4 research outputs found

    Hybrid approaches based on computational intelligence and semantic web for distributed situation and context awareness

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    2011 - 2012The research work focuses on Situation Awareness and Context Awareness topics. Specifically, Situation Awareness involves being aware of what is happening in the vicinity to understand how information, events, and one’s own actions will impact goals and objectives, both immediately and in the near future. Thus, Situation Awareness is especially important in application domains where the information flow can be quite high and poor decisions making may lead to serious consequences. On the other hand Context Awareness is considered a process to support user applications to adapt interfaces, tailor the set of application-relevant data, increase the precision of information retrieval, discover services, make the user interaction implicit, or build smart environments. Despite being slightly different, Situation and Context Awareness involve common problems such as: the lack of a support for the acquisition and aggregation of dynamic environmental information from the field (i.e. sensors, cameras, etc.); the lack of formal approaches to knowledge representation (i.e. contexts, concepts, relations, situations, etc.) and processing (reasoning, classification, retrieval, discovery, etc.); the lack of automated and distributed systems, with considerable computing power, to support the reasoning on a huge quantity of knowledge, extracted by sensor data. So, the thesis researches new approaches for distributed Context and Situation Awareness and proposes to apply them in order to achieve some related research objectives such as knowledge representation, semantic reasoning, pattern recognition and information retrieval. The research work starts from the study and analysis of state of art in terms of techniques, technologies, tools and systems to support Context/Situation Awareness. The main aim is to develop a new contribution in this field by integrating techniques deriving from the fields of Semantic Web, Soft Computing and Computational Intelligence. From an architectural point of view, several frameworks are going to be defined according to the multi-agent paradigm. Furthermore, some preliminary experimental results have been obtained in some application domains such as Airport Security, Traffic Management, Smart Grids and Healthcare. Finally, future challenges is going to the following directions: Semantic Modeling of Fuzzy Control, Temporal Issues, Automatically Ontology Elicitation, Extension to other Application Domains and More Experiments. [edited by author]XI n.s

    A Confluence of Risks: Control and Compliance in the World of Unstructured Data, Big Data and the Cloud

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    The emergence of powerful new technologies, the existence of large quantities of data, and increasing demands for the extraction of added value from these technologies and data have created a number of significant challenges for those charged with both corporate and information technology management. The possibilities are great, the expectations high, and the risks significant. Organisations seeking to employ cloud technologies and exploit the value of the data to which they have access, be this in the form of "Big Data" available from different external sources or data held within the organisation, in structured or unstructured formats, need to understand the risks involved in such activities. Data owners have responsibilities towards the subjects of the data and must also, frequently, demonstrate that they are in compliance with current standards, laws and regulations. This thesis sets out to explore the nature of the technologies that organisations might utilise, identify the most pertinent constraints and risks, and propose a framework for the management of data from discovery to external hosting that will allow the most significant risks to be managed through the definition, implementation, and performance of appropriate internal control activities

