17 research outputs found

    Achieving Continuous Delivery of Immutable Containerized Microservices with Mesos/Marathon

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    In the recent years, DevOps methodologies have been introduced to extend the traditional agile principles which have brought up on us a paradigm shift in migrating applications towards a cloud-native architecture. Today, microservices, containers, and Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery have become critical to any organization’s transformation journey towards developing lean artifacts and dealing with the growing demand of pushing new features, iterating rapidly to keep the customers happy. Traditionally, applications have been packaged and delivered in virtual machines. But, with the adoption of microservices architectures, containerized applications are becoming the standard way to deploy services to production. Thanks to container orchestration tools like Marathon, containers can now be deployed and monitored at scale with ease. Microservices and Containers along with Container Orchestration tools disrupt and redefine DevOps, especially the delivery pipeline. This Master’s thesis project focuses on deploying highly scalable microservices packed as immutable containers onto a Mesos cluster using a container orchestrating framework called Marathon. This is achieved by implementing a CI/CD pipeline and bringing in to play some of the greatest and latest practices and tools like Docker, Terraform, Jenkins, Consul, Vault, Prometheus, etc. The thesis is aimed to showcase why we need to design systems around microservices architecture, packaging cloud-native applications into containers, service discovery and many other latest trends within the DevOps realm that contribute to the continuous delivery pipeline. At BetterDoctor Inc., it is observed that this project improved the avg. release cycle, increased team members’ productivity and collaboration, reduced infrastructure costs and deployment failure rates. With the CD pipeline in place along with container orchestration tools it has been observed that the organisation could achieve Hyperscale computing as and when business demands

    MSL Framework: (Minimum Service Level Framework) for Cloud Providers and Users

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    Cloud Computing ensures parallel computing and emerged as an efficient technology to meet the challenges of rapid growth of data that we experienced in this internet age. Cloud computing is an emerging technology that offers subscription based services, and provide different models such as IaaS, PaaS and SaaS to cater the needs of different users groups. The technology has enormous benefits but there are serious concerns and challenges related to lack of uniform standards or nonexistence of minimum benchmark for level of services across the industry to provide an effective, uniform and reliable service to the cloud users. As the cloud computing is gaining popularity organizations and users are having problems to adopt the service due to lack of minimum service level framework which can act as a benchmark in the selection of the cloud provider and provide quality of services according to the users expectations. The situation becomes more critical due to distributed nature of the service...info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Performance comparison of a SDN network between cloud-based and locally hosted SDN controllers

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    In a SDN network model, the robustness, scalability and reliability requirement of the control plane makes it an ideal candidate for being hosted on a cloud infrastructure. In addition, the control plane performs large volume of data processing from packet headers to network monitoring data in order to provide adequate level of QoS to the traffic. The realization of a cloud based SDN networking approach is predominantly dependent on the performance of the SDN controllers on the cloud environment. This paper presents a comparative study of the performance of a SDN network between a locally hosted SDN controller within the enterprise with a cloud based remote controller. Since a wide range of SDN controllers are available in the market with different levels of functionalities, performance and complexities, the analysis is validated by comparing the results across three different types of controllers. Furthermore, the impact of the network topology on the performance of the controllers is further validated by comparing the performance across two different topologies. In addition, a comparative performance analysis of the throughput and a theoretical evaluation of the controllers are also presented

    Applications of ontology in the internet of things: A systematic analysis

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    Ontology has been increasingly implemented to facilitate the Internet of Things (IoT) activities, such as tracking and information discovery, storage, information exchange, and object addressing. However, a complete understanding of using ontology in the IoT mechanism remains lacking. The main goal of this research is to recognize the use of ontology in the IoT process and investigate the services of ontology in IoT activities. A systematic literature review (SLR) is conducted using predefined protocols to analyze the literature about the usage of ontologies in IoT. The following conclusions are obtained from the SLR. (1) Primary studies (i.e., selected 115 articles) have addressed the need to use ontologies in IoT for industries and the academe, especially to minimize interoperability and integration of IoT devices. (2) About 31.30% of extant literature discussed ontology development concerning the IoT interoperability issue, while IoT privacy and integration issues are partially discussed in the literature. (3) IoT styles of modeling ontologies are diverse, whereas 35.65% of total studies adopted the OWL style. (4) The 32 articles (i.e., 27.83% of the total studies) reused IoT ontologies to handle diverse IoT methodologies. (5) A total of 45 IoT ontologies are well acknowledged, but the IoT community has widely utilized none. An in-depth analysis of different IoT ontologies suggests that the existing ontologies are beneficial in designing new IoT ontology or achieving three main requirements of the IoT field: interoperability, integration, and privacy. This SLR is finalized by identifying numerous validity threats and future directions

