4,430 research outputs found

    PMMTalk: Speech-Driven 3D Facial Animation from Complementary Pseudo Multi-modal Features

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    Speech-driven 3D facial animation has improved a lot recently while most related works only utilize acoustic modality and neglect the influence of visual and textual cues, leading to unsatisfactory results in terms of precision and coherence. We argue that visual and textual cues are not trivial information. Therefore, we present a novel framework, namely PMMTalk, using complementary Pseudo Multi-Modal features for improving the accuracy of facial animation. The framework entails three modules: PMMTalk encoder, cross-modal alignment module, and PMMTalk decoder. Specifically, the PMMTalk encoder employs the off-the-shelf talking head generation architecture and speech recognition technology to extract visual and textual information from speech, respectively. Subsequently, the cross-modal alignment module aligns the audio-image-text features at temporal and semantic levels. Then PMMTalk decoder is employed to predict lip-syncing facial blendshape coefficients. Contrary to prior methods, PMMTalk only requires an additional random reference face image but yields more accurate results. Additionally, it is artist-friendly as it seamlessly integrates into standard animation production workflows by introducing facial blendshape coefficients. Finally, given the scarcity of 3D talking face datasets, we introduce a large-scale 3D Chinese Audio-Visual Facial Animation (3D-CAVFA) dataset. Extensive experiments and user studies show that our approach outperforms the state of the art. We recommend watching the supplementary video

    Capture, Learning, and Synthesis of 3D Speaking Styles

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    Audio-driven 3D facial animation has been widely explored, but achieving realistic, human-like performance is still unsolved. This is due to the lack of available 3D datasets, models, and standard evaluation metrics. To address this, we introduce a unique 4D face dataset with about 29 minutes of 4D scans captured at 60 fps and synchronized audio from 12 speakers. We then train a neural network on our dataset that factors identity from facial motion. The learned model, VOCA (Voice Operated Character Animation) takes any speech signal as input - even speech in languages other than English - and realistically animates a wide range of adult faces. Conditioning on subject labels during training allows the model to learn a variety of realistic speaking styles. VOCA also provides animator controls to alter speaking style, identity-dependent facial shape, and pose (i.e. head, jaw, and eyeball rotations) during animation. To our knowledge, VOCA is the only realistic 3D facial animation model that is readily applicable to unseen subjects without retargeting. This makes VOCA suitable for tasks like in-game video, virtual reality avatars, or any scenario in which the speaker, speech, or language is not known in advance. We make the dataset and model available for research purposes at http://voca.is.tue.mpg.de.Comment: To appear in CVPR 201

    Dynamic Facial Expression of Emotion Made Easy

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    Facial emotion expression for virtual characters is used in a wide variety of areas. Often, the primary reason to use emotion expression is not to study emotion expression generation per se, but to use emotion expression in an application or research project. What is then needed is an easy to use and flexible, but also validated mechanism to do so. In this report we present such a mechanism. It enables developers to build virtual characters with dynamic affective facial expressions. The mechanism is based on Facial Action Coding. It is easy to implement, and code is available for download. To show the validity of the expressions generated with the mechanism we tested the recognition accuracy for 6 basic emotions (joy, anger, sadness, surprise, disgust, fear) and 4 blend emotions (enthusiastic, furious, frustrated, and evil). Additionally we investigated the effect of VC distance (z-coordinate), the effect of the VC's face morphology (male vs. female), the effect of a lateral versus a frontal presentation of the expression, and the effect of intensity of the expression. Participants (n=19, Western and Asian subjects) rated the intensity of each expression for each condition (within subject setup) in a non forced choice manner. All of the basic emotions were uniquely perceived as such. Further, the blends and confusion details of basic emotions are compatible with findings in psychology

    DiffusionTalker: Personalization and Acceleration for Speech-Driven 3D Face Diffuser

