349 research outputs found

    Solving the Shortest Vector Problem in Lattices Faster Using Quantum Search

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    By applying Grover's quantum search algorithm to the lattice algorithms of Micciancio and Voulgaris, Nguyen and Vidick, Wang et al., and Pujol and Stehl\'{e}, we obtain improved asymptotic quantum results for solving the shortest vector problem. With quantum computers we can provably find a shortest vector in time 21.799n+o(n)2^{1.799n + o(n)}, improving upon the classical time complexity of 22.465n+o(n)2^{2.465n + o(n)} of Pujol and Stehl\'{e} and the 22n+o(n)2^{2n + o(n)} of Micciancio and Voulgaris, while heuristically we expect to find a shortest vector in time 20.312n+o(n)2^{0.312n + o(n)}, improving upon the classical time complexity of 20.384n+o(n)2^{0.384n + o(n)} of Wang et al. These quantum complexities will be an important guide for the selection of parameters for post-quantum cryptosystems based on the hardness of the shortest vector problem.Comment: 19 page

    A 4/3 Approximation for 2-Vertex-Connectivity

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    The 2-Vertex-Connected Spanning Subgraph problem (2VCSS) is among the most basic NP-hard (Survivable) Network Design problems: we are given an (unweighted) undirected graph G. Our goal is to find a subgraph S of G with the minimum number of edges which is 2-vertex-connected, namely S remains connected after the deletion of an arbitrary node. 2VCSS is well-studied in terms of approximation algorithms, and the current best (polynomial-time) approximation factor is 10/7 by Heeger and Vygen [SIDMA\u2717] (improving on earlier results by Khuller and Vishkin [STOC\u2792] and Garg, Vempala and Singla [SODA\u2793]). Here we present an improved 4/3 approximation. Our main technical ingredient is an approximation preserving reduction to a conveniently structured subset of instances which are "almost" 3-vertex-connected. The latter reduction might be helpful in future work

    On the combinatorics of suffix arrays

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    We prove several combinatorial properties of suffix arrays, including a characterization of suffix arrays through a bijection with a certain well-defined class of permutations. Our approach is based on the characterization of Burrows-Wheeler arrays given in [1], that we apply by reducing suffix sorting to cyclic shift sorting through the use of an additional sentinel symbol. We show that the characterization of suffix arrays for a special case of binary alphabet given in [2] easily follows from our characterization. Based on our results, we also provide simple proofs for the enumeration results for suffix arrays, obtained in [3]. Our approach to characterizing suffix arrays is the first that exploits their relationship with Burrows-Wheeler permutations

    Optimal Dynamic Distributed MIS

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    Finding a maximal independent set (MIS) in a graph is a cornerstone task in distributed computing. The local nature of an MIS allows for fast solutions in a static distributed setting, which are logarithmic in the number of nodes or in their degrees. The result trivially applies for the dynamic distributed model, in which edges or nodes may be inserted or deleted. In this paper, we take a different approach which exploits locality to the extreme, and show how to update an MIS in a dynamic distributed setting, either \emph{synchronous} or \emph{asynchronous}, with only \emph{a single adjustment} and in a single round, in expectation. These strong guarantees hold for the \emph{complete fully dynamic} setting: Insertions and deletions, of edges as well as nodes, gracefully and abruptly. This strongly separates the static and dynamic distributed models, as super-constant lower bounds exist for computing an MIS in the former. Our results are obtained by a novel analysis of the surprisingly simple solution of carefully simulating the greedy \emph{sequential} MIS algorithm with a random ordering of the nodes. As such, our algorithm has a direct application as a 33-approximation algorithm for correlation clustering. This adds to the important toolbox of distributed graph decompositions, which are widely used as crucial building blocks in distributed computing. Finally, our algorithm enjoys a useful \emph{history-independence} property, meaning the output is independent of the history of topology changes that constructed that graph. This means the output cannot be chosen, or even biased, by the adversary in case its goal is to prevent us from optimizing some objective function.Comment: 19 pages including appendix and reference
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