613 research outputs found

    Saving Energy in Mobile Devices for On-Demand Multimedia Streaming -- A Cross-Layer Approach

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    This paper proposes a novel energy-efficient multimedia delivery system called EStreamer. First, we study the relationship between buffer size at the client, burst-shaped TCP-based multimedia traffic, and energy consumption of wireless network interfaces in smartphones. Based on the study, we design and implement EStreamer for constant bit rate and rate-adaptive streaming. EStreamer can improve battery lifetime by 3x, 1.5x and 2x while streaming over Wi-Fi, 3G and 4G respectively.Comment: Accepted in ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (ACM TOMCCAP), November 201

    3G Femto or 802.11g WiFi:Which is the Best Indoor Data Solution Today?

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    3G migration in Pakistan

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    The telecommunication industry in Pakistan has come a long way since the country\u27s independence in 1947. The initial era could be fairly termed as the PTCL (Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited) monopoly, for it was the sole provider of all telecommunication services across the country. It was not until four decades later that the region embarked into the new world of wireless communication, hence ending the decades old PTCL monopoly. By the end of the late 1990\u27s, government support and international investment in the region opened new doors to innovation and better quality, low cost, healthy competition. Wireless licenses for the private sector in the telecommunication industry triggered a promising chain of events that resulted in a drastic change in the telecommunication infrastructure and service profile. The newly introduced wireless (GSM) technology received enormous support from all stakeholders (consumers, regulatory body, and market) and caused a vital boost in Pakistan\u27s economy. Numerous tangential elements had triggered this vital move in the history of telecommunications in Pakistan. Entrepreneurs intended to test the idea of global joint ventures in the East and hence the idea of international business became a reality. The technology had proven to be a great success in the West, while Pakistan\u27s telecom consumer had lived under the shadow of PTCL dominance for decades and needed more flexibility. At last the world was moving from wired to wireless! Analysts termed this move as the beginning of a new era. The investors, telecommunication businesses, and Pakistani treasury prospered. It was a win-win situation for all involved. The learning curve was steep for both operators and consumers but certainly improved over time. In essence, the principle of deploying the right technology in the right market at the right time led to this remarkable success. The industry today stands on the brink of a similar crossroads via transition from second generation to something beyond. With the partial success of 3G in Europe and the USA, the government has announced the release of three 3G licenses by mid 2009. This decision is not yet fully supported by all but still initiated parallel efforts by the operators and the vendors to integrate this next move into their existing infrastructure

    WiMax - a critical view of the technology and its economics

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    University of the Witwatersrand Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment School of Information and Electrical EngineeringMobile Broadband is now more of a necessity than a luxury, especially amongst the younger generation, irrespective of where they live. Mobile WiMax and LTE, the latest and fastest Mobile Broadband technologies, mark significant improvements over 3G networks because they use IP (Internet Protocol) end-to-end. To end-users, this means faster network speeds, better quality services, and increased coverage area. To the Network Operators, this means simplified network architectures, efficient use of resources, and improved security. In this report, the different issues and challenges related to deploying Mobile WiMax (802.16e or 802.16m) in rural South Africa, were identifed and explored. In this project, Atoll, SONAR, and Touch Point analysis tools were used to determine which Mobile Broadband technology is economically and technically suited for rural South Africa. It was found that LTE yields superior performance results than WiMax, which in turn yields superior performance results to all other existing 3G technologies. However it will take time for LTE to reach rural areas therefore WiMax can be considered as a solution to extend Broadband services to rural South Africa and thus assist in bridging the digital divide. Recommendations on how best to deploy Mobile WiMax are made based on observations made from the experimental work.MT201