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    Speech-driven 3D facial animation has been an attractive task in both academia and industry. Traditional methods mostly focus on learning a deterministic mapping from speech to animation. Recent approaches start to consider the non-deterministic fact of speech-driven 3D face animation and employ the diffusion model for the task. However, personalizing facial animation and accelerating animation generation are still two major limitations of existing diffusion-based methods. To address the above limitations, we propose DiffusionTalker, a diffusion-based method that utilizes contrastive learning to personalize 3D facial animation and knowledge distillation to accelerate 3D animation generation. Specifically, to enable personalization, we introduce a learnable talking identity to aggregate knowledge in audio sequences. The proposed identity embeddings extract customized facial cues across different people in a contrastive learning manner. During inference, users can obtain personalized facial animation based on input audio, reflecting a specific talking style. With a trained diffusion model with hundreds of steps, we distill it into a lightweight model with 8 steps for acceleration. Extensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods. The code will be released

    RenderMe-360: A Large Digital Asset Library and Benchmarks Towards High-fidelity Head Avatars

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    Synthesizing high-fidelity head avatars is a central problem for computer vision and graphics. While head avatar synthesis algorithms have advanced rapidly, the best ones still face great obstacles in real-world scenarios. One of the vital causes is inadequate datasets -- 1) current public datasets can only support researchers to explore high-fidelity head avatars in one or two task directions; 2) these datasets usually contain digital head assets with limited data volume, and narrow distribution over different attributes. In this paper, we present RenderMe-360, a comprehensive 4D human head dataset to drive advance in head avatar research. It contains massive data assets, with 243+ million complete head frames, and over 800k video sequences from 500 different identities captured by synchronized multi-view cameras at 30 FPS. It is a large-scale digital library for head avatars with three key attributes: 1) High Fidelity: all subjects are captured by 60 synchronized, high-resolution 2K cameras in 360 degrees. 2) High Diversity: The collected subjects vary from different ages, eras, ethnicities, and cultures, providing abundant materials with distinctive styles in appearance and geometry. Moreover, each subject is asked to perform various motions, such as expressions and head rotations, which further extend the richness of assets. 3) Rich Annotations: we provide annotations with different granularities: cameras' parameters, matting, scan, 2D/3D facial landmarks, FLAME fitting, and text description. Based on the dataset, we build a comprehensive benchmark for head avatar research, with 16 state-of-the-art methods performed on five main tasks: novel view synthesis, novel expression synthesis, hair rendering, hair editing, and talking head generation. Our experiments uncover the strengths and weaknesses of current methods. RenderMe-360 opens the door for future exploration in head avatars.Comment: Technical Report; Project Page: 36; Github Link: https://github.com/RenderMe-360/RenderMe-36

    A Survey on Deep Multi-modal Learning for Body Language Recognition and Generation

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    Body language (BL) refers to the non-verbal communication expressed through physical movements, gestures, facial expressions, and postures. It is a form of communication that conveys information, emotions, attitudes, and intentions without the use of spoken or written words. It plays a crucial role in interpersonal interactions and can complement or even override verbal communication. Deep multi-modal learning techniques have shown promise in understanding and analyzing these diverse aspects of BL. The survey emphasizes their applications to BL generation and recognition. Several common BLs are considered i.e., Sign Language (SL), Cued Speech (CS), Co-speech (CoS), and Talking Head (TH), and we have conducted an analysis and established the connections among these four BL for the first time. Their generation and recognition often involve multi-modal approaches. Benchmark datasets for BL research are well collected and organized, along with the evaluation of SOTA methods on these datasets. The survey highlights challenges such as limited labeled data, multi-modal learning, and the need for domain adaptation to generalize models to unseen speakers or languages. Future research directions are presented, including exploring self-supervised learning techniques, integrating contextual information from other modalities, and exploiting large-scale pre-trained multi-modal models. In summary, this survey paper provides a comprehensive understanding of deep multi-modal learning for various BL generations and recognitions for the first time. By analyzing advancements, challenges, and future directions, it serves as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners in advancing this field. n addition, we maintain a continuously updated paper list for deep multi-modal learning for BL recognition and generation: https://github.com/wentaoL86/awesome-body-language