733 research outputs found

    The Relationship between IR Effectiveness Measures and User Satisfaction

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    This paper presents an experimental study of users assessing the quality of Google web search results. In particular we look at how users' satisfaction correlates with the effectiveness of Google as quantified by IR measures such as precision and the suite of Cumulative Gain measures (CG, DCG, NDCG). Results indicate strong correlation between users' satisfaction, CG and precision, moderate correlation with DCG, with perhaps surprisingly negligible correlation with NDCG. The reasons for the low correlation with NDCG are examined

    Intra-assessor consistency in question answering

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    In this paper we investigate the consistency of answer assessment in a complex question answering task examining features of assessor consistency, types of answers and question type

    Broad expertise retrieval in sparse data environments

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    Expertise retrieval has been largely unexplored on data other than the W3C collection. At the same time, many intranets of universities and other knowledge-intensive organisations offer examples of relatively small but clean multilingual expertise data, covering broad ranges of expertise areas. We first present two main expertise retrieval tasks, along with a set of baseline approaches based on generative language modeling, aimed at finding expertise relations between topics and people. For our experimental evaluation, we introduce (and release) a new test set based on a crawl of a university site. Using this test set, we conduct two series of experiments. The first is aimed at determining the effectiveness of baseline expertise retrieval methods applied to the new test set. The second is aimed at assessing refined models that exploit characteristic features of the new test set, such as the organizational structure of the university, and the hierarchical structure of the topics in the test set. Expertise retrieval models are shown to be robust with respect to environments smaller than the W3C collection, and current techniques appear to be generalizable to other settings

    Building simulated queries for known-item topics: an analysis using six european languages

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    There has been increased interest in the use of simulated queries for evaluation and estimation purposes in Information Retrieval. However, there are still many unaddressed issues regarding their usage and impact on evaluation because their quality, in terms of retrieval performance, is unlike real queries. In this paper, we focus on methods for building simulated known-item topics and explore their quality against real known-item topics. Using existing generation models as our starting point, we explore factors which may influence the generation of the known-item topic. Informed by this detailed analysis (on six European languages) we propose a model with improved document and term selection properties, showing that simulated known-item topics can be generated that are comparable to real known-item topics. This is a significant step towards validating the potential usefulness of simulated queries: for evaluation purposes, and because building models of querying behavior provides a deeper insight into the querying process so that better retrieval mechanisms can be developed to support the user

    Exploring Topic-based Language Models for Effective Web Information Retrieval

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    The main obstacle for providing focused search is the relative opaqueness of search request -- searchers tend to express their complex information needs in only a couple of keywords. Our overall aim is to find out if, and how, topic-based language models can lead to more effective web information retrieval. In this paper we explore retrieval performance of a topic-based model that combines topical models with other language models based on cross-entropy. We first define our topical categories and train our topical models on the .GOV2 corpus by building parsimonious language models. We then test the topic-based model on TREC8 small Web data collection for ad-hoc search.Our experimental results show that the topic-based model outperforms the standard language model and parsimonious model

    An Online Framework for Supporting the Evaluation of Personalised Information Retrieval Systems

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    Scope - Personalised Information Retrieval (PIR) has been gaining attention because it investigates intelligent ways for enhancing content delivery. Web users can have personalised services and more accurate information. Problem - Several PIR systems have been proposed in the literature; however, they have not been properly tested or evaluated. Proposal – The authors propose a generally applicable web-based interface, which provides PIR developers and evaluators with: i) implicit recommendations on how to evaluate a specific PIR system; ii) a repository containing studies on user-centred and layered evaluation studies; iii) recommendations on how to best combine different evaluation methods, metrics and measurement criteria in order to most effectively evaluate their system; iv) a UCE methodology which details how to apply existing UCE techniques; v) a taxonomy of evaluations of adaptive systems; and vi) interface translation support (49 languages supported)

    Studying Interaction Methodologies in Video Retrieval

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    So far, several approaches have been studied to bridge the problem of the Semantic Gap, the bottleneck in image and video retrieval. However, no approach is successful enough to increase retrieval performances significantly. One reason is the lack of understanding the user's interest, a major condition towards adapting results to a user. This is partly due to the lack of appropriate interfaces and the missing knowledge of how to interpret user's actions with these interfaces. In this paper, we propose to study the importance of various implicit indicators of relevance. Furthermore, we propose to investigate how this implicit feedback can be combined with static user profiles towards an adaptive video retrieval model

    Updating collection representations for federated search

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    To facilitate the search for relevant information across a set of online distributed collections, a federated information retrieval system typically represents each collection, centrally, by a set of vocabularies or sampled documents. Accurate retrieval is therefore related to how precise each representation reflects the underlying content stored in that collection. As collections evolve over time, collection representations should also be updated to reflect any change, however, a current solution has not yet been proposed. In this study we examine both the implications of out-of-date representation sets on retrieval accuracy, as well as proposing three different policies for managing necessary updates. Each policy is evaluated on a testbed of forty-four dynamic collections over an eight-week period. Our findings show that out-of-date representations significantly degrade performance overtime, however, adopting a suitable update policy can minimise this problem

    DutchHatTrick: semantic query modeling, ConText, section detection, and match score maximization

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    This report discusses the collaborative work of the ErasmusMC, University of Twente, and the University of Amsterdam on the TREC 2011 Medical track. Here, the task is to retrieve patient visits from the University of Pittsburgh NLP Repository for 35 topics. The repository consists of 101,711 patient reports, and a patient visit was recorded in one or more reports