    Interoperability and Quality Assurance for Multi-Vendor LTE Network

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    The deployment of the LTE is picking up pace in many countries and these networks are deployed alongside the existing 2G/3G services. LTE/LTE-A networks offer higher data rates and reduced delay to the subscribers. Today's mobile networks consist of equipment from multiple vendors and they are called multiple vendor networks. Interoperability testing is important at initial network launch and during network expansion. This paper discusses a typical problem related to interoperability testing along with the test results and the issues faced during the testing. The test results discussed in the paper are obtained from three scenarios - before testing, during testing and after testing. The test results are used to study the impact on network performance. Apart from the interoperability testing, an outline of testing that focus on general network stability, the interworking capability of LTE with other technologies such as 2G and 3G and taxonomy for the generation of key performance indicators (KPIs) are also discussed

    Overview of UMTS network evolution through radio and transmission feature validation

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    This project is based on several UMTS network feature validation with the aim to provide an end-to-end in-depth knowledge overview gained in parallel in the areas of radio network mobility processes (cell camping and inter-system handover), Quality of Service improvement for HSPA data users and transport network evolution towards the All-IP era.Hardware and software validation is a key step in the relationship between the mobile network operator and the vendor. Through this verification process, while executing that functionality or testing a specific hardware, the difference between the actual result and expected result can be better understood and, in turn, this in-depth knowledge acquisition is translated into a tailored usage of the product in the operator’s live network. As a result, validation helps in building a better product as per the customer’s requirement and helps satisfying their needs, which positively impacts in the future evolution of the vendor product roadmap implementation process for a specific customer. This project is based on several Universal Mobile Telecommunication Services (UMTS) network feature validation with the aim to provide an end-to-end in-depth knowledge overview gained in parallel in the areas of radio network mobility processes (cell camping and inter-system handover), Quality of Service improvement for High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSPA) data users and transport network evolution towards the All-IP era.Las campañas de validación hardware y software son un paso clave en las relaciones comerciales establecidas entre un operador de telecomunicaciones y su proveedor de equipos de red. Durante los procesos de certificación, mientras se ejecuta una funcionalidad software o se valida un determinado hardware, se obtiene un conocimiento profundo de la diferencia entre el resultado obtenido y el esperado, repercutiendo directamente en un uso a medida de dicha funcionalidad o hardware en la propia red del cliente. Como consecuencia de lo anterior, podemos aseverar que los procesos de validación permiten en gran medida al proveedor adaptarse mejor a los requerimientos del cliente, ayudando a satisfacer realmente sus necesidades. Esto implica directamente un impacto positivo en la futura evolución del portfolio que el fabricante ofrece a un determinado cliente. Este proyecto está basado en la validación de diferentes funcionalidades de red UMTS, cuyo objetivo es proporcionar un conocimiento global de distintos aspectos que conforman el funcionamiento de una red de telecomunicaciones 3G, como son los procesos de movilidad de acceso radio (acampado de red y handover inter-sistema), las mejoras en la calidad de servicio para usuarios de datos HSPA y la convergencia de la red de transporte hacia la era IP.Els processos de validació hardware i software són un punt clau en les relacions comercials establertes entre un operador de telecomunicaciones i el proveïdor d'equipament de la xarxa. En el transcurs dels processos de certificació, a la mateixa vegada que s'executa una funcionalitat software o es valida un determinat hardware, s'obtenen grans coneixements respecte la diferència entre el resultat obtingut i l'esperat, que són d'aplicació directa a l'hora d'establir un ús adpatat a la xarxa del client. En conseqüència, podem asseverar que les campanyes de validació permeten en gran mesura al proveïdor adaptar-se millor als requeriments del client, ajudant a satisfer realment les seves necessitats. Això implica directament un impacte positiu en la futura evol.lució del portfoli que el fabricant ofereix a un determinat client. Aquest projecte es basa en la presentació d'un procès de validació de diferents funcionalitats relacionades amb la xarxa UMTS, amb l'objectiu de proporcionar un coneixement global de la varietat d'aspectes que conformen el funcionament d'una xarxa de telecomunicacions 3G, com són els processos de mobilitat en accès radio (acampat de l'usuari i handover inter-sistema), millores en la qualitat de servei per a usuaris de dades HSPA i la convergència de la xarxa de transport cap a l'era IP

    Energy Efficient Evolution of Mobile Broadband Networks

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