9 research outputs found

    3-coloring triangle-free planar graphs with a precolored 8-cycle

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    Let G be a planar triangle-free graph and let C be a cycle in G of length at most 8. We characterize all situations where a 3-coloring of C does not extend to a proper 3-coloring of the whole graph.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    3‐Coloring Triangle‐Free Planar Graphs with a Precolored 8‐Cycle

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    Let G be a planar triangle-free graph and let C be a cycle in G of length at most 8. We characterize all situations where a 3-coloring of C does not extend to a proper 3-coloring of the whole graph

    Fractional coloring of triangle-free planar graphs

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    We prove that every planar triangle-free graph on nn vertices has fractional chromatic number at most 31n+1/33-\frac{1}{n+1/3}

    Three-coloring triangle-free graphs on surfaces V. Coloring planar graphs with distant anomalies

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    We settle a problem of Havel by showing that there exists an absolute constant d such that if G is a planar graph in which every two distinct triangles are at distance at least d, then G is 3-colorable. In fact, we prove a more general theorem. Let G be a planar graph, and let H be a set of connected subgraphs of G, each of bounded size, such that every two distinct members of H are at least a specified distance apart and all triangles of G are contained in \bigcup{H}. We give a sufficient condition for the existence of a 3-coloring phi of G such that for every B\in H, the restriction of phi to B is constrained in a specified way.Comment: 26 pages, no figures. Updated presentatio

    Fine structure of 4-critical triangle-free graphs I. Planar graphs with two triangles and 3-colorability of chains

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    Aksenov proved that in a planar graph G with at most one triangle, every precoloring of a 4-cycle can be extended to a 3-coloring of G. We give an exact characterization of planar graphs with two triangles in that some precoloring of a 4-cycle does not extend. We apply this characterization to solve the precoloring extension problem from two 4-cycles in a triangle-free planar graph in the case that the precolored 4-cycles are separated by many disjoint 4-cycles. The latter result is used in followup papers to give detailed information about the structure of 4-critical triangle-free graphs embedded in a fixed surface.Comment: 38 pages, 6 figures; corrections from the review proces

    3‐Coloring Triangle‐Free Planar Graphs with a Precolored 8‐Cycle

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    Let G be a planar triangle-free graph and let C be a cycle in G of length at most 8. We characterize all situations where a 3-coloring of C does not extend to a proper 3-coloring of the whole graph.This is the peer-reviewed version of the following article: dvořák, zdeněk and Bernard Lidický. "3‐Coloring Triangle‐Free Planar Graphs with a Precolored 8‐Cycle." Journal of Graph Theory 80, no. 2 (2015): 98-111, which has been published in final form at doi: 10.1002/jgt.21842. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving. Posted with permission.</p