1,826 research outputs found

    Coloring Drawings of Graphs

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    We consider face-colorings of drawings of graphs in the plane. Given a multi-graph GG together with a drawing Γ(G)\Gamma(G) in the plane with only finitely many crossings, we define a face-kk-coloring of Γ(G)\Gamma(G) to be a coloring of the maximal connected regions of the drawing, the faces, with kk colors such that adjacent faces have different colors. By the 44-color theorem, every drawing of a bridgeless graph has a face-44-coloring. A drawing of a graph is facially 22-colorable if and only if the underlying graph is Eulerian. We show that every graph without degree 1 vertices admits a 33-colorable drawing. This leads to the natural question which graphs GG have the property that each of its drawings has a 33-coloring. We say that such a graph GG is facially 33-colorable. We derive several sufficient and necessary conditions for this property: we show that every 44-edge-connected graph and every graph admitting a nowhere-zero 33-flow is facially 33-colorable. We also discuss circumstances under which facial 33-colorability guarantees the existence of a nowhere-zero 33-flow. On the negative side, we present an infinite family of facially 33-colorable graphs without a nowhere-zero 33-flow. On the positive side, we formulate a conjecture which has a surprising relation to a famous open problem by Tutte known as the 33-flow-conjecture. We prove our conjecture for subcubic and for K3,3K_{3,3}-minor-free graphs.Comment: 24 pages, 17 figure

    On facial unique-maximum (edge-)coloring

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    A facial unique-maximum coloring of a plane graph is a vertex coloring where on each face α\alpha the maximal color appears exactly once on the vertices of α\alpha. If the coloring is required to be proper, then the upper bound for the minimal number of colors required for such a coloring is set to 55. Fabrici and G\"oring [Fabrici and Goring 2016] even conjectured that 44 colors always suffice. Confirming the conjecture would hence give a considerable strengthening of the Four Color Theorem. In this paper, we prove that the conjecture holds for subcubic plane graphs, outerplane graphs and plane quadrangulations. Additionally, we consider the facial edge-coloring analogue of the aforementioned coloring and prove that every 22-connected plane graph admits such a coloring with at most 44 colors.Comment: 5 figure

    Vertex coloring of plane graphs with nonrepetitive boundary paths

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    A sequence s1,s2,...,sk,s1,s2,...,sks_1,s_2,...,s_k,s_1,s_2,...,s_k is a repetition. A sequence SS is nonrepetitive, if no subsequence of consecutive terms of SS form a repetition. Let GG be a vertex colored graph. A path of GG is nonrepetitive, if the sequence of colors on its vertices is nonrepetitive. If GG is a plane graph, then a facial nonrepetitive vertex coloring of GG is a vertex coloring such that any facial path is nonrepetitive. Let πf(G)\pi_f(G) denote the minimum number of colors of a facial nonrepetitive vertex coloring of GG. Jendro\vl and Harant posed a conjecture that πf(G)\pi_f(G) can be bounded from above by a constant. We prove that πf(G)≤24\pi_f(G)\le 24 for any plane graph GG

    Third case of the Cyclic Coloring Conjecture

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    The Cyclic Coloring Conjecture asserts that the vertices of every plane graph with maximum face size D can be colored using at most 3D/2 colors in such a way that no face is incident with two vertices of the same color. The Cyclic Coloring Conjecture has been proven only for two values of D: the case D=3 is equivalent to the Four Color Theorem and the case D=4 is equivalent to Borodin's Six Color Theorem, which says that every graph that can be drawn in the plane with each edge crossed by at most one other edge is 6-colorable. We prove the case D=6 of the conjecture

    Facial unique-maximum colorings of plane graphs with restriction on big vertices

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    A facial unique-maximum coloring of a plane graph is a proper coloring of the vertices using positive integers such that each face has a unique vertex that receives the maximum color in that face. Fabrici and G\"{o}ring (2016) proposed a strengthening of the Four Color Theorem conjecturing that all plane graphs have a facial unique-maximum coloring using four colors. This conjecture has been disproven for general plane graphs and it was shown that five colors suffice. In this paper we show that plane graphs, where vertices of degree at least four induce a star forest, are facially unique-maximum 4-colorable. This improves a previous result for subcubic plane graphs by Andova, Lidick\'y, Lu\v{z}ar, and \v{S}krekovski (2018). We conclude the paper by proposing some problems.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure
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