7 research outputs found

    Transforming planar graph drawings while maintaining height

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    There are numerous styles of planar graph drawings, notably straight-line drawings, poly-line drawings, orthogonal graph drawings and visibility representations. In this note, we show that many of these drawings can be transformed from one style to another without changing the height of the drawing. We then give some applications of these transformations

    Straightening out planar poly-line drawings

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    We show that any yy-monotone poly-line drawing can be straightened out while maintaining yy-coordinates and height. The width may increase much, but we also show that on some graphs exponential width is required if we do not want to increase the height. Likewise yy-monotonicity is required: there are poly-line drawings (not yy-monotone) that cannot be straightened out while maintaining the height. We give some applications of our result.Comment: The main result turns out to be known (Pach & Toth, J. Graph Theory 2004, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jgt.10168/pdf

    B0_0-VPG Representation of AT-free Outerplanar Graphs

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    B0_0-VPG graphs are intersection graphs of axis-parallel line segments in the plane. In this paper, we show that all AT-free outerplanar graphs are B0_0-VPG. We first prove that every AT-free outerplanar graph is an induced subgraph of a biconnected outerpath (biconnected outerplanar graphs whose weak dual is a path) and then we design a B0_0-VPG drawing procedure for biconnected outerpaths. Our proofs are constructive and give a polynomial time B0_0-VPG drawing algorithm for the class. We also characterize all subgraphs of biconnected outerpaths and name this graph class "linear outerplanar". This class is a proper superclass of AT-free outerplanar graphs and a proper subclass of outerplanar graphs with pathwidth at most 2. It turns out that every graph in this class can be realized both as an induced subgraph and as a spanning subgraph of (different) biconnected outerpaths.Comment: A preliminary version, which did not contain the characterization of linear outerplanar graphs (Section 3), was presented in the 8th8^{th} International Conference on Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics (CALDAM) 2022. The definition of linear outerplanar graphs in this paper differs from that in the preliminary version and hence Section 4 is ne

    2-Connecting outerplanar graphs without blowing up the pathwidth

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    Given a connected outerplanar graph G of pathwidth p, we give an algorithm to add edges to G to get a supergraph of G, which is 2-vertex-connected, outerplanar and of pathwidth O(p). This settles an open problem raised by Biedl 1], in the context of computing minimum height planar straight line drawings of outerplanar graphs, with their vertices placed on a two-dimensional grid. In conjunction with the result of this paper, the constant factor approximation algorithm for this problem obtained by Biedl 1] for 2-vertex-connected outerplanar graphs will work for all outer planar graphs. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved