2,632 research outputs found

    Efficient contour-based shape representation and matching

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    This paper presents an efficient method for calculating the similarity between 2D closed shape contours. The proposed algorithm is invariant to translation, scale change and rotation. It can be used for database retrieval or for detecting regions with a particular shape in video sequences. The proposed algorithm is suitable for real-time applications. In the first stage of the algorithm, an ordered sequence of contour points approximating the shapes is extracted from the input binary images. The contours are translation and scale-size normalized, and small sets of the most likely starting points for both shapes are extracted. In the second stage, the starting points from both shapes are assigned into pairs and rotation alignment is performed. The dissimilarity measure is based on the geometrical distances between corresponding contour points. A fast sub-optimal method for solving the correspondence problem between contour points from two shapes is proposed. The dissimilarity measure is calculated for each pair of starting points. The lowest dissimilarity is taken as the final dissimilarity measure between two shapes. Three different experiments are carried out using the proposed approach: letter recognition using a web camera, our own simulation of Part B of the MPEG-7 core experiment “CE-Shape1” and detection of characters in cartoon video sequences. Results indicate that the proposed dissimilarity measure is aligned with human intuition

    Study of object recognition and identification based on shape and texture analysis

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    The objective of object recognition is to enable computers to recognize image patterns without human intervention. According to its applications, it is mainly divided into two parts: recognition of object categories and detection/identification of objects. My thesis studied the techniques of object feature analysis and identification strategies, which solve the object recognition problem by employing effective and perceptually important object features. The shape information is of particular interest and a review of the shape representation and description is presented, as well as the latest research work on object recognition. In the second chapter of the thesis, a novel content-based approach is proposed for efficient shape classification and retrieval of 2D objects. Two object detection approaches, which are designed according to the characteristics of the shape context and SIFT descriptors, respectively, are analyzed and compared. It is found that the identification strategy constructed on a single type of object feature is only able to recognize the target object under specific conditions which the identifier is adapted to. These identifiers are usually designed to detect the target objects which are rich in the feature type captured by the identifier. In addition, this type of feature often distinguishes the target object from the complex scene. To overcome this constraint, a novel prototyped-based object identification method is presented to detect the target object in the complex scene by employing different types of descriptors to capture the heterogeneous features. All types of descriptors are modified to meet the requirement of the detection strategy’s framework. Thus this new method is able to describe and identify various kinds of objects whose dominant features are quite different. The identification system employs the cosine similarity to evaluate the resemblance between the prototype image and image windows on the complex scene. Then a ‘resemblance map’ is established with values on each patch representing the likelihood of the target object’s presence. The simulation approved that this novel object detection strategy is efficient, robust and of scale and rotation invariance

    Efficient Recognition of Partially Visible Objects Using a Logarithmic Complexity Matching Technique

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    An important task in computer vision is the recognition of partially visible two-dimensional objects in a gray scale image. Recent works addressing this problem have attempted to match spatially local features from the image to features generated by models of the objects. However, many algo rithms are considerably less efficient than they might be, typ ically being O(IN) or worse, where I is the number offeatures in the image and N is the number of features in the model set. This is invariably due to the feature-matching portion of the algorithm. In this paper we discuss an algorithm that significantly improves the efficiency offeature matching. In addition, we show experimentally that our recognition algo rithm is accurate and robust. Our algorithm uses the local shape of contour segments near critical points, represented in slope angle-arclength space (θ-s space), as fundamental fea ture vectors. These feature vectors are further processed by projecting them onto a subspace in θ-s space that is obtained by applying the Karhunen-Loève expansion to all such fea tures in the set of models, yielding the final feature vectors. This allows the data needed to store the features to be re duced, while retaining nearly all information important for recognition. The heart of the algorithm is a technique for performing matching between the observed image features and the precomputed model features, which reduces the runtime complexity from O(IN) to O(I log I + I log N), where I and N are as above. The matching is performed using a tree data structure, called a kD tree, which enables multidi mensional searches to be performed in O(log) time.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/66975/2/10.1177_027836498900800608.pd

    Geometric modeling of non-rigid 3D shapes : theory and application to object recognition.

