45 research outputs found

    2-Message Publicly Verifiable WI from (Subexponential) LWE

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    We construct a 2-message publicly verifiable witness indistinguishable argument system for NP assuming that the Learning with Errors (LWE) problem is subexponentially hard. Moreover, the protocol is ``delayed input\u27\u27; that is, the verifier message in this protocol does not depend on the instance. This means that a single verifier message can be reused many times. We construct two variants of this argument system: one variant is adaptively sound, while the other is public-coin (but only non-adaptively sound). We obtain our result via a generic transformation showing that the correlation intractable hash families constructed by Canetti et al. (STOC 2019) and Peikert and Shiehian (CRYPTO 2019) suffice to construct such 2-message WI arguments when combined with an appropriately chosen ``trapdoor Sigma-protocol.\u27\u27 Our construction can be seen as an adaptation of the Dwork-Naor ``reverse randomization\u27\u27 paradigm (FOCS \u2700) for constructing ZAPs to the setting of computational soundness rather than statistical soundness. Our adaptation of the Dwork-Naor transformation crucially relies on complexity leveraging to prove that soundness is preserved

    Statistical ZAP Arguments

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    Dwork and Naor (FOCS’00) first introduced and constructed two message public coin witness indistinguishable proofs (ZAPs) for NP based on trapdoor permutations. Since then, ZAPs have also been obtained based on the decisional linear assumption on bilinear maps, and indistinguishability obfuscation, and have proven extremely useful in the design of several cryptographic primitives. However, all known constructions of two-message public coin (or even publicly verifiable) proof systems only guarantee witness indistinguishability against computationally bounded verifiers. In this paper, we construct the first public coin two message witness indistinguishable (WI) arguments for NP with statistical privacy, assuming the learning with errors (LWE) assumption holds with an explicit, efficently computable upper bound on the adversary’s advantage. Prior to this, there were no known constructions of two-message publicly verifiable WI protocols under lattice assumptions, even satisfying the weaker notion of computational witness indistinguishability

    On the Untapped Potential of Encoding Predicates by Arithmetic Circuits and Their Applications

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    Predicates are used in cryptography as a fundamental tool to control the disclosure of secrets. However, how to embed a particular predicate into a cryptographic primitive is usually not given much attention. In this work, we formalize the idea of encoding predicates as arithmetic circuits and observe that choosing the right encoding of a predicate may lead to an improvement in many aspects such as the efficiency of a scheme or the required hardness assumption. In particular, we develop two predicate encoding schemes with different properties and construct cryptographic primitives that benefit from these: verifiable random functions (VRFs) and predicate encryption (PE) schemes. - We propose two VRFs on bilinear maps. Both of our schemes are secure under a non-interactive QQ-type assumption where QQ is only poly-logarithmic in the security parameter, and they achieve either a poly-logarithmic verification key size or proof size. This is a significant improvement over prior works, where all previous schemes either require a strong hardness assumption or a large verification key and proof size. - We propose a lattice-based PE scheme for the class of \emph{multi-dimensional equality} (MultEq) predicates. This class of predicate is expressive enough to capture many of the appealing applications that motivates PE schemes. Our scheme achieves the best in terms of the required approximation factor for LWE (we only require \poly(\lambda)) and the decryption time. In particular, all existing PE schemes that support the class of MultEq predicates either require a subexponential LWE assumption or an exponential decryption time (in the dimension of the MultEq predicates)

    Watermarking Cryptographic Functionalities from Standard Lattice Assumptions

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    A software watermarking scheme allows one to embed a mark into a program without significantly altering the behavior of the program. Moreover, it should be difficult to remove the watermark without destroying the functionality of the program. Recently, Cohen et al. (STOC 2016) and Boneh et al. (PKC 2017) showed how to watermark cryptographic functions such as PRFs using indistinguishability obfuscation. Notably, in their constructions, the watermark remains intact even against arbitrary removal strategies. A natural question is whether we can build watermarking schemes from standard assumptions that achieve this strong mark-unremovability property. We give the first construction of a watermarkable family of PRFs that satisfy this strong mark-unremovability property from standard lattice assumptions (namely, the learning with errors (LWE) and the one-dimensional short integer solution (SIS) problems). As part of our construction, we introduce a new cryptographic primitive called a translucent PRF. Next, we give a concrete construction of a translucent PRF family from standard lattice assumptions. Finally, we show that using our new lattice-based translucent PRFs, we obtain the first watermarkable family of PRFs with strong unremovability against arbitrary strategies from standard assumptions

