23 research outputs found

    Strong Induction in Hardware Model Checking

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    Symbolic Model checking is a widely used technique for automated verification of both hardware and software systems. Unbounded SAT-based Symbolic Model Checking (SMC) algorithms are very popular in hardware verification. The principle of strong induction is one of the first techniques for SMC. While elegant and simple to apply, properties as such can rarely be proven using strong induction and when they can be strengthened, there is no effective strategy to guess the depth of induction. It has been mostly displaced by techniques that compute inductive strengthenings based on interpolation and property directed reachability (PDR). In this thesis, we prove that strong induction is more concise than induction. We then present kAvy, an SMC algorithm that effectively uses strong induction to guide interpolation and PDR-style incremental inductive invariant construction. Unlike pure strong induction, kAvy uses PDR-style generalization to compute and strengthen an inductive trace. Unlike pure PDR, kAvy uses relative strong induction to construct an inductive invariant. The depth of induction is adjusted dynamically by minimizing a proof of unsatisfiability. We have implemented kAvy within the Avy Model Checker and evaluated it on HWMCC instances. Our results show that kAvy is more effective than both Avy and PDR, and that using strong induction leads to faster running time and solving more instances. Further, on a class of benchmarks, called shift, kAvy is orders of magnitude faster than Avy, PDR and pure strong induction

    On synthesizing Skolem functions for first order logic formulae

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    Skolem functions play a central role in logic, from eliminating quantifiers in first order logic formulas to providing functional implementations of relational specifications. While classical results in logic are only interested in their existence, the question of how to effectively compute them is also interesting, important and useful for several applications. In the restricted case of Boolean propositional logic formula, this problem of synthesizing Boolean Skolem functions has been addressed in depth, with various recent work focussing on both theoretical and practical aspects of the problem. However, there are few existing results for the general case, and the focus has been on heuristical algorithms. In this article, we undertake an investigation into the computational hardness of the problem of synthesizing Skolem functions for first order logic formula. We show that even under reasonable assumptions on the signature of the formula, it is impossible to compute or synthesize Skolem functions. Then we determine conditions on theories of first order logic which would render the problem computable. Finally, we show that several natural theories satisfy these conditions and hence do admit effective synthesis of Skolem functions

    StringFuzz: A Fuzzer for String SMT Solvers

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    We introduce StringFuzz, a software tool for automatically testing string SMT solvers. String SMT solvers are specialised software tools for solving the Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) problem with string contraints, which is a type of constraint satisfaction problem applicable in industry. Like all tools, string SMT solvers need testing. The developers of solvers commonly test them with published test suites: pre-generated sets of problem instances (i.e. example problems). As new features are added to string SMT solvers, they often are not exercised by existing suites. We introduce StringFuzz, a tool for solver developers to generate SMT instances to exercise and find defects in their solvers. We describe StringFuzz’s features for generating and transforming SMT instances with string and regex constraints. We also show StringFuzz’s many controls, and show how to use them to generate specially tuned scaling instances. For public use, we present our own suite of StringFuzz-generated SMT instances. We also introduce StringBreak, an automated exploratory tester for string SMT solvers, which uses a genetic algorithm to generate SMT instances that take a long time for solvers to solve. To demonstrate the usefulness of StringFuzz and StringBreak, we show experimental results from testing leading string SMT solvers (Z3str3, CVC4, Z3str2, and Norn) with them. We describe two defects and one potential future enhancement that we discovered in Z3str3 as a result of our experiments

    Parameterized Synthesis with Safety Properties

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    Parameterized synthesis offers a solution to the problem of constructing correct and verified controllers for parameterized systems. Such systems occur naturally in practice (e.g., in the form of distributed protocols where the amount of processes is often unknown at design time and the protocol must work regardless of the number of processes). In this paper, we present a novel learning based approach to the synthesis of reactive controllers for parameterized systems from safety specifications. We use the framework of regular model checking to model the synthesis problem as an infinite-duration two-player game and show how one can utilize Angluin's well-known L* algorithm to learn correct-by-design controllers. This approach results in a synthesis procedure that is conceptually simpler than existing synthesis methods with a completeness guarantee, whenever a winning strategy can be expressed by a regular set. We have implemented our algorithm in a tool called L*-PSynth and have demonstrated its performance on a range of benchmarks, including robotic motion planning and distributed protocols. Despite the simplicity of L*-PSynth it competes well against (and in many cases even outperforms) the state-of-the-art tools for synthesizing parameterized systems.Comment: 18 page

    Probabilistic Bisimulation for Parameterized Systems (Technical Report)

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    Probabilistic bisimulation is a fundamental notion of process equivalence for probabilistic systems. Among others, it has important applications including formalizing the anonymity property of several communication protocols. There is a lot of work on verifying probabilistic bisimulation for finite systems. This is however not the case for parameterized systems, where the problem is in general undecidable. In this paper we provide a generic framework for reasoning about probabilistic bisimulation for parameterized systems. Our approach is in the spirit of software verification, wherein we encode proof rules for probabilistic bisimulation and use a decidable first-order theory to specify systems and candidate bisimulation relations, which can then be checked automatically against the proof rules. As a case study, we show that our framework is sufficiently expressive for proving the anonymity property of the parameterized dining cryptographers protocol and the parameterized grades protocol, when supplied with a candidate regular bisimulation relation. Both of these protocols hitherto could not be verified by existing automatic methods. Moreover, with the help of standard automata learning algorithms, we show that the candidate relations can be synthesized fully automatically, making the verification fully automated