368 research outputs found

    On the Automated Synthesis of Enterprise Integration Patterns to Adapt Choreography-based Distributed Systems

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    The Future Internet is becoming a reality, providing a large-scale computing environments where a virtually infinite number of available services can be composed so to fit users' needs. Modern service-oriented applications will be more and more often built by reusing and assembling distributed services. A key enabler for this vision is then the ability to automatically compose and dynamically coordinate software services. Service choreographies are an emergent Service Engineering (SE) approach to compose together and coordinate services in a distributed way. When mismatching third-party services are to be composed, obtaining the distributed coordination and adaptation logic required to suitably realize a choreography is a non-trivial and error prone task. Automatic support is then needed. In this direction, this paper leverages previous work on the automatic synthesis of choreography-based systems, and describes our preliminary steps towards exploiting Enterprise Integration Patterns to deal with a form of choreography adaptation.Comment: In Proceedings FOCLASA 2015, arXiv:1512.0694

    Domain Knowledge Matters: Improving Prompts with Fix Templates for Repairing Python Type Errors

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    Although the dynamic type system of Python facilitates the developers in writing Python programs, it also brings type errors at run-time. There exist rule-based approaches for automatically repairing Python type errors. The approaches can generate accurate patches but they require domain experts to design patch synthesis rules and suffer from low template coverage of real-world type errors. Learning-based approaches alleviate the manual efforts in designing patch synthesis rules. Among the learning-based approaches, the prompt-based approach which leverages the knowledge base of code pre-trained models via pre-defined prompts, obtains state-of-the-art performance in general program repair tasks. However, such prompts are manually defined and do not involve any specific clues for repairing Python type errors, resulting in limited effectiveness. How to automatically improve prompts with the domain knowledge for type error repair is challenging yet under-explored. In this paper, we present TypeFix, a novel prompt-based approach with fix templates incorporated for repairing Python type errors. TypeFix first mines generalized fix templates via a novel hierarchical clustering algorithm. The identified fix templates indicate the common edit patterns and contexts of existing type error fixes. TypeFix then generates code prompts for code pre-trained models by employing the generalized fix templates as domain knowledge, in which the masks are adaptively located for each type error instead of being pre-determined. Experiments on two benchmarks, including BugsInPy and TypeBugs, show that TypeFix successfully repairs 26 and 55 type errors, outperforming the best baseline approach by 9 and 14, respectively. Besides, the proposed fix template mining approach can cover 75% of developers' patches in both benchmarks, increasing the best rule-based approach PyTER by more than 30%.Comment: This paper has been accepted by ICSE'2

    Mobile app and app store analysis, testing and optimisation

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    This talk presents results on analysis and testing of mobile apps and app stores, reviewing the work of the UCL App Analysis Group (UCLappA) on App Store Mining and Analysis. The talk also covers the work of the UCL CREST centre on Genetic Improvement, applicable to app improvement and optimisation

    EvLog: Evolving Log Analyzer for Anomalous Logs Identification

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    Software logs record system activities, aiding maintainers in identifying the underlying causes for failures and enabling prompt mitigation actions. However, maintainers need to inspect a large volume of daily logs to identify the anomalous logs that reveal failure details for further diagnosis. Thus, how to automatically distinguish these anomalous logs from normal logs becomes a critical problem. Existing approaches alleviate the burden on software maintainers, but they are built upon an improper yet critical assumption: logging statements in the software remain unchanged. While software keeps evolving, our empirical study finds that evolving software brings three challenges: log parsing errors, evolving log events, and unstable log sequences. In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised approach named Evolving Log analyzer (EvLog) to mitigate these challenges. We first build a multi-level representation extractor to process logs without parsing to prevent errors from the parser. The multi-level representations preserve the essential semantics of logs while leaving out insignificant changes in evolving events. EvLog then implements an anomaly discriminator with an attention mechanism to identify the anomalous logs and avoid the issue brought by the unstable sequence. EvLog has shown effectiveness in two real-world system evolution log datasets with an average F1 score of 0.955 and 0.847 in the intra-version setting and inter-version setting, respectively, which outperforms other state-of-the-art approaches by a wide margin. To our best knowledge, this is the first study on tackling anomalous logs over software evolution. We believe our work sheds new light on the impact of software evolution with the corresponding solutions for the log analysis community

