37 research outputs found

    NUMASK: High Performance Scalable Skip List for NUMA

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    This paper presents NUMASK, a skip list data structure specifically designed to exploit the characteristics of Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) architectures to improve performance. NUMASK deploys an architecture around a concurrent skip list so that all metadata accesses (e.g., traversals of the skip list index levels) read and write memory blocks allocated in the NUMA zone where the thread is executing. To the best of our knowledge, NUMASK is the first NUMA-aware skip list design that goes beyond merely limiting the performance penalties introduced by NUMA, and leverages the NUMA architecture to outperform state-of-the-art concurrent high-performance implementations. We tested NUMASK on a four-socket server. Its performance scales for both read-intensive and write-intensive workloads (tested up to 160 threads). In write-intensive workload, NUMASK shows speedups over competitors in the range of 2x to 16x

    Survey of Distributed Decision

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    We survey the recent distributed computing literature on checking whether a given distributed system configuration satisfies a given boolean predicate, i.e., whether the configuration is legal or illegal w.r.t. that predicate. We consider classical distributed computing environments, including mostly synchronous fault-free network computing (LOCAL and CONGEST models), but also asynchronous crash-prone shared-memory computing (WAIT-FREE model), and mobile computing (FSYNC model)

    Byzantine Connectivity Testing in the Congested Clique

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    We initiate the study of distributed graph algorithms under the presence of Byzantine nodes. We consider the fundamental problem of testing the connectivity of a graph in the congested clique model in a Byzantine setting. We are given a n-vertex (arbitrary) graph G embedded in a n-node congested clique where an arbitrary subset of B nodes of the clique of size up to (1/3-?)n (for any arbitrary small constant ? > 0) can be Byzantine. We consider the full information model where Byzantine nodes can behave arbitrarily, collude with each other, and have unlimited computational power and full knowledge of the states and actions of the honest nodes, including random choices made up to the current round. Our main result is an efficient randomized distributed algorithm that is able to correctly distinguish between two contrasting cases: (1) the graph G? B (i.e., the graph induced by the removal of the vertices assigned to the Byzantine nodes in the clique) is connected or (2) the graph G is far from connected, i.e., it has at least 2|B|+1 connected components. Our algorithm runs in O(polylog n) rounds in the congested clique model and guarantees that all honest nodes will decide on the correct case with high probability. Since Byzantine nodes can lie about the vertices assigned to them, we show that this is essentially the best possible that can be done by any algorithm. Our result can be viewed also in the spirit of property testing, where our algorithm is able to distinguish between two contrasting cases while giving no guarantees if the graph falls in the grey area (i.e., neither of the cases occur). Our work is a step towards robust and secure distributed graph computation that can output meaningful results even in the presence of a large number of faulty or malicious nodes

    Connectivity Lower Bounds in Broadcast Congested Clique

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    We prove three new lower bounds for graph connectivity in the 1-bit broadcast congested clique model, BCC(1). First, in the KT-0 version of BCC(1), in which nodes are aware of neighbors only through port numbers, we show an ?(log n) round lower bound for Connectivity even for constant-error randomized Monte Carlo algorithms. The deterministic version of this result can be obtained via the well-known "edge-crossing" argument, but, the randomized version of this result requires establishing new combinatorial results regarding the indistinguishability graph induced by inputs. In our second result, we show that the ?(log n) lower bound result extends to the KT-1 version of the BCC(1) model, in which nodes are aware of IDs of all neighbors, though our proof works only for deterministic algorithms. This result substantially improves upon the existing ?(log^* n) deterministic lower bound (Jurdzi?ski et el., SIROCCO 2018) for this problem. Since nodes know IDs of their neighbors in the KT-1 model, it is no longer possible to play "edge-crossing" tricks; instead we present a reduction from the 2-party communication complexity problem Partition in which Alice and Bob are given two set partitions on [n] and are required to determine if the join of these two set partitions equals the trivial one-part set partition. While our KT-1 Connectivity lower bound holds only for deterministic algorithms, in our third result we extend this ?(log n) KT-1 lower bound to constant-error Monte Carlo algorithms for the closely related ConnectedComponents problem. We use information-theoretic techniques to obtain this result. All our results hold for the seemingly easy special case of Connectivity in which an algorithm has to distinguish an instance with one cycle from an instance with multiple cycles. Our results showcase three rather different lower bound techniques and lay the groundwork for further improvements in lower bounds for Connectivity in the BCC(1) model