek: 2003–2004-ben lefolytatott, reprezentatív, kvantitatív vizsgálat (N = 408). Eredmények: Megállapították, hogy a fiatal orvosnők szignifikánsan nagyobb arányban látnak el ügyeleti és éjszakai munkát, kevesebb szabadidővel és szabadsággal rendelkeznek, kevésbé elégedettek munkájukkal, munkahelyükkel, a kollegiális támogatással és a munkájuk anyagi jellegű elismerésével. A fiatal orvosnői csoportban szignifikánsan magasabb a kiégés, emocionális kimerülés és teljesítménycsökkenés dimenziója, összefüggésben a magasabb depressziópontszámokkal és az öngyilkossági gondolatok nagyobb arányával. Következtetések: A későbbi morbiditás szempontjából kulcsszerepűnek tűnik a kiégés szindróma emocionális kimerülés komponensének nagyarányú megjelenése. A kutatás eredményei a prevenció és az intervenció szükségességére hívják fel a figyelmet. Orv. Hetil., 2013, 154, 20–27. | Introduction: The high prevalence of morbidity among female physicians in Hungary is well documented, however, little is known about the prevalence of that in certain age groups. Aims: To assess the prevalence of somatic and psychiatric morbidity in two age cohorts (Cohort 1: age 24–43 and Cohort 2: age 44–76) of female physicians and to explore the relationship between morbidity and potential risk factors including work-related stressors. Methods: Representative, cross-sectional, quantitative survey among representative samples of female physicians (N = 408). Results: Physicians in Cohort 1 reported more frequent night shift rotation, less leisure time, and fewer days off compared to physicians in Cohort 2. Physicians in Cohort 1 were less satisfied with their work, workplace, reported less support from their colleagues, and received lower salary compared to physicians in Cohort 2. Physicians in Cohort 1 scored significantly higher on the emotional exhaustion and the personal accomplishment scales MBI as compared to Cohort 2 physicians. In Cohort 1 emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment were associated with high depression scores and frequent suicidal ideation. Conclusions: The role of emotional exhaustion is decisive of young physicians’ well-being. Future research should focus on understanding the psycho-social, individual, organizational, and societal correlates of the high prevalence of morbidity among young female physicians in Hungary. Orv. Hetil., 2013, 154, 20–27

    A szótáríró és tudománytörténész Priszter Szaniszló évszázada(i)

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    Munkánkban a szótáríró és tudománytörténész Priszter Szaniszlóra emlékezünk. Előadásunk három részre oszlik. Az első részben a magyar botanikai szótárirodalom kezdeteiről lesz szó, a második az ünnepelt idevágó munkásságát tekinti át, a harmadik részben a botanikatörténészt idézzük meg az olasz-magyar botanikai kapcsolatok ürügyén

    Youth unemployment and NEETs : Reasons and Treatment in Europe with Special Regard to Hungary

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    The problem of youth unemployment and NEETs is only the tip of the iceberg and cannot be solved without solving the general problem of unemployment. The growth of the latter, however, is a historical tendency within capitalism, and this tendency becomes more pronounced for Europe with outward foreign investments to low-wage countries outside Europe. Behind the tendency of rising unemployment and the collateral deterioration of working conditions, such as decreasing wages, increasing intensity of work, spread of “atypical” or – to put it less euphemistically – precarious forms of employment, there is the profit motive that requires a continuous lessening of unit labor costs. This causes the decreasing trend of the compensation of employees within the GDP, which itself is the basic reason for crisis and unemployment

    A Simple Typology of Distributed Network Management Paradigms

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    Over the past few years, network management has steadily evolved from a centralized model, where all the management processing takes place on a single network management station, to distributed models, where management is distributed over a number, potentially large, of nodes. Among distributed models, one, epitomized by the SNMPv2 and CMIP protocols, has been around for several years, whereas a flurry of new ones, based on mobile code, distributed objects or cooperative agents, have only recently emerged. This paper reviews all major network management paradigms known to date, and proposes a simple typology to classify them

    Roles Played by the Na+/Ca2+ Exchanger and Hypothermia in the Prevention of Ischemia-Induced Carrier-Mediated Efflux of Catecholamines into the Extracellular Space: Implications for Stroke Therapy

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    The release of [3H]dopamine ([3H]DA) and [3H]noradrenaline ([3H]NA) in acutely perfused rat striatal and cortical slice preparations was measured at 37 °C and 17 °C under ischemic conditions. The ischemia was simulated by the removal of oxygen and glucose from the Krebs solution. At 37 °C, resting release rates in response to ischemia were increased; in contrast, at 17 °C, resting release rates were significantly reduced, or resting release was completely prevented. The removal of extracellular Ca2+ further increased the release rates of [3H]DA and [3H]NA induced by ischemic conditions. This finding indicated that the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX), working in reverse in the absence of extracellular Ca2+, fails to trigger the influx of Ca2+ in exchange for Na+ and fails to counteract ischemia by further increasing the intracellular Na+ concentration ([Na+]i). KB-R7943, an inhibitor of NCX, significantly reduced the cytoplasmic resting release rate of catecholamines under ischemic conditions and under conditions where Ca2+ was removed. Hypothermia inhibited the excessive release of [3H]DA in response to ischemia, even in the absence of Ca2+. These findings further indicate that the NCX plays an important role in maintaining a high [Na+]i, a condition that may lead to the reversal of monoamine transporter functions; this effect consequently leads to the excessive cytoplasmic tonic release of monoamines and the reversal of the NCX. Using HPLC combined with scintillation spectrometry, hypothermia, which enhances the stimulation-evoked release of DA, was found to inhibit the efflux of toxic DA metabolites, such as 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetaldehyde (DOPAL). In slices prepared from human cortical brain tissue removed during elective neurosurgery, the uptake and release values for [3H]NA did not differ from those measured at 37 °C in slices that were previously maintained under hypoxic conditions at 8 °C for 20 h. This result indicates that hypothermia preserves the functions of the transport and release mechanisms, even under hypoxic conditions. Oxidative stress (H2O2), a mediator of ischemic brain injury enhanced the striatal resting release of [3H]DA and its toxic metabolites (DOPAL, quinone). The study supports our earlier findings that during ischemia transmitters are released from the cytoplasm. In addition, the major findings of this study that hypothermia of brain slice preparations prevents the extracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]o)-independent non-vesicular transmitter release induced by ischemic insults, inhibiting Na+/Cl--dependent membrane transport of monoamines and their toxic metabolites into the extracellular space, where they can exert toxic effects