    User Review-Based Change File Localization for Mobile Applications

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    In the current mobile app development, novel and emerging DevOps practices (e.g., Continuous Delivery, Integration, and user feedback analysis) and tools are becoming more widespread. For instance, the integration of user feedback (provided in the form of user reviews) in the software release cycle represents a valuable asset for the maintenance and evolution of mobile apps. To fully make use of these assets, it is highly desirable for developers to establish semantic links between the user reviews and the software artefacts to be changed (e.g., source code and documentation), and thus to localize the potential files to change for addressing the user feedback. In this paper, we propose RISING (Review Integration via claSsification, clusterIng, and linkiNG), an automated approach to support the continuous integration of user feedback via classification, clustering, and linking of user reviews. RISING leverages domain-specific constraint information and semi-supervised learning to group user reviews into multiple fine-grained clusters concerning similar users' requests. Then, by combining the textual information from both commit messages and source code, it automatically localizes potential change files to accommodate the users' requests. Our empirical studies demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art baseline work in terms of clustering and localization accuracy, and thus produces more reliable results.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 8 table

    Large-Scale Analysis of Framework-Specific Exceptions in Android Apps

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    Mobile apps have become ubiquitous. For app developers, it is a key priority to ensure their apps' correctness and reliability. However, many apps still suffer from occasional to frequent crashes, weakening their competitive edge. Large-scale, deep analyses of the characteristics of real-world app crashes can provide useful insights to guide developers, or help improve testing and analysis tools. However, such studies do not exist -- this paper fills this gap. Over a four-month long effort, we have collected 16,245 unique exception traces from 2,486 open-source Android apps, and observed that framework-specific exceptions account for the majority of these crashes. We then extensively investigated the 8,243 framework-specific exceptions (which took six person-months): (1) identifying their characteristics (e.g., manifestation locations, common fault categories), (2) evaluating their manifestation via state-of-the-art bug detection techniques, and (3) reviewing their fixes. Besides the insights they provide, these findings motivate and enable follow-up research on mobile apps, such as bug detection, fault localization and patch generation. In addition, to demonstrate the utility of our findings, we have optimized Stoat, a dynamic testing tool, and implemented ExLocator, an exception localization tool, for Android apps. Stoat is able to quickly uncover three previously-unknown, confirmed/fixed crashes in Gmail and Google+; ExLocator is capable of precisely locating the root causes of identified exceptions in real-world apps. Our substantial dataset is made publicly available to share with and benefit the community.Comment: ICSE'18: the 40th International Conference on Software Engineerin

    Efficiently Manifesting Asynchronous Programming Errors in Android Apps

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    Android, the #1 mobile app framework, enforces the single-GUI-thread model, in which a single UI thread manages GUI rendering and event dispatching. Due to this model, it is vital to avoid blocking the UI thread for responsiveness. One common practice is to offload long-running tasks into async threads. To achieve this, Android provides various async programming constructs, and leaves developers themselves to obey the rules implied by the model. However, as our study reveals, more than 25% apps violate these rules and introduce hard-to-detect, fail-stop errors, which we term as aysnc programming errors (APEs). To this end, this paper introduces APEChecker, a technique to automatically and efficiently manifest APEs. The key idea is to characterize APEs as specific fault patterns, and synergistically combine static analysis and dynamic UI exploration to detect and verify such errors. Among the 40 real-world Android apps, APEChecker unveils and processes 61 APEs, of which 51 are confirmed (83.6% hit rate). Specifically, APEChecker detects 3X more APEs than the state-of-art testing tools (Monkey, Sapienz and Stoat), and reduces testing time from half an hour to a few minutes. On a specific type of APEs, APEChecker confirms 5X more errors than the data race detection tool, EventRacer, with very few false alarms

    Combatting Front-Running in Smart Contracts: Attack Mining, Benchmark Construction and Vulnerability Detector Evaluation

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    Front-running attacks have been a major concern on the blockchain. Attackers launch front-running attacks by inserting additional transactions before upcoming victim transactions to manipulate victim transaction executions and make profits. Recent studies have shown that front-running attacks are prevalent on the Ethereum blockchain and have caused millions of US dollars loss. Vulnerable smart contracts, blockchain programs invoked by transactions, are held responsible for front-running attacks. Although techniques to detect front-running vulnerabilities have been proposed, their performance on real-world vulnerable contracts is unclear. There is no large-scale benchmark based on real attacks to evaluate their capabilities. This motivates us to build a benchmark consisting of 513 real-world attacks with vulnerable code labeled in 235 distinct smart contracts. We propose automated techniques to effectively collect real-world attacks and localize the corresponding vulnerable code at scale. Our experiments show that our approaches are effective, achieving higher recall in finding real attacks and higher precision in pinpointing vulnerabilities compared to the existing techniques. The evaluation of seven state-of-the-art vulnerability detection techniques on the benchmark reveals their inadequacy in detecting front-running vulnerabilities, with a low recall of at most 6.04%. Our further analysis identifies four common limitations in existing techniques: lack of support for inter-contract analysis, inefficient constraint solving for cryptographic operations, improper vulnerability patterns, and lack of token support.Comment: Accepted as Journal First paper on the Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE-2022-12-0547
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