    Trends and directions in cloud service selection

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    With the growing popularity of cloud computing the number of cloud service providers and services have significantly increased. Thus selecting the best cloud services becomes a challenging task for prospective cloud users. The process of selecting cloud services involves various factors such as characteristics and models of cloud services, user requirements and knowledge, and service level agreement (SLA), to name a few. This paper investigates into the cloud service selection tools, techniques and models by taking into account the distinguishing characteristics of cloud services. It also reviews and analyses academic research as well as commercial tools in order to identify their strengths and weaknesses in the cloud services selection process. It proposes a framework in order to improve the cloud service selection by taking into account services capabilities, quality attributes, level of user's knowledge and service level agreements. The paper also envisions various directions for future research

    Container-based IoT Sensor Node on Raspberry Pi and the Kubernetes Cluster Framework

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    In recent years, Internet of Things is envisioned to become a promising paradigm in the future Internet. It allows physical objects or things to interact with each other and with users, thus providing machine-to-machine communication that is long been promised. As this paradigm continues to grow, it is changing the nature of the devices that are being attached. This opens a path of embedded systems to be the natural means of communication, control, and development. The ability of these systems to connect and share useful information via Internet is becoming ubiquitous. In many cases, enormous amount of data is generated from embedded devices that need to be processed in an efficient way along with the required computation power. Container-based virtualization has come into existence to accomplish those needs in order to produce an improved system, which has the capability to adapt operational features in terms of security, availability, and isolation. This thesis project is aimed to design and develop a Kubernetes managed container-based embedded IoT sensor node through the use of a cluster. In this project, the cluster was formed by connecting five Raspberry Pi boards to a network switch. This sensor node operates by collecting data from camera and temperature sensors, processing it in a containerized environment, and then sending it to the cloud platform using the Apache Kafka framework. The main motivation of adopting state-of-the-art technologies is to achieve fault-tolerant behavior and processing location flexibility using edge computing. In the end, the overall cluster is evaluated on the basis of architecture, performance, fault-tolerance, and high availability that depicts the feasibility, scalability, and robustness of this sensor node. The experimental results also conclude that the cluster is fault tolerant and has a flexibility over data processing in terms of cloud and edge computing

    IntegraDos: facilitating the adoption of the Internet of Things through the integration of technologies

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    También, han sido analizados los componentes para una integración del IoT y cloud computing, concluyendo en la arquitectura Lambda-CoAP. Y por último, los desafíos para una integración del IoT y Blockchain han sido analizados junto con una evaluación de las posibilidades de los dispositivos del IoT para incorporar nodos de Blockchain. Las contribuciones de esta tesis doctoral contribuyen a acercar la adopción del IoT en la sociedad, y por tanto, a la expansión de esta prominente tecnología. Fecha de lectura de Tesis: 17 de diciembre 2018.El Internet de las Cosas (IoT) fue un nuevo concepto introducido por K. Asthon en 1999 para referirse a un conjunto identificable de objetos conectados a través de RFID. Actualmente, el IoT se caracteriza por ser una tecnología ubicua que está presente en un gran número de áreas, como puede ser la monitorización de infraestructuras críticas, sistemas de trazabilidad o sistemas asistidos para el cuidado de la salud. El IoT está cada vez más presente en nuestro día a día, cubriendo un gran abanico de posibilidades con el fin de optimizar los procesos y problemas a los que se enfrenta la sociedad. Es por ello por lo que el IoT es una tecnología prometedora que está continuamente evolucionando gracias a la continua investigación y el gran número de dispositivos, sistemas y componentes emergidos cada día. Sin embargo, los dispositivos involucrados en el IoT se corresponden normalmente con dispositivos embebidos con limitaciones de almacenamiento y procesamiento, así como restricciones de memoria y potencia. Además, el número de objetos o dispositivos conectados a Internet contiene grandes previsiones de crecimiento para los próximos años, con unas expectativas de 500 miles de millones de objetos conectados para 2030. Por lo tanto, para dar cabida a despliegues globales del IoT, además de suplir las limitaciones que existen, es necesario involucrar nuevos sistemas y paradigmas que faciliten la adopción de este campo. El principal objetivo de esta tesis doctoral, conocida como IntegraDos, es facilitar la adopción del IoT a través de la integración con una serie de tecnologías. Por un lado, ha sido abordado cómo puede ser facilitada la gestión de sensores y actuadores en dispositivos físicos sin tener que acceder y programar las placas de desarrollo. Por otro lado, un sistema para programar aplicaciones del IoT portables, adaptables, personalizadas y desacopladas de los dispositivos ha sido definido