4 research outputs found

    On-barn pig weight estimation based on body measurements by structure-from-motion (SfM)

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    Information on the body shape of pigs is a key indicator to monitor their performance and health and to control or predict their market weight. Manual measurements are among the most common ways to obtain an indication of animal growth. However, this approach is laborious and difficult, and it may be stressful for both the pigs and the stockman. The present paper proposes the implementation of a Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry approach as a new tool for on-barn animal reconstruction applications. This is possible also to new software tools allowing automatic estimation of camera parameters during the reconstruction process even without a preliminary calibration phase. An analysis on pig body 3D SfM characterization is here proposed, carried out under different conditions in terms of number of camera poses and animal movements. The work takes advantage of the total reconstructed surface as reference index to quantify the quality of the achieved 3D reconstruction, showing how as much as 80% of the total animal area can be characterized

    3D Reconstruction of Space Objects from Multi-Views by a Visible Sensor

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    In this paper, a novel 3D reconstruction framework is proposed to recover the 3D structural model of a space object from its multi-view images captured by a visible sensor. Given an image sequence, this framework first estimates the relative camera poses and recovers the depths of the surface points by the structure from motion (SFM) method, then the patch-based multi-view stereo (PMVS) algorithm is utilized to generate a dense 3D point cloud. To resolve the wrong matches arising from the symmetric structure and repeated textures of space objects, a new strategy is introduced, in which images are added to SFM in imaging order. Meanwhile, a refining process exploiting the structural prior knowledge that most sub-components of artificial space objects are composed of basic geometric shapes is proposed and applied to the recovered point cloud. The proposed reconstruction framework is tested on both simulated image datasets and real image datasets. Experimental results illustrate that the recovered point cloud models of space objects are accurate and have a complete coverage of the surface. Moreover, outliers and points with severe noise are effectively filtered out by the refinement, resulting in an distinct improvement of the structure and visualization of the recovered points