    SNARGs for P from Sub-exponential DDH and QR

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    We obtain publicly verifiable Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments (SNARGs) for arbitrary deterministic computations and bounded space non-deterministic computation from standard group-based assumptions, without relying on pairings. In particular, assuming the sub-exponential hardness of both the Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) and Quadratic Residuosity (QR) assumptions, we obtain the following results, where nn denotes the length of the instance: 1. A SNARG for any language that can be decided in non-deterministic time TT and space SS with communication complexity and verifier runtime (n+S)To(1)(n + S) \cdot T^{o(1)}. 2. A SNARG for any language that can be decided in deterministic time TT with communication complexity and verifier runtime nTo(1)n \cdot T^{o(1)}

    NIZKs with Maliciously Chosen CRS: Subversion Advice-ZK and Accountable Soundness

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    Trusted setup is commonly used for non-interactive proof and argument systems. However, there is no guarantee that the setup parameters in these systems are generated in a trustworthy manner. Building upon previous works, we conduct a systematic study of non-interactive zero-knowledge arguments in the common reference string model where the authority running the trusted setup might be corrupted. We explore both zero-knowledge and soundness properties in this setting.  - We consider a new notion of NIZK called subversion advice-ZK NIZK that strengthens the notion of zero-knowledge with malicious authority security considered by Ananth, Asharov, Dahari and Goyal (EUROCRYPT\u2721), and present a construction of a subversion advice-ZK NIZK from the sub-exponential hardness of learning with errors. - We introduce a new notion that strengthens the traditional definition of soundness, called accountable soundness, and present generic compilers that lift any NIZK for interesting languages in NP to additionally achieve accountable soundness. - Finally, we combine our results for both subversion advice-ZK and accountable soundness to achieve a subversion advice-ZK NIZK that also satisfies accountable soundness. This results in the first NIZK construction that satisfies meaningful notions of both soundness and zero-knowledge even for maliciously chosen CRS

    Fully Key-Homomorphic Encryption, Arithmetic Circuit ABE and Compact Garbled Circuits

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    We construct the first (key-policy) attribute-based encryption (ABE) system with short secret keys: the size of keys in our system depends only on the depth of the policy circuit, not its size. Our constructions extend naturally to arithmetic circuits with arbitrary fan-in gates thereby further reducing the circuit depth. Building on this ABE system we obtain the first reusable circuit garbling scheme that produces garbled circuits whose size is the same as the original circuit plus an additive poly(λ,d) bits, where λ is the security parameter and d is the circuit depth. All previous constructions incurred a multiplicative poly(λ) blowup. We construct our ABE using a new mechanism we call fully key-homomorphic encryption, a public-key system that lets anyone translate a ciphertext encrypted under a public-key x into a ciphertext encrypted under the public-key (f(x),f) of the same plaintext, for any efficiently computable f. We show that this mechanism gives an ABE with short keys. Security of our construction relies on the subexponential hardness of the learning with errors problem. We also present a second (key-policy) ABE, using multilinear maps, with short ciphertexts: an encryption to an attribute vector x is the size of x plus poly(λ,d) additional bits. This gives a reusable circuit garbling scheme where the garbled input is short.United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Grant FA8750-11-2-0225)Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (Sloan Research Fellowship

