253,120 research outputs found

    Water-resource records of Brevard County, Florida

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    The U. S. Geological Survey made a comprehensive investigation of the water resources of Brevard County from 1954 to 1958. The purposes of this investigation were: (1) to determine the occurrence and chemical quality of water in the streams and lakes, (2) to determine the location and the thickness of aquifers, and (3) to determine the occurrence and chemical quality of the ground water. During the period from 1933 to 1954, water records were collected from a few stream-gaging stations and a few observation wells. The purpose of this report is to present basic data collected during these investigations. (Document has 188 pages.


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    愛國反帝運動和新文化運動所引起的批評傳統、關心社會、強調民主思想和科學精神的思潮,一直被認為是五四傳統的基調。發展到三、四十年代,由於抗戰的影響,有「救亡」壓倒「啟蒙」的趨勢,而在1949年後,在兩岸三地中,香港正因為特殊的政治位置,成為言論相對自由的地帶。在這個直接政治干預相對較少的背景下,李晨風在五、六十年代主動改編多部五四傳統 的文學作品,繼承五四精神,實在值得深入研究。李晨風在的改編中, 藉著周蕙和高淑英的對比, 強調五四時期「個人」與「家庭」間的對立,以突出反傳統、反家庭的望題。至於的改編,李晨風在原有的戰爭背景下, 加強了對戰爭的控訴,使戰爭成為所有不幸事情的原兇。另外,又一改曾發生的形象,把她改寫成完美的媳婦,讓白燕保持一貫正面形象之餘,為新式女性在「經濟自主」與「家庭倫理」之間得到協調的空間。李晨風的改編電影,改寫了小翠的悲劇命運,比曹禺原著中對「希望」的暗示表露得更清楚。 其他改編五四時間流行的外國翻譯作品如托爾斯泰的著作,更能看到他對關懷社會的有一種執著。甚至其他並非直接與五四主題有關的電影作品中,亦可以見到李晨風批評軍閥、讚揚革命、追求個性自由的思想

    Ground-water records of Flagler, Putnam, and St. Johns Counties, Florida

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    An investigation of the geology] and ground-water resources of Flagler, Putnam, and St. Johns counties, Florida, was made during the period November 1955 through 1958 by the U. S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Florida Geological Survey. The results of this investigation have been published by the Florida Geological Survey in the following reports: Information Circular 13 entitled, "Interim Report on the Ground-Water Resources of Flagler County, Florida," by Boris J. Bermes; Information Circular 14 entitled, "Interim Report on the Ground- Water Resources of St. Johns County, Florida," by George R. Tarver; Information Circular 15 entitled, "Interim Report on the Ground-Water Resources of Putnam County, Florida," by Gilbert W. Leve; and Report of Investigations 32 entitled, "Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Flagler, Putnam, and St. Johns counties, Florida," by B. J. Bermes, G. W. Leve, and George R. Tarver. Report of Investigations 32 includes most of the information contained in the interim reports and in addition includes the results of the full period of investigation covering the entire area. The tabular material presented herewith contains all of the records that were not included in Report of Investigations 32. (Document contains 97 pages.

    Top Wealth Shares in the United States: 1916-2000: Evidence from Estate Tax Returns

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    This paper presents new homogeneous series on top wealth shares from 1916 to 2000 in the United States using estate tax return data. Top wealth shares were very high at the beginning of the period but have been hit sharply by the Great Depression, the New Deal, and World War II shocks. Those shocks have had permanent effects. Following a decline in the 1970s, top wealth shares recovered in the early 1980s, but they are still much lower in 2000 than in the early decades of the century. Most of the changes we document are concentrated among the very top wealth holders with much smaller movements for groups below the top 0.1%. Consistent with the Survey of Consumer Finances results, top wealth shares estimated from Estate Tax Returns display no significant increase since 1995. Evidence from the Forbes 400 richest Americans suggests that only the super-rich have experienced significant gains relative to the average over the last decade. Our results are consistent with the decreased importance of capital income at the top of the income distribution documented by Piketty and Saez (2003) and suggest that the rentier class of the early century is not yet reconstituted. The most plausible explanations for the facts are perhaps the development of progressive income and estate taxation which has dramatically impaired the ability of large wealth holders to maintain their fortunes, and the democratization of stock ownership which now spreads stock market gains and losses much more widely than in the past.