8 research outputs found

    33-dimensional Continued Fraction Algorithms Cheat Sheets

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    Multidimensional Continued Fraction Algorithms are generalizations of the Euclid algorithm and find iteratively the gcd of two or more numbers. They are defined as linear applications on some subcone of Rd\mathbb{R}^d. We consider multidimensional continued fraction algorithms that acts symmetrically on the positive cone R+d\mathbb{R}^d_+ for d=3d=3. We include well-known and old ones (Poincar\'e, Brun, Selmer, Fully Subtractive) and new ones (Arnoux-Rauzy-Poincar\'e, Reverse, Cassaigne). For each algorithm, one page (called cheat sheet) gathers a handful of informations most of them generated with the open source software Sage with the optional Sage package \texttt{slabbe-0.2.spkg}. The information includes the nn-cylinders, density function of an absolutely continuous invariant measure, domain of the natural extension, lyapunov exponents as well as data regarding combinatorics on words, symbolic dynamics and digital geometry, that is, associated substitutions, generated SS-adic systems, factor complexity, discrepancy, dual substitutions and generation of digital planes. The document ends with a table of comparison of Lyapunov exponents and gives the code allowing to reproduce any of the results or figures appearing in these cheat sheets.Comment: 9 pages, 66 figures, landscape orientatio

    Number of orbits of Discrete Interval Exchanges

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    A new recursive function on discrete interval exchange transformation associated to a composition of length rr, and the permutation σ(i)=ri+1\sigma(i) = r -i +1 is defined. Acting on composition cc, this recursive function counts the number of orbits of the discrete interval exchange transformation associated to the composition cc. Moreover, minimal discrete interval exchanges transformation i.e. the ones having only one orbit, are reduced to the composition which label the root of the Raney tree. Therefore, we describe a generalization of the Raney tree using our recursive function

    On the second Lyapunov exponent of some multidimensional continued fraction algorithms

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    We study the strong convergence of certain multidimensional continued fraction algorithms. In particular, in the two-dimensional case, we prove that the second Lyapunov exponent of Selmer's algorithm is negative and bound it away from zero. Moreover, we give heuristic results on several other continued fraction algorithms. Our results indicate that all classical multidimensional continued fraction algorithms cease to be strongly convergent for high dimensions. The only exception seems to be the Arnoux-Rauzy algorithm which, however, is defined only on a set of measure zero

    Almost everywhere balanced sequences of complexity 2n+12n+1

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    We study ternary sequences associated with a multidimensional continued fraction algorithm introduced by the first author. The algorithm is defined by two matrices and we show that it is measurably isomorphic to the shift on the set {1,2}N\{1,2\}^\mathbb{N} of directive sequences. For a given set C\mathcal{C} of two substitutions, we show that there exists a C\mathcal{C}-adic sequence for every vector of letter frequencies or, equivalently, for every directive sequence. We show that their factor complexity is at most 2n+12n+1 and is 2n+12n+1 if and only if the letter frequencies are rationally independent if and only if the C\mathcal{C}-adic representation is primitive. It turns out that in this case, the sequences are dendric. We also prove that μ\mu-almost every C\mathcal{C}-adic sequence is balanced, where μ\mu is any shift-invariant ergodic Borel probability measure on {1,2}N\{1,2\}^\mathbb{N} giving a positive measure to the cylinder [12121212][12121212]. We also prove that the second Lyapunov exponent of the matrix cocycle associated with the measure μ\mu is negative.Comment: 42 pages, 9 figures. Extended and augmented version of arXiv:1707.0274