104 research outputs found

    DACS: Domain Adaptation via Cross-domain Mixed Sampling

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    Semantic segmentation models based on convolutional neural networks have recently displayed remarkable performance for a multitude of applications. However, these models typically do not generalize well when applied on new domains, especially when going from synthetic to real data. In this paper we address the problem of unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA), which attempts to train on labelled data from one domain (source domain), and simultaneously learn from unlabelled data in the domain of interest (target domain). Existing methods have seen success by training on pseudo-labels for these unlabelled images. Multiple techniques have been proposed to mitigate low-quality pseudo-labels arising from the domain shift, with varying degrees of success. We propose DACS: Domain Adaptation via Cross-domain mixed Sampling, which mixes images from the two domains along with the corresponding labels and pseudo-labels. These mixed samples are then trained on, in addition to the labelled data itself. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our solution by achieving state-of-the-art results for GTA5 to Cityscapes, a common synthetic-to-real semantic segmentation benchmark for UDA.Comment: This paper has been accepted to WACV202

    SimSwap: An Efficient Framework For High Fidelity Face Swapping

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    We propose an efficient framework, called Simple Swap (SimSwap), aiming for generalized and high fidelity face swapping. In contrast to previous approaches that either lack the ability to generalize to arbitrary identity or fail to preserve attributes like facial expression and gaze direction, our framework is capable of transferring the identity of an arbitrary source face into an arbitrary target face while preserving the attributes of the target face. We overcome the above defects in the following two ways. First, we present the ID Injection Module (IIM) which transfers the identity information of the source face into the target face at feature level. By using this module, we extend the architecture of an identity-specific face swapping algorithm to a framework for arbitrary face swapping. Second, we propose the Weak Feature Matching Loss which efficiently helps our framework to preserve the facial attributes in an implicit way. Extensive experiments on wild faces demonstrate that our SimSwap is able to achieve competitive identity performance while preserving attributes better than previous state-of-the-art methods. The code is already available on github: https://github.com/neuralchen/SimSwap.Comment: Accepted by ACMMM 202

    Text-Guided Neural Image Inpainting

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    Image inpainting task requires filling the corrupted image with contents coherent with the context. This research field has achieved promising progress by using neural image inpainting methods. Nevertheless, there is still a critical challenge in guessing the missed content with only the context pixels. The goal of this paper is to fill the semantic information in corrupted images according to the provided descriptive text. Unique from existing text-guided image generation works, the inpainting models are required to compare the semantic content of the given text and the remaining part of the image, then find out the semantic content that should be filled for missing part. To fulfill such a task, we propose a novel inpainting model named Text-Guided Dual Attention Inpainting Network (TDANet). Firstly, a dual multimodal attention mechanism is designed to extract the explicit semantic information about the corrupted regions, which is done by comparing the descriptive text and complementary image areas through reciprocal attention. Secondly, an image-text matching loss is applied to maximize the semantic similarity of the generated image and the text. Experiments are conducted on two open datasets. Results show that the proposed TDANet model reaches new state-of-the-art on both quantitative and qualitative measures. Result analysis suggests that the generated images are consistent with the guidance text, enabling the generation of various results by providing different descriptions. Codes are available at https://github.com/idealwhite/TDANetComment: ACM MM'2020 (Oral). 9 pages, 4 tables, 7 figure

    Consistency Regularization with High-dimensional Non-adversarial Source-guided Perturbation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Segmentation

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    Unsupervised domain adaptation for semantic segmentation has been intensively studied due to the low cost of the pixel-level annotation for synthetic data. The most common approaches try to generate images or features mimicking the distribution in the target domain while preserving the semantic contents in the source domain so that a model can be trained with annotations from the latter. However, such methods highly rely on an image translator or feature extractor trained in an elaborated mechanism including adversarial training, which brings in extra complexity and instability in the adaptation process. Furthermore, these methods mainly focus on taking advantage of the labeled source dataset, leaving the unlabeled target dataset not fully utilized. In this paper, we propose a bidirectional style-induced domain adaptation method, called BiSIDA, that employs consistency regularization to efficiently exploit information from the unlabeled target domain dataset, requiring only a simple neural style transfer model. BiSIDA aligns domains by not only transferring source images into the style of target images but also transferring target images into the style of source images to perform high-dimensional perturbation on the unlabeled target images, which is crucial to the success in applying consistency regularization in segmentation tasks. Extensive experiments show that our BiSIDA achieves new state-of-the-art on two commonly-used synthetic-to-real domain adaptation benchmarks: GTA5-to-CityScapes and SYNTHIA-to-CityScapes
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