    Group Signatures without NIZK: From Lattices in the Standard Model

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    In a group signature scheme, users can anonymously sign messages on behalf of the group they belong to, yet it is possible to trace the signer when needed. Since the first proposal of lattice-based group signatures in the random oracle model by Gordon, Katz, and Vaikuntanathan (ASIACRYPT 2010), the realization of them in the standard model from lattices has attracted much research interest, however, it has remained unsolved. In this paper, we make progress on this problem by giving the first such construction. Our schemes satisfy CCA-selfless anonymity and full traceability, which are the standard security requirements for group signatures proposed by Bellare, Micciancio, and Warinschi (EUROCRYPT 2003) with a slight relaxation in the anonymity requirement suggested by Camenisch and Groth (SCN 2004). We emphasize that even with this relaxed anonymity requirement, all previous group signature constructions rely on random oracles or NIZKs, where currently NIZKs are not known to be implied from lattice-based assumptions. We propose two constructions that provide tradeoffs regarding the security assumption and efficiency: - Our first construction is proven secure assuming the standard LWE and the SIS assumption. The sizes of the public parameters and the signatures grow linearly in the number of users in the system. - Our second construction is proven secure assuming the standard LWE and the subexponential hardness of the SIS problem. The sizes of the public parameters and the signatures are independent of the number of users in the system. Technically, we obtain the above schemes by combining a secret key encryption scheme with additional properties and a special type of attribute-based signature (ABS) scheme, thus bypassing the utilization of NIZKs. More specifically, we introduce the notion of \emph{indexed} ABS, which is a relaxation of standard ABS. The above two schemes are obtained by instantiating the indexed ABS with different constructions. One is a direct construction we propose and the other is based on previous work

    Two-Round Maliciously Secure Computation with Super-Polynomial Simulation

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    We propose the first maliciously secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocol for general functionalities in two rounds, without any trusted setup. Since polynomial-time simulation is impossible in two rounds, we achieve the relaxed notion of superpolynomial-time simulation security [Pass, EUROCRYPT 2003]. Prior to our work, no such maliciously secure protocols were known even in the two-party setting for functionalities where both parties receive outputs. Our protocol is based on the sub-exponential security of standard assumptions plus a special type of non-interactive non-malleable commitment. At the heart of our approach is a two-round multi-party conditional disclosure of secrets (MCDS) protocol in the plain model from bilinear maps, which is constructed from techniques introduced in [Benhamouda and Lin, TCC 2020]

    Boosting Batch Arguments and RAM Delegation

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    We show how to generically improve the succinctness of non-interactive publicly verifiable batch argument (BARG\mathsf{BARG}) systems. In particular, we show (under a mild additional assumption) how to convert a BARG\mathsf{BARG} that generates proofs of length poly(m)k1ϵ\mathsf{poly} (m)\cdot k^{1-\epsilon}, where mm is the length of a single instance and kk is the number of instances being batched, into one that generates proofs of length poly(m)polylogk\mathsf{poly} (m)\cdot \mathsf{poly} \log k, which is the gold standard for succinctness of BARG\mathsf{BARG}s. By prior work, such BARG\mathsf{BARG}s imply the existence of SNARG\mathsf{SNARG}s for deterministic time TT computation with optimal succinctness polylogT\mathsf{poly}\log T. Our result reduces the long-standing challenge of building publicly-verifiable delegation schemes to a much easier problem: building a batch argument system that beats the trivial construction. It also immediately implies new constructions of BARG\mathsf{BARG}s and SNARG\mathsf{SNARG}s with polylogarithmic succinctness based on either bilinear maps or a combination of the DDH\mathsf{DDH} and QR\mathsf{QR} assumptions. Along the way, we prove an equivalence between BARG\mathsf{BARG}s and a new notion of SNARG\mathsf{SNARG}s for (deterministic) RAM\mathsf{RAM} computations that we call ``flexible RAM\mathsf{RAM} SNARG\mathsf{SNARG}s with partial input soundness. This is the first demonstration that SNARG\mathsf{SNARG}s for deterministic computation (of any kind) imply BARG\mathsf{BARG}s. Our RAM\mathsf{RAM} SNARG\mathsf{SNARG} notion is of independent interest and has already been used in a recent work on constructing rate-1 BARG\mathsf{BARG}s (Devadas et. al. FOCS 2022)