6 research outputs found

    A blueprint for success: a model for developing engineering education in the UK

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    This paper details the emergence and development of the ‘Centre for Engineering and Design Education’ (CEDE) at Loughborough University, UK, and provides a blueprint for success. With ample evidence that such a Centre can prove to be a highly effective support mechanism for discipline-specific academics and can develop and maintain valuable national and international networks and collaborations along with considerable esteem for the host university. The CEDE is unique in the UK and has achieved considerable success and recognition within the local engineering education community and beyond for the past 16 years. Here we discuss the historical background of the Centre’s development, the context in which it operates, and its effective management and operation strategy. The success it has enjoyed is described through examples, with much evidence of the generation of a significant amount of external funding; the development of high quality learning spaces; learning technology systems, open source software and improvements in curriculum design; a strong record of research and publication on the pedagogy of engineering; strong links with industry and employers; and a wealth of connections and know-how built up over the years. This paper provides the institutions with a model blueprint for success in developing engineering education

    ELIXIER: Demonstration einer kompetenzorientierten Mixed-Reality-Experimentierumgebung

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    Das Projekt "Erfahrungsbasiertes Lernen durch interaktives Experimentieren in erweiterten Re-alumgebungen (ELIXIER)" wird im Rahmen des Förderschwerpunkts "Erfahrbares Lernen" durch das BMBF gefördert. Ziel ist die Demonstration und Evaluierung einer intelligenten Experimen-tierumgebung für Praktika, die eine "nahtlose" Lernbegleitung über alle Phasen des Experimen-tierprozesses (Vorbereiten - Durchführen - Nachbereiten) ermöglicht. Auf Grundlage der didakti-schen Konzeption einer Autoren- und Lernumgebung zur Verknüpfung realer und virtueller Erfah-rungen wurden erste Lernszenarios ausgestaltet, in denen es möglich ist, Wissen und Fertigkeiten effizient und praxisnah zu erwerben

    16th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning - ICL2013

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    16th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning - ICL2013

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    16th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning - ICL2013

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