127 research outputs found

    Picking Up Speed: Continuous-Time Lidar-Only Odometry using Doppler Velocity Measurements

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    Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave (FMCW) lidar is a recently emerging technology that additionally enables per-return instantaneous relative radial velocity measurements via the Doppler effect. In this letter, we present the first continuous-time lidar-only odometry algorithm using these Doppler velocity measurements from an FMCW lidar to aid odometry in geometrically degenerate environments. We apply an existing continuous-time framework that efficiently estimates the vehicle trajectory using Gaussian process regression to compensate for motion distortion due to the scanning-while-moving nature of any mechanically actuated lidar (FMCW and non-FMCW). We evaluate our proposed algorithm on several real-world datasets, including publicly available ones and datasets we collected. Our algorithm outperforms the only existing method that also uses Doppler velocity measurements, and we study difficult conditions where including this extra information greatly improves performance. We additionally demonstrate state-of-the-art performance of lidar-only odometry with and without using Doppler velocity measurements in nominal conditions. Code for this project can be found at: https://github.com/utiasASRL/steam_icp.Comment: Submitted to RA-

    Radar Voxel Fusion for 3D Object Detection

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    Automotive traffic scenes are complex due to the variety of possible scenarios, objects, and weather conditions that need to be handled. In contrast to more constrained environments, such as automated underground trains, automotive perception systems cannot be tailored to a narrow field of specific tasks but must handle an ever-changing environment with unforeseen events. As currently no single sensor is able to reliably perceive all relevant activity in the surroundings, sensor data fusion is applied to perceive as much information as possible. Data fusion of different sensors and sensor modalities on a low abstraction level enables the compensation of sensor weaknesses and misdetections among the sensors before the information-rich sensor data are compressed and thereby information is lost after a sensor-individual object detection. This paper develops a low-level sensor fusion network for 3D object detection, which fuses lidar, camera, and radar data. The fusion network is trained and evaluated on the nuScenes data set. On the test set, fusion of radar data increases the resulting AP (Average Precision) detection score by about 5.1% in comparison to the baseline lidar network. The radar sensor fusion proves especially beneficial in inclement conditions such as rain and night scenes. Fusing additional camera data contributes positively only in conjunction with the radar fusion, which shows that interdependencies of the sensors are important for the detection result. Additionally, the paper proposes a novel loss to handle the discontinuity of a simple yaw representation for object detection. Our updated loss increases the detection and orientation estimation performance for all sensor input configurations. The code for this research has been made available on GitHub

    Towards Efficient Ice Surface Localization From Hockey Broadcast Video

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    Using computer vision-based technology in ice hockey has recently been embraced as it allows for the automatic collection of analytics. This data would be too expensive and time-consuming to otherwise collect manually. The insights gained from these analytics allow for a more in-depth understanding of the game, which can influence coaching and management decisions. A fundamental component of automatically deriving analytics from hockey broadcast video is ice rink localization. In broadcast video of hockey games, the camera pans, tilts, and zooms to follow the play. To compensate for this motion and get the absolute locations of the players and puck on the ice, an ice rink localization pipeline must find the perspective transform that maps each frame to an overhead view of the rink. The lack of publicly available datasets makes it difficult to perform research into ice rink localization. A novel annotation tool and dataset are presented, which includes 7,721 frames from National Hockey League game broadcasts. Since ice rink localization is a component of a full hockey analytics pipeline, it is important that these methods be as efficient as possible to reduce the run time. Small neural networks that reduce inference time while maintaining high accuracy can be used as an intermediate step to perform ice rink localization by segmenting the lines from the playing surface. Ice rink localization methods tend to infer the camera calibration of each frame in a broadcast sequence individually. This results in perturbations in the output of the pipeline, as there is no consideration of the camera calibrations of the frames before and after in the sequence. One way to reduce the noise in the output is to add a post-processing step after the ice has been localized to smooth the camera parameters and closely simulate the camera’s motion. Several methods for extracting the pan, tilt, and zoom from the perspective transform matrix are explored. The camera parameters obtained from the inferred perspective transform can be smoothed to give a visually coherent video output. Deep neural networks have allowed for the development of architectures that can perform several tasks at once. A basis for networks that can regress the ice rink localization parameters and simultaneously smooth them is presented. This research provides several approaches for improving ice rink localization methods. Specifically, the analytics pipelines can become faster and provide better results visually. This can allow for improved insight into hockey games, which can increase the performance of the hockey team with reduced cost

    Delineation of Road Networks from Remote Sensor Data with Deep Learning

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    In this thesis we address the problem of semantic segmentation in geospatial data. We investigate different deep neural network architectures and present a complete pipeline for extracting road network vector data from satellite RGB orthophotos of urban areas. Firstly, we present a network based on the SegNeXt architecture for the semantic segmentation of the roads. A novel loss function is introduced for training the network. The results show that the proposed network produces on average better results than other state-of-the-art semantic segmentation techniques. Secondly, we propose a fast post-processing technique for vectorizing the rasterized segmentation result, removing erroneous lines, and refining the road network. The result is a set of vectors representing the road network. We have extensively tested the proposed pipeline and provide quantitative comparisons with other state-of-the-art based on a number of known metrics. This work has been published and presented at the 14 th International Symposium on Visual Computing, 2019. Finally, we present an altogether different approach to road extraction. We reformulate the task of extracting vectorized road networks as a deep reinforcement learning problem with partially observable state-space and present our preliminary results and future work