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    One of the major goals of computer vision is the development of flexible and efficient methods for shape representation. This is true, especially for non-rigid 3D shapes where a great variety of shapes are produced as a result of deformations of a non-rigid object. Modeling these non-rigid shapes is a very challenging problem. Being able to analyze the properties of such shapes and describe their behavior is the key issue in research. Also, considering photometric features can play an important role in many shape analysis applications, such as shape matching and correspondence because it contains rich information about the visual appearance of real objects. This new information (contained in photometric features) and its important applications add another, new dimension to the problem\u27s difficulty. Two main approaches have been adopted in the literature for shape modeling for the matching and retrieval problem, local and global approaches. Local matching is performed between sparse points or regions of the shape, while the global shape approaches similarity is measured among entire models. These methods have an underlying assumption that shapes are rigidly transformed. And Most descriptors proposed so far are confined to shape, that is, they analyze only geometric and/or topological properties of 3D models. A shape descriptor or model should be isometry invariant, scale invariant, be able to capture the fine details of the shape, computationally efficient, and have many other good properties. A shape descriptor or model is needed. This shape descriptor should be: able to deal with the non-rigid shape deformation, able to handle the scale variation problem with less sensitivity to noise, able to match shapes related to the same class even if these shapes have missing parts, and able to encode both the photometric, and geometric information in one descriptor. This dissertation will address the problem of 3D non-rigid shape representation and textured 3D non-rigid shapes based on local features. Two approaches will be proposed for non-rigid shape matching and retrieval based on Heat Kernel (HK), and Scale-Invariant Heat Kernel (SI-HK) and one approach for modeling textured 3D non-rigid shapes based on scale-invariant Weighted Heat Kernel Signature (WHKS). For the first approach, the Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions is used to detect a small number of critical points on the shape surface. Then a shape descriptor is formed based on the heat kernels at the detected critical points for different scales. Sparse representation is used to reduce the dimensionality of the calculated descriptor. The proposed descriptor is used for classification via the Collaborative Representation-based Classification with a Regularized Least Square (CRC-RLS) algorithm. The experimental results have shown that the proposed descriptor can achieve state-of-the-art results on two benchmark data sets. For the second approach, an improved method to introduce scale-invariance has been also proposed to avoid noise-sensitive operations in the original transformation method. Then a new 3D shape descriptor is formed based on the histograms of the scale-invariant HK for a number of critical points on the shape at different time scales. A Collaborative Classification (CC) scheme is then employed for object classification. The experimental results have shown that the proposed descriptor can achieve high performance on the two benchmark data sets. An important observation from the experiments is that the proposed approach is more able to handle data under several distortion scenarios (noise, shot-noise, scale, and under missing parts) than the well-known approaches. For modeling textured 3D non-rigid shapes, this dissertation introduces, for the first time, a mathematical framework for the diffusion geometry on textured shapes. This dissertation presents an approach for shape matching and retrieval based on a weighted heat kernel signature. It shows how to include photometric information as a weight over the shape manifold, and it also propose a novel formulation for heat diffusion over weighted manifolds. Then this dissertation presents a new discretization method for the weighted heat kernel induced by the linear FEM weights. Finally, the weighted heat kernel signature is used as a shape descriptor. The proposed descriptor encodes both the photometric, and geometric information based on the solution of one equation. Finally, this dissertation proposes an approach for 3D face recognition based on the front contours of heat propagation over the face surface. The front contours are extracted automatically as heat is propagating starting from a detected set of landmarks. The propagation contours are used to successfully discriminate the various faces. The proposed approach is evaluated on the largest publicly available database of 3D facial images and successfully compared to the state-of-the-art approaches in the literature. This work can be extended to the problem of dense correspondence between non-rigid shapes. The proposed approaches with the properties of the Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunction can be utilized for 3D mesh segmentation. Another possible application of the proposed approach is the view point selection for 3D objects by selecting the most informative views that collectively provide the most descriptive presentation of the surface

    3D alakfelismerés részleges pontfelhőkből

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    Probabilistic approaches to matching and modelling shapes

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