491 research outputs found

    Rule-Guided Joint Embedding Learning over Knowledge Graphs

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    Recent studies focus on embedding learning over knowledge graphs, which map entities and relations in knowledge graphs into low-dimensional vector spaces. While existing models mainly consider the aspect of graph structure, there exists a wealth of contextual and literal information that can be utilized for more effective embedding learning. This paper introduces a novel model that incorporates both contextual and literal information into entity and relation embeddings by utilizing graph convolutional networks. Specifically, for contextual information, we assess its significance through confidence and relatedness metrics. In addition, a unique rule-based method is developed to calculate the confidence metric, and the relatedness metric is derived from the literal information's representations. We validate our model performance with thorough experiments on two established benchmark datasets

    Unsupervised Machine Learning Approach for Tigrigna Word Sense Disambiguation

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    All human languages have words that can mean different things in different contexts. Word sense disambiguation (WSD) is an open problem of natural language processing, which governs the process of identifying which sense of a word (i.e. meaning) is used in a sentence, when the word has multiple meanings (polysemy). We use unsupervised machine learning techniques to address the problem of automatically deciding the correct sense of an ambiguous word Tigrigna texts based on its surrounding context. And we report experiments on four selected Tigrigna ambiguous words due to lack of sufficient training data; these are መደብ read as “medeb” has three different meaning (Program, Traditional bed and Grouping), ሓለፈ read as “halefe”; has four dissimilar meanings (Pass, Promote, Boss and Pass away), ሃደመ read as “hademe”; has two different meaning (Running and Building house) and, ከበረ read as “kebere”; has two different meaning (Respecting and Expensive).Finally we tested five clustering algorithms (simple k means, hierarchical agglomerative: Single, Average and complete link and Expectation Maximization algorithms) in the existing implementation of Weka 3.8.1 package. “Use training set” evaluation mode was selected to learn the selected algorithms in the preprocessed dataset. We have evaluated the algorithms for the four ambiguous words and achieved the best accuracy within the range of 67 to 83.3 for EM which is encouraging result. Keywords: Attribute- Relation File Format, Cross Validation, Consonant Vowel, Machine Readable Dictionary, Natural Language Processing, System for Ethiopic Representation in ASCII, Word Sense Disambiguatio

    Similarity-Based Models of Word Cooccurrence Probabilities

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    In many applications of natural language processing (NLP) it is necessary to determine the likelihood of a given word combination. For example, a speech recognizer may need to determine which of the two word combinations ``eat a peach'' and ``eat a beach'' is more likely. Statistical NLP methods determine the likelihood of a word combination from its frequency in a training corpus. However, the nature of language is such that many word combinations are infrequent and do not occur in any given corpus. In this work we propose a method for estimating the probability of such previously unseen word combinations using available information on ``most similar'' words. We describe probabilistic word association models based on distributional word similarity, and apply them to two tasks, language modeling and pseudo-word disambiguation. In the language modeling task, a similarity-based model is used to improve probability estimates for unseen bigrams in a back-off language model. The similarity-based method yields a 20% perplexity improvement in the prediction of unseen bigrams and statistically significant reductions in speech-recognition error. We also compare four similarity-based estimation methods against back-off and maximum-likelihood estimation methods on a pseudo-word sense disambiguation task in which we controlled for both unigram and bigram frequency to avoid giving too much weight to easy-to-disambiguate high-frequency configurations. The similarity-based methods perform up to 40% better on this particular task.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    METRICC: Harnessing Comparable Corpora for Multilingual Lexicon Development

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    International audienceResearch on comparable corpora has grown in recent years bringing about the possibility of developing multilingual lexicons through the exploitation of comparable corpora to create corpus-driven multilingual dictionaries. To date, this issue has not been widely addressed. This paper focuses on the use of the mechanism of collocational networks proposed by Williams (1998) for exploiting comparable corpora. The paper first provides a description of the METRICC project, which is aimed at the automatically creation of comparable corpora and describes one of the crawlers developed for comparable corpora building, and then discusses the power of collocational networks for multilingual corpus-driven dictionary development

    Using Global Constraints and Reranking to Improve Cognates Detection

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    Global constraints and reranking have not been used in cognates detection research to date. We propose methods for using global constraints by performing rescoring of the score matrices produced by state of the art cognates detection systems. Using global constraints to perform rescoring is complementary to state of the art methods for performing cognates detection and results in significant performance improvements beyond current state of the art performance on publicly available datasets with different language pairs and various conditions such as different levels of baseline state of the art performance and different data size conditions, including with more realistic large data size conditions than have been evaluated with in the past.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables; published in the Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 1983-1992, Vancouver, Canada, July 201

    Acquiring Word-Meaning Mappings for Natural Language Interfaces

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    This paper focuses on a system, WOLFIE (WOrd Learning From Interpreted Examples), that acquires a semantic lexicon from a corpus of sentences paired with semantic representations. The lexicon learned consists of phrases paired with meaning representations. WOLFIE is part of an integrated system that learns to transform sentences into representations such as logical database queries. Experimental results are presented demonstrating WOLFIE's ability to learn useful lexicons for a database interface in four different natural languages. The usefulness of the lexicons learned by WOLFIE are compared to those acquired by a similar system, with results favorable to WOLFIE. A second set of experiments demonstrates WOLFIE's ability to scale to larger and more difficult, albeit artificially generated, corpora. In natural language acquisition, it is difficult to gather the annotated data needed for supervised learning; however, unannotated data is fairly plentiful. Active learning methods attempt to select for annotation and training only the most informative examples, and therefore are potentially very useful in natural language applications. However, most results to date for active learning have only considered standard classification tasks. To reduce annotation effort while maintaining accuracy, we apply active learning to semantic lexicons. We show that active learning can significantly reduce the number of annotated examples required to achieve a given level of performance