    Reliable Multicast transport of the video over the WiFi network

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    Le transport multicast est une solution efficace pour envoyer le même contenu à plusieurs récepteurs en même temps. Ce mode est principalement utilisé pour fournir des flux multimédia en temps réel. Cependant, le multicast classique de l IEEE 802.11 n'utilise aucun mécanisme d acquittement. Ainsi, l échec de réception implique la perte définitive du paquet. Cela limite la fiabilité du transport multicast et impact la qualité des applications vidéo. Pour résoudre ce problème, 802.11v et 802.11aa sont définis récemment. Le premier amendement propose Direct Multicast Service (DMS). D'autre part, le 802.11aa introduit GroupCast with Retries (GCR). GCR définit deux nouvelles politiques de retransmission : Block Ack (BACK) et Unsolicited Retry (UR).Dans cette thèse, nous évaluons et comparons les performances de 802.11v/aa. Nos résultats montrent que tous les nouveaux protocoles multicast génèrent un overhead de transmission important. En outre, DMS a une scalabilité très limitée, et GCR-BACK n'est pas approprié pour des grands groupes multicast. D autre part, nous montrons que DMS et GCR-BACK génèrent des latences de transmission importantes lorsque le nombre de récepteurs augmente. Par ailleurs, nous étudions les facteurs de pertes dans les réseaux sans fil. Nous montrons que l'indisponibilité du récepteur peut être la cause principale des pertes importantes et de leur nature en rafales. En particulier, nos résultats montrent que la surcharge du processeur peut provoquer un taux de perte de 100%, et que le pourcentage de livraison peut être limité à 35% lorsque la carte 802.11 est en mode d économie d'énergie.Pour éviter les collisions et améliorer la fiabilité du transport multicast, nous définissons le mécanisme Busy Symbol (BS). Nos résultats montrent que BS évite les collisions et assure un taux de succès de transmission très important. Afin d'améliorer davantage la fiabilité du trafic multicast, nous définissons un nouveau protocole multicast, appelé Block Negative Acknowledgement (BNAK). Ce protocole opère comme suit. L AP envoi un bloc de paquets suivi par un Block NAK Request (BNR). Le BNR permet aux membres de détecter les données manquantes et d envoyer une demande de retransmission, c.à.d. un Block NAK Response (BNAK). Un BNAK est transmis en utilisant la procédure classique d accès au canal afin d'éviter toute collision avec d'autres paquets. En plus, cette demande est acquittée. Sous l'hypothèse que 1) le récepteur est situé dans la zone de couverture du débit de transmission utilisé, 2) les collisions sont évitées et 3) le terminal a la bonne configuration, très peu de demandes de retransmission sont envoyées, et la bande passante est préservée. Nos résultats montrent que BNAK a une très grande scalabilité et génère des délais très limités. En outre, nous définissons un algorithme d'adaptation de débit pour BNAK. Nous montrons que le bon débit de transmission est sélectionné moyennant un overhead très réduit de moins de 1%. En plus, la conception de notre protocole supporte la diffusion scalable de lavvidéo. Cette caractéristique vise à résoudre la problématique de la fluctuation de la bande passante, et à prendre en considération l'hétérogénéité des récepteurs dans un réseau sans fil.The multicast transport is an efficient solution to deliver the same content to many receivers at the same time. This mode is mainly used to deliver real-time video streams. However, the conventional multicast transmissions of IEEE 802.11 do not use any feedback policy. Therefore missing packets are definitely lost. This limits the reliability of the multicast transport and impacts the quality of the video applications. To resolve this issue, the IEEE 802.11v/aa amendments have been defined recently. The former proposes the Direct Multicast Service (DMS). On the other hand, 802.11aa introduces Groupcast with Retries (GCR) service. GCR defines two retry policies: Block Ack (BACK) and Unsolicited Retry (UR).In this thesis we evaluate and compare the performance of 802.11v/aa. Our simulation results show that all the defined policies incur an important overhead. Besides, DMS has a very limited scalability, and GCR-BACK is not appropriate for large multicast groups. We show that both DMS and GCR-BACK incur important transmission latencies when the number of the multicast receivers increases. Furthermore, we investigate the loss factors in wireless networks. We show that the device unavailability may be the principal cause of the important packet losses and their bursty nature. Particularly, our results show that the CPU overload may incur a loss rate of 100%, and that the delivery ratio may be limited to 35% when the device is in the power save mode.To avoid the collisions and to enhance the reliability of the multicast transmissions, we define the Busy Symbol (BS) mechanism. Our results show that BS prevents all the collisions and ensures a very high delivery ratio for the multicast packets. To further enhance the reliability of this traffic, we define the Block Negative Acknowledgement (BNAK) retry policy. Using our protocol, the AP transmits a block of multicast packets followed by a Block NAK Request (BNR). Upon reception of a BNR, a multicast member generates a Block NAK Response (BNAK) only if it missed some packets. A BNAK is transmitted after channel contention in order to avoid any eventual collision with other feedbacks, and is acknowledged. Under the assumption that 1) the receiver is located within the coverage area of the used data rate, 2) the collisions are avoided and 3) the terminal has the required configuration, few feedbacks are generated and the bandwidth is saved. Our results show that BNAK has a very high scalability and incurs very low delays. Furthermore, we define a rate adaptation scheme for BNAK. We show that the appropriate rate is selected on the expense of a very limited overhead of less than 1%. Besides, the conception of our protocol is defined to support the scalable video streaming. This capability intends to resolve the bandwidth fluctuation issue and to consider the device heterogeneity of the group members.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF